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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Love it. Because people have a different stance they don't understand what's going on. HAHAHAHA!! Coincidence that this is going on in other States where Republicans are Governors. Nope. Are you stupid? You asked for reasons on why unions are needed... what they fight for. Again... FAIR WAGES, BENEFITS AND SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS. Understand? My quarter truths... hahahaha. I guess that is equal to you blindly following what the right says. Good job. :thumbsup:
  2. Did I ever use the word rampant? Ummm no. Yet workplace issues DO HAPPEN. Many do understand that they need to keep employees happy, many also don't give a crap. You keep going to back to Labor Laws... strictly enforced? Not buying that.
  3. Go back and read... I said I wanted valid reasons on why unions are no longer needed. I have also said MANY TIMES, that unions fight for FAIR WAGES, BENEFITS AND SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS. I guess you had a hard time understanding that, your head must have been in the cloud (sorry bad IT joke with all of your talk about computer labs). Why not let the free market dictate wages and benefits... because the management doesn't always value the work that people do.
  4. First off, I didn't say it happens in every freakin' company. BUT, it does happen. And wow, those super computer labs didn't have violations? Tool. It's not always about safe working conditions, that can be part of what is discussed during the bargaining process. Teachers want fair wages and benefits. Simple as that. And most teachers I know work long hours during the week and weekend. By the way most of the people on this board are just right of Attila the Hun. They would stab their mother in the back, step on a baby and kill a kitten if it meant Republican ideals are being followed. Motto is: F the worker (or pissant as one moron called employees), protect the wealthy (top talent) at all costs. Even if their poor decisions helped F over this country.
  5. Skippy? Wow, your reference is the restaurant industry. Please. How about transportation industries (drivers driving having extremely long hours), shipping industries/ maritime and land based (unsafe areas, extremely long hours - leads to dangerous conditions, construction industry, etc., etc. Remove those rose colored glasses.
  6. How about you give me examples where it doesn't happen? Hell look at all of the Labor Violation Walmart had years ago. I also just stated another reason above within the transportation industry.
  7. There's no denying that union membership has fallen to 11.9% in Wisconsin and around the country. However, polls have also shown that over 60% support the union and collective bargaining. What does that tell you? Maybe that Republicans are reaching a bit to far? Did you also know that over 20,000 Wisconsinites have joined Working America?
  8. Obviously not with the actions of Governor Walker. Honestly, I believe that in every industry there are people that abuse the workers and their rights. Having unions can help prevent those abuses.
  9. So basically the bank itself didn't contribute or back a politician, yet it's executives did. You keep saying union thuggery (F'ing stupid)... yet you ignore the real thuggery that Republican politicians did in Wisconsin. Should we recap? Ask for unions to give concessions - they do. Not good enough for them, after all they LIED it wasn't about the budget it was about union busting. Then they attempt to push a bill through with NO debate, which forces Democrats (who wanted debate) to leave the state in an attempt to delay the Bill. OH,still not good enough for Republicans... they then remove the part of the Bill that dealt with the State budget (again proving it wasn't about the deficit) and then broke the Open Meeting Law and forced the Bill through. Did you ever mention that thuggery? Ummm, no. I guess it's ok to attack teachers, nurses and other state employees. Hell, some teachers get summers off right? It's to bad that teachers also have to pay for a lot of their classroom supplies out of their own pockets, help families through counseling and donations to those who are in need. Damn those teachers. They get so much and have so much at retirement. Screw them. :wallbash: Why are they not? Is that because you believe that companies ALWAYS treat their employees fairly? They ALWAYS pay fair wages and safe working conditions? They ALWAYS abide by the labor laws? Oh, that's right, I'll get the same ol' statement, "if you don't like your job leave". Yeah, easy to do with unemployment at over 9%. Again, it's always ok for the CEO's and other executives to abuse their power yet when the workers want to have a voice it's a bad thing. I say that's BS.
  10. Difference is he cried or someone who gave up their life doing their job on 9/11. The other just cries a lot.
  11. Look at those union thugs... those people who have given 20-25 years maybe more to educating our children and helping their families. Spending their own hard earned money on supplies for their classrooms. Damn you union teacher thugs. Sounds pretty dumb to call teachers union thugs huh? Recall those lying pieces of garbage in Wisconsin.
  12. Not going after Wall Street... more less stating a fact that they are getting away with murder. Pointing that out to the many hypocrites here on the this site.
  13. Sorry, should have I agreed with the Koch Brothers?
  14. Another thing... when are Republicans going to start worrying about jobs? Instead of womens rights, gay marriage, unions, changing voting laws.... well basically anything that can hurt the democratic base. I do agree with Trumka... Gov. Walker should be named union mobilizer of the year.
  15. Of course, many morons believe that the GM bailout was a buddy-buddy thing between Obama and the union. Nothing new there. Sooo, are you're ok with the bailed out banks handing out huge bonuses?
  16. Wow, you are going to criticize bailing out GM (who has paid their bailout money back) and not criticize wall street? I'm sure you're ok with the bailed out banks handing out huge bonuses too.
  17. Sorry Tom again you are wrong I would love for someone to tell me why it's ok to protect the contractual agreements Wall Street had in place for their bonuses, and then at the same time it's ok to go after and alter contractual agreements state employees have? I would love for someone to tell me why it's ok for the Gov. of Wisconsin to use 1,500 teachers as pawn in his battle against the unions? Even though the concessions he asked for WERE given. Putting those families through an emotional hell for nothing but his game. I would love for someone to tell me why it's ok for the Gov. to NOT have discussions with the Democrats. Yet, he would love to talk to his billionaire donors-so he thought. (Funny how no one on the right will stand up and say that the ideas and tactics he exposed during that call were crap). I would also love for someone to tell me why it's ok to go after the public service employees, when at the same time they are giving obscene tax breaks to big business and the super-rich? Note that in Wisconsin, 60% of corporations making more than $1 million per year in revenues pay zero taxes. Zero. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/03/10/watching-uproar-wisconsin-protests-time-remember-unions-make-lives-better/#ixzz1GPjfXS78 Thank a union for the benefits you have today!!! Hopefully Republicans will honor democracy and actually discuss policies before they break laws... again.
  18. No just business/management douchebags to ruin things, just like Wall Street. And yeah, let's free those banks to do whatever they need to do. OH wait, they'll just F things up again with no regulations/oversight.
  19. Was this after the Governor received concessions from those same unions, matching exactly what he asked for originally. Yet, wasn't good enough then? Seems to me, that those 1,500 jobs were saved once the concessions were given.
  20. So money in pocket they make less, but damn it. They have job security and a solid pension. I hate them, because my 401(k) sucks and I have no job security. In other words... MOM THEY HAVE BETTER TOYS THAN ME - TAKE IT AWAY FROM THEM. WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! And really the funny part about that is now we're weighing in the cost of being fired. Seriously, that's pathetic. If anyone loses their job union or non-union it sucks. Now that this is done in Wisconsin. Let's hope the Republicans go after churches and military families. Let's make military families pay more for their benefits too!!! Yes, moron... those air traffic controllers went against the no strike clause in their contract. Giving him the opportunity to do. Yes, let's privatize everything. I'm sure that will work out just fine. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  21. Come on Republicans... follow your leaders Leader 1, Leader 2, Leader 3, Ultimate Supreme Leader Oh wait, I mean the one leader you all praise so much... ‎"Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost." - Ronald Reagan.
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