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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Why doesn't confront her? Why not?
  2. I hope she stays on... she has done well.
  3. Granted people will always blame the main person in charge... Obama. However as a whole this has nothing to do with him and his administration. Most of these security procedures were most likely put in place YEARS ago. Someone finally had the balls to break them from within, not listening to any warning they had received from the moment they were granted their security clearance.
  4. Ok, much larger joke than we are. Do you think leaders would really care about what she says and care?
  5. And if that happens, we should all move to Canada. Damn, the United States would be the laughing stock of the world.
  6. I am sure he is playing some sort of political game and was worried about a Republican response no matter the decision. I also stated he didn't have a back bone.
  7. I understood what you meant by "left" dumbass
  8. Back drops are always used to enhance the message. I never said that by the way. D.A.
  9. It's interesting how they say it would be hard to charge him... after all from the moment one gains their clearance you are warned about possible jail time, etc if you violate certain rules. Same goes for accessing systems.
  10. Caving in. Being worried about how the GOP will spin everything instead of having a backbone and doing what needs to be done.
  11. They will have to raise taxes to start paying down the deficit. Although, if they don't might be a good thing for the 2012 elections, hell freezing spending will only help so much. Hopefully the blind that followed the GOP this time will realize that they shouldn't lower taxes, they won't create jobs and the won't change healthcare. In other words, nothing will be done. In regards to healthcare (dumb to call it Obamacare) the part I find funny is a great portion of those people are already receiving government healthcare or assistance. Yet they yell keep the government out of our lives. Hypocrites. Now on to unions... yes that evil group. So breaking the unions will bring taxes down, and force spending down? Ok, what happens after you "break" those union workers and they don't have enough money to feed their families because they lost their job or had their pay cut by 30% or more? And you are right it will create more jobs... more minimum wage jobs. Awesome way to keep the country moving forward. And if you believe that breaking the unions will alter the structure in government, would you also be against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce? A great American Institution. Sorry about the quote... I should have just said "Conservatives are always right, and if you think otherwise they will shout you down."
  12. Getting after the QB is #1. First pick no matter what should be the best DE. Second over all pick for the Bills can be a QB for the future.
  13. Come on they have the worst O-line in the NFL!!!
  14. Obviously he had the clearance level to get into the system as well as other security clearances. Bottom line is that if people aren't doing their jobs and watching the systems they are in charge of or are not placing documents in the correct place or not labeling them correctly it's easy to see how these things can happen.
  15. A teleprompter which pretty much every politician uses versus writing notes on your hand something every 5th grader does. Is that really a debate? Wow your posts are getting THAT much better. Keep up the great work. By the way, is that "Neener-neener, you're a wiener" written on a chalkboard in your home?
  16. Funny how you try to mock... yet you constantly tote the republican line. Go watch Beck and tell us what your new opinion is tomorrow. :thumbsup:
  17. Mine was a simple poke her you tool. As usual conservatives have their panties in bunch. I know you will blindly follow her and that's fine. Personally I wouldn't want her speaking on my behalf.
  18. HAHAHA you are so dumb. If someone thinks Palin is a moron... which she is. It's instantly Chris Matthews told you that... or Huffingtonpost said that. Pathetic thing is that you can't see that.
  19. Please trusting Boehner and Cantor? What have they done for the people to even deserve a basic trust? Will they raise taxes? Yes. Will they repeal healthcare insurance probably not... will they adjust their own healthcare in that process as well? Nope. Will they create jobs? Doubtful.
  20. I still love the hit. Good thing is that it was hard enough to push his facemask back into his chin
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