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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Don't forget those same "Captains of Industry", "Top Talent" who also make mistakes and royally f up the country. Yet, still receive HUGE bonuses. yeah, they make to much. I also wouldn't say that teachers pay needs to be cut. I know MANY great teachers all of which have second jobs, etc. because they aren't making that much. They also have to spend a lot of their own money on supplies for their classroom.
  2. Dumb for him to say that. However, I find it funny that Republicans are all upset about this.
  3. Yup, that sums up every union worker because Fox News said so. HAHA. Not condoning anything like that by the way.
  4. I love how people keep on with the liberalism / socialism nonsense. What makes that statement annoying is that it screams, they don't like my beliefs therefore they are mentally ill.
  5. Sorry everything wasn't to your mourning standards. HAHAHA
  6. Ultimately who cares. Seems that the only people really upset with the rally are people that are normally against Obama. Big deal.
  7. Actual wrong again... I never it COULD cause someone to go nuts. I said that people with mental issues MAY take those statements the wrong way. Sorry again. Keep trying.
  8. Because of constant dumb statements like "Liberalism is a mental illness you know." Your beliefs are not always right.
  9. Yet posting statements like that make you look SOOOO bright. HAHAHA!! People like you are part of the problem in America right now.
  10. You also have to keep in mind that Obama also has a staff that handles his visits prior to him getting there. I wouldn't say he had anything to do with it or not. Read my posts, then you will know that I didn't imply that at all. The topic of messaging, yes was brought up after the shooting... I carried that conversation over to PPP stating that I agreed the rhetoric being tossed about should be toned down. That people should strive for civil discourse and people should be smarter about their messaging knowing full well that people can take those statements and go the wrong with them. Again, it's all about being smart. On top of that, with me stating countless times that no one knows what the shooter in Arizonas motives were... means I wasn't implying that he followed anyone's message or that toned rhetoric would have prevented this. Nice try... again. Anything else?
  11. No Liberals were not the ones stating 9/11 was a conspiracy... that was started by morons.
  12. Totally agree. Yeah, we all know the left has said and done some dumb things after the shooting... but dear god. This is beyond ridiculous.
  13. I never blamed the shooting on anything than this guy being crazy. Stated many times over and over that no one truly knows why he did it yet. Nice try. Ahhh yes, that older brother who thinks he's cool, smart and everything else... fact of the matter is that he's merely trying to stay of his younger brother. Sorry bro, you're losing it in your old age. Grumpy aren't we?
  14. Another slime ball http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/tucson-tea-party-founder-giffords-blame-shot/
  15. You mean that they had a nice design. Must have been from Obama. As much as I don't like the t-shirt idea, not going to blame anyone until someone owns up to ordering them.
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