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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Typing on a message board and real life really are two completely different things.
  2. Oh so you just chime in on a thread to bash other members here. What a waste. Very nice of you d-bag.
  3. really douche bag... are you for blocking this bill? Oh by the way, there was no DNC statement or talking point sent out for me to call you a douche bag.. did that all on my own.
  4. Glad you think I do. AGAIN, not always.
  5. Hell the Democrats problem has been their own party.
  6. Got to love this moron: Virginia Delegate: No Gays in National Guard By Advocate.com Editors Rob Marshall The U.S. Senate voted to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell” over the weekend, but a Virginia delegate wants the ban against gays and lesbians serving openly to stay in place for his state’s National Guard. According to the Free-Lance Star, Del. Rob Marshall of Prince William County, who may be interested in the seat of U.S. Senator Jim Webb, plans to introduce legislation in the 2011 General Assembly that would make the discriminatory policy the rule in the Virginia National Guard. ”In a written statement, Marshall, a conservative Republican who was the sponsor of the bill that banned gay marriage in Virginia, said allowing openly gay people to serve in the military ‘will weaken military recruitment and retention, and will increase pressure for a military draft. “‘After 232 years of prohibiting active, open homosexuals from enlisting in our military, President Obama and a majority in Congress are conducting a social experiment with our troops and our national security," he said.
  7. What is this Fail Blog? Seriously get over the grading system. Just stupid. No idea why the wait on the treaty. I would imagine 29 meeting with Kyl has something to do with it. I do know that Kyl has been blocking it for a while now. Why? To me it's not a matter of handling Republican procedural shenanigans... it's a matter of no one bashing Republicans for doing it? Why aren't people here up in arms about that? If that was a Dem doing it there would thread after thread on the subject. So can you give me justification for the Republicans to block it? If not, FAIL!!
  8. In all actuality, we not completely in agreement in the Bush tax cuts. The New Start Treaty is nothing new. It was signed by President Obama and Russian President Medvedev on April 8, 2010. It is backed by some Republicans (including Lugar), a STRATCOM Commander, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, former Secretaries of Defense and an Advisor to President Bush (H.W.). With this support why not sign the treaty? Why wait? Does Senator Kyl not have enough information after the 29 meetings and countless phone calls the administration has had with him? It's being blocked only to keep Obama and the Democrats from gaining a victory under this Congress. Pathetic. In regards to paying attention to what people say around here. First off, I don't study the boards and review posting history like some people do. I engage in a "conversation" here and there and that's about it. I simply don't have the time most days or weeks to become fully involved.
  9. yeah and that comes from a person who as far as I remember has NEVER sided with the democrats. Coincidence... I think not. So give me a reason why they should block the treaty from going through besides the one that McConnell is spouting off... "we shouldn't rush into this.." hahaha
  10. Absolutely ridiculous that they are doing that. Even though I have voted for a Republican here and there. Yes, I am partisan... I don't believe in the Republicans. Sorry.
  11. So are the Republicans going to continue to block the New Start Treaty? "Let's not rush into anything just to have it under this congress..." yeah cause it would look better for you in the long run if came under the next congress. A-holes.
  12. Can't wait for the game. So excited to be heading down to Florida for the game. Fish fans will LOVE seeing a Bills fan pretty much on the field.
  13. A disgrace is that they are moving forward with the New Start Treaty.
  14. In other words people using "Government is taking our personal freedoms..." as a way to get their way. I equate to another word people like to toss out there when they don't get there way... "unAmerican" / "Anti-American" That is laughable. And by the way, I do believe in what's right or the best for ALL Americans. Is that means changes for some, oh well get over yourself. Think of the greater good of or country.
  15. Yes, I still hate the whole government is out to get me crap. It's like... get over it people, we may not be perfect and probably never will be, that being said you live in the best country in the world. So shut your pie hole and freakin' relax. It's not all about you. It's what works best for all 300,000,000 + people.
  16. You honestly believe that no one will place earmarks into this bill? Totally agree.
  17. Very true... and yes Democrats are included in that mix when mentioning parties. I should have stated that. There is no way I will believe that there will be no rise in taxes, no mandates or no government spending. Sorry just not buying it.
  18. Because I HATE when people make statements like "I hate the government telling me what to do... they are killing my freedoms". Just cracks me up. You may be right... personally I think when you keep the government completely out of it, the companies will still continue to raise rates, cut people off from their insurance because of an ailment, etc. Not believing that will truly act in an ethical way. Which would never happen. It is clear as day that Republicans have had no interest in taking this on. Why would they if they had it trashed?
  19. You are talking about a lack of class. Yet if someone doesn't agree with you they are an idiot, they need to beg for sex, etc. Wow, you have really set the bar high when class is concerned. Did your feelings get hurt today? Nice mom jokes... difference between me and you is that I could give a crap what you write.
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