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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Very true crack pots can find direction from many places. Still doesn't mean that rhetoric shouldn't be toned down.
  2. Very true. All of those items were absolutely disgusting. You can dislike someone's stance... but to go that far is beyond ridiculous.
  3. Of course people were angry over certain issues. Are you telling me that nothing was said or no statements were released to stoke their emotions even more? If you think that you are fooling yourself. I am not justifying ANYTHING this guy did. I am simply discussing having the rhetoric toned back. Obviously something you do not feel is appropriate. Who said that?
  4. I agree with you 100%. And as far as I have heard Loughner hasn't stated what drove him to do this.
  5. Ok. So because your viewing pleasure wasn't interrupted she's not getting that much press. Ok? How many times has the President altered prime time TV?
  6. What I am discussing has nothing to do with that D-bag that shot all of those people. It's all about the statements released. You are clearly not understanding... answer this - do you believe that politicians and others should be a bit more careful when releasing statements?
  7. So we disagree. Great. I wouldn't use Arizona for a reason, I have felt this way for a long time now. Hell, you could see how the rhetoric really amped up the Town Hall meetings and other public events. I think it's sad more than anything else.
  8. With media the way it is this day and age... she is followed just as much as he is. There should be no denying that. She is followed in both the political and the entertainment arenas.
  9. No blame shouldn't be placed directly on either side. However this event has questioned the rhetoric being tossed about by both parties and those who support them.
  10. So true. Unfortunately it seems like he was never reported. You never know, makes you wonder if he was reported as having some sort of mental illness he wouldn't have been able to buy a gun.
  11. Yeah, some people may be placing blame on the right. I think blame should be given out to both sides of the aisle and others as well. Nice way to start out your post though. Brilliant.
  12. Did I say that? Ummm, no. I stated above that both are reckless, that statements like that should be toned down. Read again. I am not arguing anything about Sarah Palin's popularity. I was simply stating that she may receive just as much attention as the President. She is a walking sound byte, always playing up to the media one way or another. You disagree? Do you think it's smart for her or anyone else to put out statements mentioning M16's or politicians being "targets" in those same statements? I know you love her and that is fine... just understand that AGAIN I have said ALL statements need to be toned down. If you don't agree, that's fine. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want things to be toned down though.
  13. I wouldn't trade out of the 1st... just back. Maybe gain another 2nd round pick.
  14. "Don't retreat, RELOAD" You didn't understand that quote? Yes, of course the President is a large sound byte. However, we all know she is followed and quoted as much as he is if not more. Ultimately, it's dumb and reckless to release such statements. Doesn't matter if it comes from the right, left, TV/Radio host or an ex-politician.
  15. Sorry Tom... NOT harping on Palin. Mentioned her ONLY after her name was brought into the conversation. If you look back through the conversation, I have stated many times they ALL do it and they ALL need to tone it down. How anyone has a problem with that I have no idea. Almost like making the gun laws tougher... this kid would have MAYBE not made it through the quick background check.
  16. I totally agree with that. Why is she receiving such heat for this because she or her camp has a history of releasing statements like this. Remember the reload statement? Her camp just needs to think a bit more than just throwing crap out there. Instead of using the marks she used on the map, place an "x" or an arrow. Millions of other icons could have been used. We all know she's pro-gun, etc. she doesn't have to mention guns in her statements.
  17. Close enough for some people... most likely the people that don't know surveying symbols. Again, do you agree that releases statements like that is a dumb thing to do?
  18. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Republicans getting bent out of shape after nothing but bashing Obama and democrats for two years. Just priceless. It is pretty funny.
  19. Ok, first off it's not just the "liberal" media reporting it and granted no one knows if this guy ever followed her or anyone else. However, to place your opponents into crosshairs? Followed up by statements like "Get on target for victory in November help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office shoot an fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly". Sorry, knowing that there are MANY unstable people out there that follow politics, TV/Radio hosts to T... it's not very smart to say such things. You don't find that kind of rhetoric ridiculous? And to make things perfectly clear... I wouldn't condone that for ANY politician or person of celebrity status.
  20. Again. ALL sides need to tone it back. I do love how Republicans get so defensive over this.
  21. No matter. It's that kind of crap that should be toned down. Right?
  22. It's that kind of nonsense that should be toned down. Not saying she is the only that does it... they all do.
  23. Do you not think that statements being released should be toned down a bit?
  24. No moron... just be smarter about statements being released.
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