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Everything posted by pBills

  1. More rhetoric than anything else. One can always hope something comes of it.
  2. It's a given that companies all across the board are doing better than they have for the past few years... hell some would say past 6 years. You don't see that? Show me the facts that state are country is still going down and that NO progress has been made.
  3. Yeah it is amazing that you expect everything to be fixed all at once. Fact of the matter is that the economy is getting stronger... obviously there is a ton if work to be done. Jobs being #1.
  4. Obummer... you know that no matter what he says, what he does you will never agree with anything. I see with those fact checks is that for every negative one, there is a positive one or rather one will a difference in opinion... take them all with a grain of salt and hope that our elected officials will do the right thing and work together to keep things moving in the right direction.
  5. My take from last night... I thought the SOTU was good. I don't like the complaints from people saying that he should have explained things in greater detail.. I understand why they would want to see the details but to have them all listed in the SOTU... not the right place, not enough time. I wish he would have said more about China, maybe the trade deficit and how he would like to fix it. I like the emphasis on education and innovation. Very true and let's hope something comes of it.
  6. The Progressive Plan? Come on... you have to admit that Michelle was clearly attempting to showboat and did not do very well. Sad on all levels. I guess you like her and think she was great. If I was a Republican I would be embarrassed by her.
  7. hahaha... she is what I would expect a drunk, out of control aunt to be like. Dear lord, don't put her in front of a camera after she relived her prom night (what was with the heavy make-up, etc. yikes!!)
  8. Sounds like you were talking about Rush or Glen Beck.
  9. I didn't hear him say anything about "fearing" India and China... more less saying let's focus on our future. Educate, innovate and move this country forward. Also, I find it funny you mentioning Earmarks. Do you say that about Republicans as well? After all they have said countless times they will not agree to anything with earmarks within. Yet, they have pushed Bills forward loaded with earmarks added by Republicans. I love the bashing of the President yet, no mention how the other side has no real ideas on how to fix the economy or job growth. Did you watch Michelle Bachman and her teleprompter? Now that was funny.
  10. Draft Bowers... do whatever it takes to sign Ngata (unless of course the Ravens franchise him). After that don't care.
  11. Hey union thug.. nice. By the way, the years I worked for unions and on many organizing campaigns. I have NEVER seen a fight let alone someone roughed up or scared tactics be used. So enough with the blanket statements they make you look dumber than you already are. Just so sick and tired of people using blanket statements.. I'm sure that someone in your field has been caught drinking and driving, convicted of assault, rape, child porn... guess that means you do it too huh? Also, I have never worked with SEIU. I worked with AFSCME, ATU, MM&P, BAC and the main AFL-CIO office. Better?
  12. Now I know why your name is Wacka? The far left holding Obama as a Nazi posters at a Tea Bagger meeting. HAHAHA!!
  13. Maybe people would have more money in their pockets?
  14. Polls are always brought up when someone needs to make a point... ie: Boehner. Always stating the polls and the American public want them to repeal healthcare. HHAHAAHHA!!
  15. No that's funny too. People are all bent out of shape over this yet for the last two years there have been posters, images everything relating Obama to Hitler. Pretty funny.
  16. Again, find it to be funny that Republicans are upset. Love FOX News being upset about it as well.
  17. Wasn't meant to be seen as trading... more along the lines of saying "yeah, here's another one.." and then later I could post another one and so on and so on.
  18. And if they do not receive Tenure? Hello??? False, not all unions have negotiated free healthcare. For most unions it depends on the local itself and their negotiations. Never said they worked harder than anyone else. Just stating they work very hard while the kids are in school. Understand? Do you get reimbursed for your supplies? If so, great. Teachers don't. That is my point, people say they are over paid yet most people do not have to use their own money to their work... cutting into their bottom line. You're ok with that? Peace mentioned cutting salaries for teachers, lawyers, etc. Yes, Obama has stated that $250k figure. Funny thing is that union presidents aren't griping over their salaries potentially being taxed at higher rate. Don't worry about me "keeping up" I hate when people say that... just dumb.
  19. Let's see a union president overseeing anywhere from 130,000 - millions of members. Receiving a yearly salary of $250k... not bad. Just think if they were corporate president overseeing that many workers... their salary would be what... millions? Oh wait, most their salaries already are and they don't have that many employees.
  20. Their job is not guaranteed for life. Are you kidding me? Most have healthcare benefits, yes. That they pay into like any other job. Besides the summers off for some, they also work their butts off each and every day in the classroom. Plus, I don't know about you, I know I don't have to use my own money to supply my day to day work. Let's cut the pay of those who are working with our children... makes sense to me. ??????
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