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Everything posted by pBills

  1. So what part of this do you disagree with? I'll say that calling Arizona the "Mecca for prejudice and bigotry." is a bit much.
  2. Not unprecedented.. but shouldn't go back to the style of politics used back in 1850s, 1930s or early 1800s. And if we know over the past few years it has become a bit out of control, shouldn't they at least attempt to tone it down?
  3. I am glad that he pointed out that the rhetoric has gotten out of control. Good for him. And fact of the matter is that no one truly knows why this kid did what he did.
  4. I am no fan of hers. But that was a nice well written piece. Only thing I disagree with is that acts as though things have not heated up with politics over the past few years. They have and politicians and their supporting cast need to act with a bit more class and be a bit more thoughtful about the statements they release. Knowing full well that some nut job can take it either out of context or won't be able to process it correctly. Doing that hurts no one and helps everyone. Civil discourse is something EVERYONE should strive for.
  5. So enlighten me on what the actual problems are? In regards to 9/11, it was used based on fear and for political gain - both bad.
  6. uhhh actually I did not miss the point dude. A party constantly using 9/11 to make themselves look better for not only the National Security issue but others is a problem. Point is that no one needs to even mention 9/11 when discussing National Security.
  7. My apologies. No. My stance is firm on this issue. One can discuss National Security without bringing up 9/11.
  8. Political gain based off of the death of the innocent is wrong no matter how you look at it.
  9. I'm sick of the right-tards always crying foul except when they use a horrible event for political gain. To set the record straight, ANYONE using this for political gain is an a-hole. That being said, anyone on the left or right that says the rhetoric needs to be toned back is completely right.
  10. Yeah, you're not the one defiling anything with comments like "Whens the keg party where you drink beer out of her nine year old skull, you !@#$ing cretins?" Don't blame me for your low class posts. You might as well join Fred Phelps, maybe help him and his group create some signs. I have been saying ALL ALONG that I think everyone needs to tone it back. If you can't read or understand that then you need to go back to school. Don't get me going with the left as a whole using this for political gain crap. The right has been using the deaths of THOUSANDS on 9/11 FOR YEARS!!!! Funny how your dumbass can't see or hear that. You are a !@#$ing hypocrite, low class, piece of garbage. Glad people can see you for what you truly are.
  11. Oh my god. I am sorry every single thing the right has done or mentioned MUST have been related to 9/11. Sorry, I was mistaken homeland security was the only thing they EVER mentioned 9/11 with. :wallbash: Dear god open your eyes. And people call me a partisan hack... HAHAHAHA!! and by the way you are a complete disgusting FU#$@%!!! for mentioning that poor child that died in this fashion. Sorry call it as I see it. !@#$ it.. you're an !@#$ that needs to punched in the god damn face about 1,000 times after making statement like that over a poor child caught in some lunatics crosshairs. MODs.. ban me if you like. I am and have been talking about calming down the nastiness that comes out from politics and the media.. you defile a poor little girl who just died. Although it wouldn't matter if she died yesterday or 10 years ago. You are one sick !@#$.
  12. Yeah, Mitch McConnell, et al were just mentioning it on the floor before the Christmas break. Many of them used it before, during and after the last presidential primaries.
  13. Hell I was registered as an Independent before. and packed up my toys... sorry you feel as though my question about toning back the rhetoric was childish.
  14. Chef have a great night. Take care, I'm done for today.
  15. Congratulations. And let me guess... you're independent right? HAHAHAHA!!!
  16. Here we go, I am a partisan hack because I didn't mention during the 8 years Bush was in office that I did not like the signs being displayed about him. As stated, before I didn't and I should have. Ok, so you are an adult and we think you can understand that statements are just that... statements. However there are many people out there that can't do that. They follow every word / statement released. Sooo if we know that some people can't process the rhetoric wouldn't it be smarter, maybe a bit more responsible to tone it down. Maybe show a little class?
  17. It's a shame. However I hope you are this way when any politician tries to use a horrible event to their advantage. Who cares what his political beliefs were? Negative. I have never said it caused this event, we have no idea what caused this event.
  18. And I have been agreeing with that fact. How is it mindless to ask the question? I'm not allowed to ask such a question? I love the seeing the same response over and over again... this incident is not related, etc. By the way has the shooter stated why he opened fire yet?
  19. Well Chef. For you I will clearly state AGAIN that I feel as though the rhetoric that is coming from BOTH sides of the aisle is ridiculous. I HAVE felt that way for a LONG TIME NOW. I felt that way when people were saying that Bush should be hung, etc. I felt that way when people were stating Obama was Hitler, etc. I felt that way when people mention weapons in their statements, etc. How is that? Do you feel better now? Now answer this.. do YOU feel as though things need to be toned back? Civil discourse is something that both sides of the aisle and their supporters should strive for?
  20. My problem is blindness. I do love how people that generally agree with the right side of the aisle have a hard time with someone saying that all of the rhetoric needs to be toned down. It's quite pathetic. Totally agree. People should be 100% blame the guy who did this. Sorry, I should post everything I disagree with online.
  21. That is NOT what I am saying. I have never said that this guy's actions was from anything at all. I have been saying all along that BOTH sides need to tone it back. ALL ACROSS THE BOARD. I found it to be disgusting even before this horrible event.
  22. The right ALWAYS mentions 9/11. Are you kidding me or just deaf? They have done that since the Primaries before Obama was elected.
  23. Is that kind of like the republicans using 9/11 for political game as well? Pretty pathetic as well don't you think?
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