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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Did Republicans give up on creating jobs while they push their social agendas? OHHHHHH, so it was all because the GOP was sworn into office that the unemployment rate is coming down ok. Any good trends happen because of Republicans, any downward trends all Democrats and the Unions fault. Makes sense... only to the right. Yes, Wall Street and the wealthy is on track. Middle-class not so much. Face it, it's not trickling down.
  2. Talk about looney. Taking dues from their paycheck against their will. Sorry it's called being a member. Members pay dues. How can I hate the guy? The guy flat out lied!!! The guy is acting like a dictator... his way or the highway. Sorry that it not how a democracy works. By the way, since he got his way did he recall those 1,500 teacher pink slips? Let me guess, nope. Why aren't Republicans going after those golden parachutes and Wall Street people that created this economic mess? So when will Republicans actually get down to creating jobs? Come on they bashed Obama on that for MONTHS if not YEARS. Instead they are going after unions, abortion, voting rights, anything else "faith" driven. I put faith in quotes because having someone like Gingrich talk about faith is hilarious.
  3. Are you talking about a building that should NOT have been locked down in the first place? Sorry, I am working on a salary, no OT for me. Sounds like you are just one jealous little pup that wishes he had some union benefits and opportunity for OT. The old, hey my life sucks, I want what they have routine. News Flash: This country CAN"T AFFORD to be continuing on with tax breaks. So we're looking at Radical Cuts... ok, let's see if Gov. Walker will cut his salary down from $130,000+ to say... $110,000. Seems fair to me.
  4. • Want to protect the middle- taxing is necessary, unless of course your wealthy and a Republican donor. How else are we going to pay down this debt? Oh that's right, cutting jobs, cutting contractual benefits, cutting funding to schools, etc., etc. • Want to protect voting rights for college students WTF are you talking about? - College Students are allowed by law to vote in the state in which they attend school. Republicans are pushing to make that right harder by imposing stricter guidelines - again going after the Democratic base. • Want to protect the rights of women to butcher unborn children at will (against people using personal faith above another persons RIGHT to choose) - No one person has a right to tell another what to do with their body. If that was the case, I am hoping a law can be passed requiring anyone that registers as a Republican to have a lobotomy. • Want your elected officials to listen to the will of some people (after all they campaigned on it - filthy liars) • Want to keep the government from vilifying an entire religious faith (muslims) lol - Glad you find the Muslim radicalization hearings funny. I don't.
  5. Fact of the matter is that the unions DID offer concessions. That wasn't good enough for the union busting Gov. Even though polls showed that the majority of Wisconsinites thought he was going to far. Is that kind of like a Governor stating he believes in a true Democracy? Oh wait, he didn't want to listen or talk to anyone except billionaire donors. HAHAHA now if that doesn't make one cringe. Come on Walker be a puppet for Koch Brothers.
  6. HAHAHAHA!! I wonder what side of the aisle she is on with the piece starting out this way: "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker made some progress this week in rescuing his state from the public-sector unions holding it hostage. Ever wonder how Wisconsin got into trouble in the first place? Washington is providing an illuminating case study." So not true. I wonder if this chick was ever curious about Walkers relationship with the Koch Brothers? Does it go beyond their donations to his election?
  7. How about maybe because no one is breaking the law? Or that only possible when we're talking about the Tea Party?
  8. Yeah, you're right. The Tea Party members NEVER sent out death threats. HAHAHAHA F'ing moron. Keep those blinders on. I still love the attack against unions. My favorite comments are along the lines of "We need to take away their power to negotiate with people they helped elect". HAHAHA can someone say hyporcites? What do Republicans do with big business? Come on, Republicans... I thought you were crying about job creation and budgets? Ummm, no. Actually it's all about union busting (attacking the middle-class), killing planned parenthood and women's rights (forcing women who want to have an abortion first submit to an ultrasound - or by forcing doctors to tell women the possibility of increased risk of breast cancer following an induced abortion and the natural protective effect of a completed pregnancy in avoiding breast cancer), vilifying all muslims, stricter voting laws (making it tougher for students and others to vote - unless your elderly and have a gun permit in TX). So whatever happened to jobs? Whatever happened to keeping your religious beliefs out of policymaking? I should be saying thank you to Republicans. Thank you for making that line you wanted to be blurred between Democrats and Republicans so clear. It's simple really. Vote Democrat if you: • Want to protect the middle-class • Want to protect voting rights for college students • Want to protect the rights of women (against people using personal faith above another persons RIGHT to choose) • Want your elected officials to listen to the will of the people (after all they campaigned on it - filthy liars) • Want to keep the government from vilifying an entire religious faith (muslims) Oh and are against elected officials breaking LAWS in order to get their agenda through.
  9. Sorry, the Tea Party DID act like that. I guess you don't remember them shouting down other people at Town Halls. Shouting down a handicapped person that disagreed with their beliefs.
  10. Actually I don't like it when anyone loses their job. Union or non-union. Let me guess you only care about the non-union people? Who cares about those union families right? Who cares if they lose their homes? Right? Yet people had to protect that "top talent" on Wall Street. They had to protect their contracts and huge bonuses. Hypocrites. Fact of the matter is that these Republicans even broke their own "open meetings law". I love how people continue to support this kind of action. Also, you say this was about the budget. How come it's so easy for people to overlook the fact that the public service employees already gave concessions. This was not about the budget, if was about union busting.
  11. Yeah don't shed tears for people losing their jobs. Nice. By the way, the Gov did not run on eliminating Collective Bargaining during the election. Did not mention that even ONCE. Your statements just prove how stupid you are to not understand this is an attack on the middle-class. And if you disagree, why didn't the Gov agree to talk with Democrats, instead taking what he thought was the Koch Brothers? Coincidence... I think not. Republicans don't give two craps about the Middle-Class.
  12. I'm sorry Obama asked COUNTLESS times for a Republican plan. Have they ever submitted one or were they to bust spouting off about Death Panels?
  13. Will certainly be a major win for the Democrats in 2012
  14. Oh so they should stay there so that Republicans could just push through this horrible Bill without their opinion? At least those 14 Democrats were listening to the will of the people, wanting true democracy... A chance for discussions, a chance to talk. Not given or offered by the Republicans.
  15. I consider this to be an abuse of power because coming from the party that throughout the last election cycle said they will follow the will of the people just used a nuclear option in order to NOT discuss the bill. Going against the majority of people in their state. They just proved that this was NOT about fiscal issues it was about their want to union bust. Good luck Republicans, you just pissed off and gave even more motivation to a sleeping Labor Movement. Bunch of two faced liars. And by the way, 72% of Americans believe in the Labor Movement and Collective Bargaining. Oh wait, Republicans will wait for those Koch Brothers phone calls.
  16. What has this proven? Republicans don't care about what the people in their state wanted / thought. They will do anything to get their way. Even rewriting laws. The Founding Fathers must be so proud. Freakin' scumbags. Side note: will Walker now bring those 1,500 teachers back to work? Ummm, no. Vote Republican asses out of office in 2012!!! As compared to the abuse of power that was just shown.
  17. And if he or any other politician did that you would be the first one there saying "Why aren't you solving California's budget problem!!!!"
  18. IT'S ALL OBAMA'S FAULT!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Drill now baby!!!
  19. I think it's dumb to say that he should be chained to a desk 24/7 instead of out being a politician at times. All the time... no. Some of the time, yes. They all need to be out shaking hands every now and then to get people on board with their plans for balancing a budget or whatever else needs to be done. Nothing wrong with him being there.
  20. So we have a Governor that won't listen to the people in Wisconsin. And in Ohio, where more rights of union workers were attacked. Republicans pulled a Senator because they weren't sure of his vote. Wow, doing ANYTHING to hammer through their beliefs. Even if the majority of the voters in their state disagree with them. By the way, they passed the anti-union bill by one vote. Disgusting on all accounts. I hope to god that these jokers are voted out of office as soon as possible.
  21. Tom, believe me I know that they are altering the existing contracts. HENCE, theses union members are doing their part and the Governor states that it is not good enough... which causes labor dispute. I asked the question about taxes to see what people would think about the wealthiest Americans throughout the U.S. having their tax rate go up. I would be happy with 3%. If politicians would be realistic and raise taxes, along with unions making concessions and other groups / areas adjusting their funding/expenses we would be well on our way to having balanced budgets. So again F off.
  22. It's called a higher tax bracket you moron. That tax rate was lowered a while ago. I say put it back up to the beloved Ronald Reagan era tax rate - 70%. How's it that? Honestly, I was thinking 3% more than where it is now. Again.. your belief, I didn't start my own business therefore I should take cuts and do more to balance the budget than you? BS. Besides your over inflated ego, the WORKER keeps your business going. After all, if you could do it by yourself you would. Again, don't break the hand that helps you and if you were any good the process wouldn't be as painfully slow as you proclaim. Just saying. HAHAHAHAHA!! That was a good one. If the Governor wasn't to busy acting like a dictator he could be smart about it and go into negotiations for a longterm deal with the public service employees. Do you also know that democracy doesn't work when the governor says he will not listen to anyone. That being said, why should the dems come back? So that Republicans can get their quorum and he can bust he unions. And since you brought it up... what about Republican-Billionaire backscratching?
  23. And you are saying that the Police won't do their job if needed? Glenn Beck has 87K? Looked like it was about 50 morons/sheep making up that crowd.
  24. The tax rate of the top 2% I believe should be raised. I wouldn't say raise it as high as it was under Reagan. But it could easily be raised a few percentages without breaking any of their banks. Instead, it believed by many that we should lower the benefits and salaries for those this society really relies on... teachers, police officers, firefighters, etc. Guess what... lowering their salaries, also lowers the amount of taxes brought it. Which is why I asked the question... if they are willing take more from the middle-class to help balance the budget, shouldn't the wealthy be asked to do the same?
  25. Bottom line. If these Republicans are SOOOOOO for balancing budgets. Ask everyone to pay more, to do their part. That is not what is happening here. Understand? and Tom... go F yourself. OC... based on this statement You believe that policemen, firemen, train / subway operators, truck drivers, teachers, nurses, etc., etc., etc. aren't worth anything. They simply collect a check.
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