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Everything posted by pBills

  1. HAHAHAHA Here is the evil government nonsense. The government is always out to get us, to take our freedoms and money away from us. AHHHHHH, run away. RUN AWAY!!!
  2. How so jackass? I have no problem paying for my own crap. Fact of the matter is that people abuse the system and come into ERs for basically free service. How do you combat that. Personally I have absolutely no problem with the government telling people to covered by some sort of health insurance. Yup! I have no problem with that. You have a problem with the Government telling you to purchase something yet you drive a car/truck right. Maybe there is no monetary penalty, but there is a penalty. You won't be able to drive that car right?
  3. Nahhh, I would call her an empty suit and quitter.
  4. Nope, just find it funny how they same people will B word and moan about people going to the ER without insurance and having that trickle down.
  5. So they do not like the government telling someone that they have to have insurance.
  6. First off to say we get what we deserve is just dumb. You are right I voted for him over Hillary... didn't really like her. And I voted for him in the general because when I looked at what the other option was... McCain / Palin. No way would I have ever voted for that ticket. And by the way, I don't always vote democrat. There have been a few times where I voted for a Republican. For President though it was only once... Ronald Reagan. So just because I tend to vote more democrat 90% of that is because the candidate is more along the lines of what I believe in.
  7. For one thing you constant rambling on / acting as though this horrible economy started with Obama. Time to get ready for some football.. have a great day everyone. I wonder if that was a talking point for the left?
  8. You can say the same thing about your opinions, Magox's, Alaska Darins, Robs, etc. All of those can be found on FOX News, Drudge, RNC... you name it.
  9. Understand ONE thing... I could give two craps what messages the DNC, MSNBC, Huffingtonpost, etc. puts out. My opinions are exactly that... mine.
  10. No, those are my opinions and MY beliefs... you don't believe it or like them. Oh well. No big deal to me. Yet, at the same time you probably vote for those who only look out for the wealthy. Funny thing is that you believe they are looking out for the whole country... minus the poor, minus the middle-class, etc., etc. HAHAHA!!
  11. I am so sick of this crap. A person states THEIR OWN OPINION and I get this - "bull ****, you vote for who your masters tell you to vote." I vote the way I vote because of what is important to ME. That's it, nuff said. Understand? I have not heard anyone say the recession is hard to overcome because of the last eight years. Fact is that the eight years prior did suck. This horrible economy DID NOT start as soon as Obama took office you tool. I know your MASTERS may be telling you to say that everything is Obama's fault. I expect that from you and your ilk. Another fact is that even though your powers that be state they if it wasn't for democrats they would have fixed the economy by now. BS!! If you believe that, you are really a lost cause. The biggest recession since the Great Depression is fixed in two-three years. HAHAHA!! Ok? I have never given a thumbs up to Bernie Sanders rant. I do love how people on the right are upset about that. Their Republican saviors mastered the one man filibuster for the past two years. Of course you were probably happy with that right? Was that just as pathetic in your eyes? Probably not. You act as though you think for yourself... biggest lie ever. Keep on posting hypocrite.
  12. Nope. I do not hate the poor. Why did Obama extend tax cuts... because he caved in. Simple as that. They do not actually have to say poor because the programs that are working to keep are for those who need help... the poor, the middle-class. Republicans want to eliminate them. Great job Republicans!!
  13. Honestly, I think she would be a HORRIBLE President... an absolute disgrace. That being said, her being the Presidential candidate for the right, that is a democrats wet dream. Again, no one truly believe Bush was a great President. Well, maybe those idiots who would vote for Palin do.
  14. Give me a break. Democrats look to help those in need via the social programs Republicans would love to remove like Welfare and Unemployment Benefits. In regards to the part of your post discussing hate... I do not hate anyone. Now how about Republicans, do they only care about the rich? Do they only care about themselves and say screw everyone else? Would they rather step over someone rather than lending a helping hand?
  15. Not true.. I vote for who I believe will work for the middle-class. Just so happens that is never a Republican item... well except when it because their talking point during the political cycle.
  16. My bad for that. Palin would RUIN this country. No doubt in my mind.
  17. Ok so you would vote for her basically because she not Obama. Not because she would be able to do the job. I would be seriously afraid for this country if she became President.
  18. Not upset at all. Just laughing that people blast Obama for using a teleprompter yet Bush could barely make it through a speech, Palin writes things down on her hand, etc. Sarah Palin will NEVER be a good alternative for anything. Which makes me ask the question...what has she done besides being in the media spotlight that truly makes her a good candidate?
  19. And then the world would truly be laughing at us. Just imagine her in a meeting for nuclear weapons... "Nuclear weapons are bad don't cha know?" "Us Momma Bears are not fans of them because their not from Alaska"
  20. Bush was and will always be a moron, bad president, bad leader, a man that got this country into fighting in Iraq... a place we did not need to be.
  21. Oh, so you would vote for Palin? HAHAHAHA!!! So Tom was this bad economy created since Obama took office like some people will believe?
  22. His pivot to the middle was to gain more support from the Dems and unfortunately GOP. He got no where my leaning way to the left. Political B word move.
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