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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Why? Maybe because people with mental illnesses can not understand some of the statements being released by either politicians or pundits.
  2. great point. stupid crap like that needs to stop.
  3. Really is it that difficult? Certain people follow every single word said by a politician, TV or Radio host. If a statement is sent out saying let's burn down the house, etc. some idiot may take that as a call to arms and try to do it.
  4. Keep in mind, I am not making anything political or stating either side should own partial responsibility for this. That being said, we know there are some seriously looney people out there that we believe anything that said. Not understanding that a statement is just that.. a statement. Not a call to arms, not a reason to act, etc. Which is why BOTH sides of the aisle do need to tone it down a notch.
  5. Very true the guy was a nut job, one wonders how he came up with his assassination idea.
  6. Have tackled in the past, why would they do it now? Sorry, I just don't have faith in them wanting to do it now.
  7. Do not repeal and replace... work with and make amendments. They repeal it will NEVER be replaced. I guarantee it.
  8. I wouldn't place any blame on either side. That being said the statements coming from both sides needs to be toned down. I wouldn't say it's 100% the will of the people. Why not make the bill better and at the same time cost effective instead of just repealing it and never taking the issue again?
  9. Why should they scrap it? Because they don't have a chance in hell in it being repealed. Why not work with Democrats on making the existing bill better? Seems to me that would be a better way to work than wasting time on something that won't happen.
  10. If Luck is not there, they should go the best DE available.
  11. I already saw a mock draft having the Bills take WR A.J. Green. He's a hell of a player but we need to fill other positions.
  12. I hope you're not talking about Freddy Jackson. May be an older player but he is very skilled. He has proven that.
  13. Acting as though Wall Street is full of angels is ridiculous. Just keep avoiding the fact that the "Top Talent" that is over paid is not worth two cents.
  14. Everyone that knows me, knows that I am pro-union big time. That being said, YES if people want to B word and complain they are complaining about the wrong people. However, I feel nonsense like that is what is killing the unions. Unions should be about FAIR WAGES, GOOD BENEFITS and JOB SECURITY for hard working men and women. Not raping the company or system, all their doing then is hurting themselves in the long run. Again, for HARD WORKING men and women. Lazy people should be documented and eventually fired just like everyone else. Also, the same people that complain about the unions ought to be complaining about those people who receive ridiculous bonuses because they "need to retain the top talent". Sorry if you were "Top Talent" your company may not be in trouble. Just my two cents. Happy Holidays Everyone!!
  15. HAHAHAHA!!! May God bless your family as well this holiday season.
  16. He could have presented his concerns better instead of throwing down the gauntlet and stating he will NEVER allow it to go through. You say he was paying a political price... I believe he was doing the right thing, the wrong way, meanwhile playing up to his conservative base.
  17. Hey the bill came down in price. That is a good thing. I am very happy for that. However Mr. Courage paid a political price because of the way he presented his beliefs. Simple as that. Mr. Doctor should have been smarter.
  18. Not true dumb ass. pLemming... you are such a witty one. I believed that this bill should cover those first responders, the volunteers/workers who helped clean up at Ground Zero as well as the residents affected. Simple proof of residency should cover your worries of people scamming. Now go on and enjoy the holidays. Oh and of course cost plays into anything that comes out of Washington these days. Or at least it should. However, I wouldn't want the bill to be blocked because some people didn't want a tax loophole for multinational corporations to be closed.
  19. Yeah, you got to love those statements coming from Coburn saying that he will NEVER let it go through. That it's only there because it's the end of the year (in other words, the end of this congress). Sorry I think the dude is a hack.. and as a doctor he should have worked HARD on this bill instead of being an a-hole. The costs could have been brought down without all of his drama. Talk about lemmings.. you believe that no matter what they always have our best interest in mind. For me, that is a mixed feeling. Best interest as long as it comes under his watch.
  20. So you are saying he is wrong for wanting to show us "who will keep their promise to never forget the heroes of 9/11"?? If they are going to keep using the 9/11 as part of their statements/speeches they should back this bill. Yeah, I'm a lemming because I think that this is a good bill for 9/11 First Responders. Maybe we should just say screw them because it's to expensive right KD?
  21. Doesn't North Korea have one of the world's largest active military personnel?
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