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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I have said that before MANY MANY MANY times. Sorry you didn't notice.
  2. Well since you are not a doctor. I'm sure you would royally @$#%#! it up. As I stated before, I am not a huge fan of the mandate. So YES, one should be able to opt out. Biggest deal is that they need to make it more affordable so that people who are having a hard time can have an easier time gaining coverage.
  3. You can hop down the road with your thumb up your ass with Rob holding hands? If you break your ankle, set it yourself and don't see a doctor... well that just makes you a dumb ass.
  4. Beg from sex? Definitely not from your mom. Ooops, sorry was that mean? Dude you seriously need to lighten up. You are one uptight mo-fo... speaking of sex. Go get some change and buy yourself a woman. You really need to get laid. Child? Seems to be that you are the one failing to understand. Granted one can walk, shove their thumbs up ass and hop down the street like Rob, go ahead.. have at it. HOWEVER.. IF YOU, Tom or any other person WANTS to register a car with the State and drive it, you HAVE TO HAVE insurance. Got it?
  5. No kidding people aren't cars dumbass, that was in response to DCTom saying that you are not required to purchase car insurance. You want to register a car and drive it, you need insurance. Pretty simple. When talking about health insurance, I feel as though it would unethical and evil for a company to say welp, they came down with cancer that is going to awfully pricey... we're dropping you. Also the whole pre-existing condition excuse is WAY over played by insurance companies. Do you think it's right for companies to act that way?
  6. Of course you can't keep people from making bad decisions. That is a fact. People will always be dumb one way or another. That being said, there should be something done to help out those who truly would like health insurance and can't afford it. I would imagine the percentage of people who fall under that category is much larger than those who are just wasting their money on crap and making poor decisions. I love how people call it Obamacare... anyways. I have never said that it was a perfect bill. I firmly believe that it would be better for those who disagree with parts of it to come out and offer amendments instead of just stating that they would want to scrap the whole thing. Knowing full well they will not take on health care issues in this country. That, I think, is a huge disservice to the citizens of this country... the people who voted these morons into office. Obama has said let's meet, share ideas, discuss and make this better if you don't agree... they should him to his word on that and do it. One more thing.. I have never been a firm believer in mandating that everyone HAS to buy insurance. I wanted to mess with the people who state that the government is always telling them what to do, that the government is killing their freedoms, etc. They truly are a sad group of people. Ummm, I would think this day and age that one can do things to avoid having a heart attack. Sorry medicine and science can be a good thing for you. Oh and by the way, I live in Maryland. Maryland law requires that all motor vehicles registered in Maryland be insured by a company licensed in Maryland and carry coverage. So live in Maryland, register and drive in Maryland = Have Insurance.
  7. You don't want health insurance to cheaper, more affordable? Not sure why you find that to be bad. I think if the government allowed companies to sell across state lines that could help bring prices down by giving more choices to those areas. I guess by your logic since some idiots in government gave money for oysters we should just throw our hands up in the air and say F it. Now that is a great way of looking at things. I don't think their into gay dudes with stupid mustaches. Sorry.
  8. What person does not want to get better? I think people would and should hope for affordable healthcare. I think it's sad that people would rather hope that whatever ails them goes away, lives with the ailment or die from it that have insurance and easier access to a doctor. Mainly because insurance is just not affordable to them. You don't wish for cheaper or more affordable health insurance? Man I would love to live in your world where I could care less about health insurance rates going up each year 10% or more. And to state that people are always wasting their money on entertainment, etc ... just a bad blanket statement that I am sure does not truly represent the masses.
  9. Your state does not require you to have car insurance? Mine does. And yes, people self-diagnose and buy whatever they think will work. Keeping that in mind a lot of those people will eventually see a doctor when they don't get better.
  10. Of course the government is not forcing anyone to drive. That is why I said on the surface.. if someone is so against the government having anything to do with their lives... stating it's government telling them what to do, etc. They should be against the government telling them what to do on all levels. Plain and simple. Actually most of the time people have to go to the doctor to get better. Unless people can simply self-diagnose, then receive prescription medicine for what ails them without seeing a doctor where you live... you kind of HAVE to go to the doctor.
  11. Of course you pay those extra costs if you use that particular hospitals. However, hospitals also receive funding from their State as well as other areas (private providers and sources). How do you think the State funds that? Taxes, Government Grants and Medicare and Medicaid. You don't help pay for any of that?
  12. Both have the government telling you what to do. Correct... driving is a privilege. Since we're talking about the surface level shouldn't those people forego driving because the government is forcing them to purchase insurance? Matter of principle to them.
  13. How about this... see you can follow along. People were complaining about the government telling them what they can do... YET, those same people don't have a problem having the state government tell them what to do. As stated, ON THE SURFACE it's like car insurance. In both cases the government is telling you that you need to have insurance. ONLY ON THE SURFACE ARE THEY THE SAME. I put that in all caps for you. Those people will also say they do not want the government involved in their healthcare coverage, yet they have medicare. Makes sense to me. I also stated for those who do not want it to be mandated that everyone has insurance, HOW WOULD YOU handle the large amount of people who treat the ER like a primary care physicians office because they do not have health insurance? Knowing that their free service is in a nutshell being paid by others? That relating to mandated health insurance. If these people had coverage no matter how simple their plan may be, maybe JUST MAYBE those costs from ER would not get passed on to you and me. ERs would most likely be less crowded, etc., etc.
  14. I must have ignored you for a reason. Ooops. I totally understand the difference. Thank you for your concern though.
  15. Again... who the hell are you? When did you chime into this? Not have health insurance when receiving care via the ER. Make sense to you now?
  16. Health Credit Union is not a bad idea. I also agree with you about the mandate... but just like some people here say about unemployment, people need incentive to become covered. Is that coverage going to happen because rates were lowered, maybe they will be lucky and find a FT that offers insurance. Who knows.
  17. I do, but that is not the case now is it? And they don't have the money or the means to pay for the ER care? Then what? Face it the uninsured use the ER for primary care.
  18. Should they deny someone care because they don't have healthcare? If not, then how do we combat having those expenses being trickled down to other patients, insurance companies, the hospital itself?
  19. No I am going to take anyone seriously who equates the system to Nazi Germany. Sorry but I believe you are the dumbass here. Rob's Christmas Ornaments
  20. Oh dear god. The whole Nazi crap comes out. Well I guess that makes it easier for me to never take you seriously. I laugh when people say that they don't want the government messing with their healthcare yet they receive medicare. awesome. Let me ask you this, should ERs not see anyone who doesn't have healthcare? And if they do help those people, do you mind having those expenses trickle down to you?
  21. Of course one is a state issue and the other federal. At the surface though, you are being told what to do by the government.
  22. Seriously Rob... the government is not coming to get you. Just relax. Also, you are happy to be told by the state which you live that you HAVE to have car insurance in order to register your car in that state? You don't mind the state government telling you what you have to do? Have a good night Rob. Sleep well, the government will not be trying to take your pillows from you or tell you which ones to use.
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