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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Bottom line... with his play the Bills can draft a QB in the 2nd round and go for the BEST pass rushing lineman available in the first. And he has twice as many TD's vs Ints. He has proven he can play. Also, let's not forget the offensive line. They have played very well. Only letting Fitz get sacked 14 times in 8 games. Not bad.
  2. That's what happens when the GOP gets into office.
  3. Seriously I think they would cry... after all it was a main talking point prior to the midterm elections. When they promised "WE WILL NOT RAISE TAXES" there was no "unless we promise all of that tax money goes to paying down..." How about another useless war? And what programs are useless exactly... what programs would you get rid of?
  4. Actually I believe in moving the tax rates back to where they were before Bush put them into place. Works for me. Although then every bitchy-ass republican will cry about their taxes going up. I also believe that the unemployment benefits need to be extended. Would be nice if they could figure out who is abusing the system though.
  5. I agree. Lazy people shouldn't receive those things. Not going with class warfare at all. Saying that the tax breaks should come to an end in a staged way.
  6. Being raised by great parents (mother coming to this country when she was little) who worked their butts off for GM so that my brother and I could go to college. They made sure that we understood why we HAD to have great work ethics and always continue our education. All of that being said, I truly believe that Republicans could give two craps about the middle-class or lower and that for years neither party knows how to work with the other. Things need to change.
  7. Go to the URL I posted...stating nytimes.com. Don't know how to do that? Can't read?
  8. Most are sitting on their money, not investing because they are rightfully so... worried about the economy. Since they are not falling for the incentives, why continue them? Just because you interview people does not mean that everyone falls into that line of thinking. That being said I have heard of people doing that because they do make more from unemployment. If you were in their shoes you would do the same thing. Earn a little amount from unemployment and continue to look for a better paying job or take on that offers considerably less and risk losing more for you or your family. Why should they extend these tax cuts for those people? You haven't answered that question? And as I said, I believe that taxes that should be raised for everyone. I think that move should be staggered, not done across the board all at once. Would you give that wealth person the break or the person truly needing it? Personally, I would give to the person that truly needed it. And if I was in position to offer them a job or something more through incentives... great. Wouldn't you give the person needing a bit more help a little longer before you remove their tax breaks? Probably not.
  9. Sure. You'll have people taking on jobs that may pay them less than what they received via unemployment. On the other hand, removing unemployment benefits doesn't mean that companies will be hiring either. Many of those businesses who gave bonuses received bailout money. Should they be wasting the money they received on bonuses? Handing out those ridiculous bonuses does not guarantee that the companies profits will go up. So I can criticize at least the bonus aspect of this. Did I ever say the government can spend effectively? Umm no. Hell, I hate the way the government does business. I also do not believe in the distribution of wealth. I believe in not giving tax cuts for those who do not need them. Pretty simple. Walking down the street.. you have $40 to give away. Do you give money to the wealthy businessman or to the person needing legit help? How do you know they don't need them?
  10. You guarantee that people would be able to get jobs? Ok?? Of course businesses and corporations plan in advance. And I understand why they are sitting on trillions of dollars. If they were going to sit on money that most of these companies received, why give it to them? Why do some companies hand out huge bonuses yet lay off workers or not open hiring? Sorry but it seems to me that those millions of dollars being used to retain the "top talent" could have been and should have been used elsewhere. I believe that the tax cuts should be extended for the middle-class but for a limited time. Anyone with half a brain should know and understand that taxes will have to be raised to help take care of the debt. Removing the tax breaks at a different times not all at once.
  11. So why should they extend the tax breaks for those who don't need them?
  12. I wouldn't think extending them for another 2 or 3 years would be necessary. At least one more would be nice. Of course some people will become complacent and just want to use the system. I also know that I wouldn't want to lump everyone into that group. People do need help. Everyone loves incentives, why use losing even more than they already have as that incentive? I also laugh at the NEED to extend cuts for the wealthiest. Oh yeah, they are the power players, the people who invest, etc. which may lead to job creation/growth. However, most of these people aren't investing or moving money these days. So then what, extend the tax breaks for them for nothing? Where is their incentive to invest? Remember... INCENTIVE INCENTIVE INCENTIVE. Look at me, I'm a millionaire!! Keep giving me these tax breaks. I desperately need them because people think I am actually investing.
  13. Hey moron... did you read the part of the URL that says "nytimes.com" Good job buddy!!
  14. Aren't they ones making the decisions, the power players, the ones investing, etc. :-) Give the wealthiest their tax breaks and do not extend unemployment... that what I say. F the people who lost their jobs. Lazy sons of b!tches!!!
  15. The GOP has come out with gun blazin'... moving to defund NPR. HAHAHAHA!! Change has come to DC!! http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/18/move-to-cut-npr-funding-defeated-in-house/
  16. Go figure we disagree. I do not think she is that great of a speaker.. again coached well. Has nothing to do with the content of the speeches either. Like you said, there is plenty to criticize her about. I do like this website though: http://wtfhassarahpalindonesofar.com/24/
  17. I wouldn't say that Sarah Palin's debate performance is anything more than her being coached pretty well. Not a shining example of her brilliance. She is in no way a great public speaker. She has some not so whitty lines or sayings like "Hockey Mom" or "Grizzly Mama" that somehow help her connect. If anything I would give credit to who ever coaches her and writes her speeches. As far as Jon Stewart is concerned... legit news source? No. Is it funny how he takes politicians own words and use them against whatever statement they are currently making. He must have a great research team. Personally I believe she lacks ignorance to worldly matters and sophistication. She is a pretty face that is easily coachable. Knowing that she is perennial bomb thrower, you would take someone like that over Obama? You lost me on that.
  18. Yes, I made fun of George Bush. Dear god who didn't? He sucked as a public speaker, always acted as though he had a nervous tick and yes, got us into Iraq when we didn't need to be there. His Presidency as a whole was one of the worst ever. Many will say the same thing about Obama's as well. Unless the economy comes around and jobs pick up. Did both Presidents do some good while in office? YES. Did I ever say anything about conspiracies with Bush. No. Did I ever go after his character? No. Hell talk about character assassinations and vilifying... dear lord. Some people still believe Obama's not an American. Some people say he's a Nazi, out to put people threw death panels, just a mere community organizer - not good enough, he doesn't care about small business - jobs - or the economy as a whole, doesn't care about senior citizens and my favorite is that in 18 months everything wrong with this country is Obama's fault. Probably the dumbest and most closed minded statement from the right EVER. All in all, I for one can see the good both Presidents have done and the bad. Can you or will you believe and continue to spew nonsense? Finally... sit there and say I'm childish, I need to grow up, learn something... me and my ilk, blah, blah, blah... just shows who the childish one is. You.
  19. How has he propped up the unions? I also wouldn't say that Obama has demonized job creators. That is a bit over the top. Buying private insurance is bad... so should we not have to buy private car insurance? Just asking? :-) I do agree with you wholeheartedly on Sarah Palin. Personally I think she gave up on her State for the limelight. Scary thing is that she truly believes that SHE can actually help fix this country. Even scarier is that people believe it to be true.
  20. Tea Party is basically Republican If jobs keep creeping up and the economy is looking better towards the end of 2011. He would win again.
  21. I wouldn't go as far as you by calling it amateur hour. Yes, he has made mistakes like past Presidents and he hasn't been as strong of a leader as he should at times. I also believe that even though the mistakes he has made have not helped, our stature in the world hasn't been lost solely by him. None of our leaders have been very strong for years. I do love how you can state all of those items above and truly believe he caused everything. Kind of funny to me. So since you believe Palin is better than Obama, do you think she can truly be a job creator? She would not get into class warfare (which let's face it that has been going on for years - she's not going to change anything)? She may lower taxes, but she won't cut spending... just a fact of life. Why is she going to be so great for the business community and deficit? You being a smart person... I just don't understand why you would believe she could do all of that when she clearly couldn't handle being a candidate for VP or Governor of Alaska?
  22. Hell they have been laughing at us for years. Not just today. Do you honestly think she would be a good person to have as President?
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