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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Ok, so they top 2% EARN their money and the middle-class workers don't? If we're really looking balance budgets shouldn't EVERYONE take a hit or are they special enough not to? So in your words the middle-class workers aren't worthy because they simply collect checks... they aren't part of the decision making process. What about those execs that make millions of dollars per year that just delegate? Nothing special about that? What about those execs who make very bad decisions that cripple the economy or their industry they are within... still all of the workers fault? I love how you believe that these workers add 0 to the economy. They don't work hard, spend that cash on various items... hence helping to boost the economy? Without workers you don't have a product being made. People always don't bite the hand that feeds you... which goes along with don't cut off the hand that does the work. Public opinion is actually high right now for unions. Many people believe that collective bargaining should not be taken away from them and that people have the right to organize. I have always said one worker is not the same as the next. I do find it funny that when it's good for an discussion, all union workers are the same - lazy. I do believe that their should be some performance scales put in place, as long as their is due process to fire someone. Can't have people simply saying... eh, I don't like you - your fired without cause. It is not a fallacy that union workers making concessions DO CARE about doing their part. Offering to pay more toward their pensions and benefits. You do realize that most union workers, paycheck wise make less than others in a private sector right? So if they are contributing MORE, and willing to give concessions, why is that not good enough? I'm not selling anything... the governor is acting like a dictator. His way or nothing. They should roll back taxes to where they were when Clinton was in office. Everyone pays more.
  2. So let me ask you this... do the wealthiest 2% deserve special status? Why not change their tax status? Why is it the middle-class taking the hit and not them? To say that people who disagree don't care about the real root causes and fixing problems is dumb... equally as dumb as just using an ax to solve budget problems. If one side comes to the table and gives concessions in order to do their part. Why is that not good enough? So you believe that everything has become so bad because of one thing... union contracts. Sorry, that just makes you a fool. How about the dumb idea of never raising taxes? How about the dumb idea of always giving in to the large corporations and giving them huge breaks, because if you don't then they will leave. Isn't that bullying? These union workers recognizing that need to do more and alter their contracts is a great move. It PROVES they care about the budget. If Walker is worried about the future... bargain with them about making that a longterm deal. Don't just throw his hands in the air and say it's my way or your fired. Sorry that is not how a democracy works. All in all, I am not arguing cause and effect... I have been saying the unions/employees have offered their help, he won't take it. Most people with a brain realize when they are looking for what causes budget problems like this that it's not just one thing. It's MANY!!!
  3. You really need to stop with the BS. ALL sides agree to contracts. How about this... if the unions have agreed to concessions why does he need to go further? That's right no need to. I do love stupid comments like "who then gives it to the union bosses". HAHAHAHA. Yes, people in the International offices are becoming SOOO wealthy. Fact of the matter is that membership dues are used in many different ways. They cover staff salaries, daily office costs, organizing campaigns, publications and other membership materials, etc., etc., etc. Political costs are covered by voluntary donations only. Nice article: http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/03/04/unions.history/index.html?hpt=C1
  4. Opening a door? Please, his agenda is clear. Look like you are helping out the state all the while, busting the unions and hurting the biggest donor to the Democratic Party. I am calling it an attack because that is what it is. Funny how most polls show at least 60% disagree with his attack on Collective Bargaining. My pro-union blinders? I find that funny because the unions already agreed to paying more towards their pension and other benefits... EXACTLY what he asked for. Why can't he agree and be done with this? What is he gaining politically? If he is SOOO worried about being fiscally responsible why did he pass roughly $120 million in corporate tax breaks? I'm also sure your friend would agree that paying more towards their pension is the right way to go and it's done and over.
  5. Estimated numbers for this weekend will be around the same. Roughly 100,000. Either way... no arrests.
  6. Are you talking about the union goons who have had upwards of 100,000 people in Madison with no arrests?
  7. Guess that means they also sound like the Tea Party followers too? Minus aggression.
  8. ""I think we need to go back to taxing these people at the proper rates." That says it all.
  9. Screw those unions they have all of the benefits we wish we had!!! HAHAHAHA!! Sounds like sour grapes. I will admit that is ridiculous. I think I would be able to max out at 4 weeks vacation after 15 years or so of service.
  10. With technology today, should be no problem for them to work.
  11. People complain about how union workers make sooooo much money. Fact is that they don't. Most live paycheck to paycheck. I personally do not know one wealthy union worker. Hell, coming from WNY (mainly UAW members) I don't remember any of them living in mansions. So the governor wants them to pay more for their benefits and towards the pension plan that is not funded by the taxpayer. They agreed. So let me ask you, shouldn't that be good enough? Why attack their right to organize and collective bargain? Is it good that Gov. will just lay off any amount of people just to make a point? If it good that the governnor wanted to plant trouble makers into the crowd just to make a peaceful demonstration look bad? Is it good that the Governor answers to billionaires instead of the people? Is it good that the Governor is only going after the unions who didn't vote for him... knowing that the firefighters and police unions are there in solidarity against him? Keep saying that unions and democrats aren't about balancing the budget, that they aren't about job creation. Fact of the matter is that WE ARE ALL for that, we just don't want to do it on the backs of the Middle-Class. Funny how Republicans attack something dear the middle-class yet protected the wealthiest. How about Republicans vote people that kind be creative in balancing the budget instead of wanting to use an hatchet. Agree to disagree. Peace out.
  12. Let me ask this. Is just laying off people to make a point justifiable? And yes, I run a design business right now.
  13. Pay them a wage that is better or equal to private sector who normally make more. I agree with that. Then union workers could kick in more towards their benefits and pension. Oh wait, they already offered that and Gov. Walker refused to listen to it. Funny thing is that Wisconsin has one of the healthiest pension systems in the country. Oh wait, the Gov. won't say that either. So if we are going to attack unions like this. I say screw the wealthiest Americans.. Let's take away their tax breaks.
  14. Oh that's right.. The Republicans are all about job creation. That's why people like Walker just toss out numbers like 1,200, 5,000, maybe more when it comes to him "balancing a budget". In other words, they DON'T CARE ABOUT JOBS!!!! Keep buying their trash though.
  15. My favorite things of the week: Gov. Walker either lied or misinformed the public about union pensions: http://blogs.forbes.com/rickungar/2011/02/25/the-wisconsin-lie-exposed-taxpayers-actually-contribute-nothing-to-public-employee-pensions/ Signs that say: "If you screw us we multiply". I LOVE how union members are joing this fight all over the country. Solidarity!! Just like the Tea Party said... we will remember come the 2012 elections. Also, love how Gov. Walker was dumb enough to be phone pranked. Spilling some of his plans and exposing him for not giving two craps about jobs. Saying that he would be willing to cut 1,200 jobs. But thought about 5,000 maybe higher. Yeah, he really cares about the people of Wisconsin.
  16. If you believing everything this Governor says, you are a fool. Sorry. He has asked the unions to give concessions, they offered and agreed to it. Why does he then have to go even further and take away their right to collective bargaining? Why, because he knows if he gets this passed, that action would send a tidal wave around the country and especially the 13 states attempting to move to Right to Work status. Eventually weakening the Democratic Party by hurting their supporters. All of that being said, he wants the union to be able to only collective bargain for wages because he believes that will help (in his mind) shed light on alleged violations, etc. He also states that this move would allow him to set the terms statewide. Believing that it would end the "closed shop" and also limit dues being paid making them voluntary. Another way for him to hurt the union by limiting funding for operations. So all in all in every possible way he is trying immediately bust the union or do over time by these other measures. Bottom line - his real agenda is union busting and hurting the Democratic Party's biggest supporter.
  17. I am not afraid of anything. And people ARE given the choice. For instance. My brother-in-law and police officer, now Sergeant has never joined the union. No pressure nothing. He does not pay dues or anything at. So that being said, let me ask you this... for those who want to join why take away that right? So please stop with this shaking down BS. It's ALL BS!!!! And I can say that because I have been on MANY a organizing drive/campaign. None of that has happened. How many drives/campaigns have you been part of? Oh that's right someone's friend or relative had a bad experience, therefore all union members, locals, etc operate that way.
  18. HAHAHAHA!!! That is awesome. I am sure that you are against all of those tax breaks for the wealthiest and wall street by Republicans right? Stop the insanity right? FACT of the matter is that the unions have offered concessions and would be paying more for their healthcare benefits and pensions. Isn't that what the Gov. based all of this off of? Fixing the budget? So if he is truly out to fix the budget and the unions are willing to do their part, shouldn't he just shut up and do what is right for the state? All sides happy? A smart person would say yes. I also find it funny how the push to convert states to be Right to Work is going on in 13 states ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Gee, I wonder if there was some sort of plan to do this? Go Unions get through this attack by Republicans and then vote their asses out in 2012. Tea Party has nothing on the Labor Movement. OH and one last thing... THANK GOD JEFF COX WAS FIRED!! Although, I am sure some moron here would approve of his actions. Funny thing is no one physically threatened anyone... that's a Tea Party move.
  19. I and many others believe they ARE doing what their constituents want. People want a balanced budget, people (Gov. Walker and Republicans) wanted the union to give concessions... they did. He wants to bust the unions. "My sense is, hell. I'll talk. If they want to yell at me for an hour, I'm used to that. I can deal with that. But I'm not negotiating." Great job Walker!! Talk about Democracy.
  20. And you are lucky your employer offers you such benefits. Thank a union for that. I love the mentality if you don't like it get a new job. Yeah, the market is great for that. Why is a 3% tax increase on the richest considered "socialism" but a 14% pay cut on the middle class is "doing your part?"
  21. The group held up outside of the state is doing the right thing. Do you not understand that if the minority democrats came back the bill would be hammered through with NO negotiations? Guess that part passed you by huh? For many of these people pensions are their 401(k). They live paycheck to paycheck. So for them to say that would be willing to pay more towards their pension and other benefits, I think is a very good concession. Actually exactly what the Gov. asked for. Of course he will not listen until they lose collective bargaining as well. I am SO proud of the union members around the country gathering and protesting Walker and others like him. Unions have given and will give concessions... that is a proven fact. These republicans are looking to kill the unions and ultimately the major supporter for Democrats. Do not be fooled to think that it's ALL about the budget. It's not.
  22. He should not dictate what they are allowed to collective bargain for. Kind of defeat the purpose if you ask me. He should just stand up and say that his refusal to talk / negotiate has nothing to do with budget, it's ALL about union busting. Why lie about it?
  23. Robert Reich is completely right here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-reich/the-coming-shutdowns-and-_b_826029.html I do love how Gov. Walker has he is doing all of this in order to fix the budget crisis. YET, when the unions agree to and give concessions (basically meeting his requests) that's still not enough. He needs to destroy the workers right to collective bargaining. Scumbag!!
  24. Historically, the working class IS the middle-class.
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