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Everything posted by pBills
Exactly. People yell and scream about Obama's Hope & Change campaign and in many cases rightfully so. However the Tea Party republicans ran on the same philosophy and the creation of jobs. Where are those jobs? No moral victory here.
Pat Murray and Kerry named to Super Debt Panel
pBills replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I'll give that Obama was sketchy at what he wanted to cut in spending, but it was reported that he was offering upwards of 3 trillion for 1 trillion in revenue. Which was denied by the right. The downgrade came after the vote, however the inefficiency of congress and their weak deal did play a part of the decision. -
I read this found a few things interesting... A) taxpayers do not fund unions. The members do. B) You are simply one of those people who say "they get all of that in their benefits package and I don't, it'd not fair". Keep in mind that those same union members have been giving concessions and paying more towards their benefits. Funny how that is forgotten or just tossed aside. The best part is that you label democrats with fear mongering and scare tactics. Did you forget "Death Panels"? I also love how it's all about spending. Spending is just part of the problem and is something that every Democrat worries about. Fact of the matter is that there should be spending on the countries infrastructure. That in itself would create jobs. The other part that Republicans will never touch is revenue. Revenue HAS to be addressed IF they are truly serious about getting this country moving again. Oh my god you got that from Walkers own website. HAHAHAHA!!! How about: Kucinich (0:43): Let me ask you about some of the specific provisions in your proposal to strip collective bargaining rights. First, your proposal would require unions to hold annual votes to continue representing their own members. Can you please explain to me and members of this committee how much money this provision saves for your state budget? Walker (1:07):That and a number of other provisions we put in because if you are going to ask, if you are going to put in place a change like that, we wanted to make sure that we protected the worker's of our state so they had a right to know what kind of value they got out of it. It's the same reason we gave worker's the right to choose, which is a fundamental America right, the right to choose whether or not they want to be a part of a union, and whether they went up to a thousand-- Kucinich (1:26): Would you answer the question? How much money does it save Governor? Just answer the question. Walker: It doesn't save any.
Pat Murray and Kerry named to Super Debt Panel
pBills replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
All very well qualified. Patty Murray - On the U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget John Kerry - Committee on Foreign Relations Max Baucus - Chairman Committee on Finance Let's see who the Republicans announce. By the way, who did you want there? And let's face it the downgrade was in part due to the inaction of Congress. Who held the talks back? The Tea Party. Just a fact. -
HAHAHAHA... yeah, that union scam. Protect workers, fight for better pay and working conditions. Those horrible unions. HAHAHA!! Best part is that even after Walker admitted Collective Bargaining has nothing to do with their fiscal problems you still believe it to be true. Moron.
Wow, the "Libtard Communist Union Groups". Just sad to even write that.
So funny how those quotes are taken as negative or dumb. Just hilarious. Maybe we should do this to Reagan and the Bushes. Introducing "Deep Thoughts"... "Facts are stupid things." — Ronald Reagan "You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans." — Ronald Reagan "I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli." — George H. W. Bush ""It's no exaggeration to say the undecideds could go one way or another." — George H. W. Bush ""Fluency in English is something that I'm often not accused of." — George H. W. Bush "You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." — George W. Bush "I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain -- I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being president." — George W. Bush "Do you have blacks, too?" — George W. Bush
I find this funny. It's the same ol' crap. If it wasn't for the guy making the decisions (making $400k) the other guy wouldn't be anything. People have to remember the guy making $400k also isn't doing the down and dirty work which in many cases keeps a company moving. Same thing can also be said that the guy making $400k can also be the one who F's over other workers by making bad decisions. Not sure why the Soviet Union relates to someone saying that we can always be better. That should be a common goal for everyone. So in your mind the U.S. system is very close to being perfect and should never be improved upon. Makes sense. As the world moves forward the "perfect" system is the one which is making changes, adapting and moving forward. Trying to be the best, not just preserving the past.
Right. Just as bad as holding the debt ceiling deal hostage. Horrible on both accounts... well except one was simply words, the other actions.
We could sit here all day long and pick bad policies from President Carter all the way through to Obama. The fact still remains that the true economic slide was starting right before he took office... so again to blame everything on him is dumb. To play your blame game.... Are you forgetting that gas prices skyrocketed after Katrina and never came back down? Was that Obama's fault? Are you forgetting unfunded wars and tax cuts? Was that lost revenue and spending all Obama's fault? Are you blaming Obama for the Tea Party holding the debt ceiling talks hostage? Blaming Obama for the Republican filibusters in the first two years? I will admit that there are MANY things he hasn't done well. However I will also admit that most of the time he is also fighting back or having his hands tied by the Right. Point is AGAIN, this country is in it's current state because of MANY bad decisions. Not all of which were Obama's. If you can't see that then you have issues.
Last I heard it was 74,000. Again think bigger... this problem started A LONG time ago. Didn't happen in 2 years.
Again... proving how brilliant you are and why nothing can get done in this country.
First off, every Democrat is not a liberal. You should know that right? Secondly of course I care. But to simply blame everything on Obama is flat out stupid. The economic problem our country is in started a LONG time ago. Decisions made by both Bush and Obama have either created problems or are not helping. Hopefully something will help soon. So to place a post like this that blames one side, yes is a waste of time. Something of which is a great example of why nothing gets done in Washington, DC. If you want to bicker about something bicker about the overall picture... if that's to much go issue by issue. One great place to start is what's going on with the FAA. 74,000 people out of work right now because of politics. Ridiculous.
Please they attempted to discuss Healthcare and nothing.
OH MY GOD!! That is the funniest Bush posting EVER!!! As ridiculous as it is for someone to say it's all Bush's fault, it's just as bad for you to say it's all Obama's fault. Sad thing is that you actually wasted time posting that.
A certain party has been and is proposing cutting social programs, changing benefits, etc., etc. that clearly affect the middle-class and lower without addressing upper-class. That to many is not fair. How is it that they can alter all of this yet not ask the other group not to do anything? Personally I do not think it's about being on the same level it's about having the same opportunities.
Yeah, their philosophy was F everything until we get our way. They just proved it. That is NOT the way to govern.
Of course Charity counts. Charity also doesn't cover everything. Reforming social programs is fine, making them a bit stricter is fine. Cutting the programs down a ton helps no one. Now this leadership that should be banned from office. Just goes to show that they will tell you one thing (were not taking anything hostage) and yet they do another. Disgusting. McConnell Admits To Taking Debt Ceiling ‘Hostage’: It’s ‘Worth Ransoming’ | In a stunning bit of candor, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) admitted in the Washington Post today that his party had taken the debt ceiling “hostage,” and that some of his colleagues were willing to “shoot[]” it: “I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.” The Post added that McConnell “said he could imagine doing this again.” Indeed, he has promised he will do so. So where does it say make all others follow their lead or else? Compromise is not an option?
I agree with that.. unless someone truly needs a handout or help. They shouldn't receive one, people do abuse the system. I have been saying all along moving tax rates back to where they were prior to the Bush Tax cuts would be a GREAT thing. I just wish Republicans could stand up to the Tea Party morons and let them know that Revenue IS going to have to addressed. Cutting spending is not the only answer... just part. Yet, their the same people saying cut back on all social programs, etc., etc. Things that truly matter in people's lives. Ok.
Bottom line is the tax reform across the board HAS to happen. However, in the current situation removing the Bush Tax cuts SHOULD be done. Closing tax loop holes SHOULD be done. To say that they shouldn't... one would be a moron. Revenue is key. Also, if people are going to make changes in their lifestyle in order to get the country back in shape it should be all the way across the board. And yes, that does mean raising the tax rates on those who earn a million or more per year as well. Not lowering their rates like some suggest. Tea Party land would be one closed off country. No one allowed in. The minute you have a hard time you're kicked out. Nice place to live. Guessing the motto would be "take care of yourself, F everyone else" Tea Party Land = Fantasy Island
Tax reform is necessary and everyone should be taxed appropriately. I'm sure the Tea Party side would have lovely time keeping their government running since there will be no taxes.
The funny thing about this is that people think the Obama / Democrat country will not be able to have a thriving economy. Both could do very well with an economy. Which means it comes down to the social aspect. Tea Party Country will have no social programs everyone is on their own. Whereas the Obama country will help it's fellow man/citizen when in need. I have to laugh at this. The Tea Party... they will save the Country OR ELSE!!
No doubt Military spending can and should be cut. I would much rather see cutting that down by a 1/3 if it could save school programs.
Raise The Debt Limit Already!
pBills replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So not one Tea Party person accepts ANY government handout? Isn't a deadbeat dad? HAHAHA!! -
Raise The Debt Limit Already!
pBills replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
As of right now it many believe it won't. Which really says something about the Republican leaders. Entitlements will be huge next year during the election cycle. There's something to be said about being willing to make significant cuts to entitlements, yet having a hard time making defense spending cuts and of course not budging AT ALL on closing tax loop holes, etc. Politically it was a dumb move by the Right. I guess they will have to come up with the next Death Panel to scare senior citizens to vote their way again.