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Everything posted by pBills

  1. So obviously you know more than the Governor himself and the State of Wisconsin's Legislative Fiscal Bureau. You're so smart.
  2. Yeah, how well are those vouchers going to go over with nursing home patients?
  3. Like the majority of Republicans wanted to compromise on this... sure as hell wouldn't compromise on the budget that's looming. That's a bad word for them.
  4. Oh come on now... the only reason for the attack on Collective Bargaining Rights was the help balance their budget. I guess you bought into that argument.
  5. Not buying into your negative effects. So it's best to have everyone else do their fair share... yet don't touch the superwealthy because it's believed it will slow down growth? Sorry, knowing that these people have been enjoying ridiculously low tax rates for the past decade. Time to change things up a bit. Time to also change up and close those corporate loop holes.
  6. Bottom line is that taxes have to be raised. The Dems have a lot going for them heading into the 2012 elections.
  7. Just like the removal of Medicare will finally prove to Senior Citizens that they wasted their votes when voting for Tea Party Republicans. They now know that they do not have their back.
  8. Let me ask you this... with the U.S. spending six times more than any other nation in the world on Defense. Do you think we can cut defense? Personally I believe we can DRAMATICALLY cut defense with no threat to National Security. Eliminating the Bush Tax Cuts can and should be done as well. When the wealthiest of Americans are already at the lowest tax rates since 1955, there is NO reason for them to go lower. If anything they should be raised at least another 10% - 12%. It would not hurt them in any way. Let's face it, if we asking workers to pay more for their benefits, for their pensions, etc. We can ask the wealthiest to do their fair share as well. The belief is that most of them would agree with that. I am not going to be one of those people saying that the right is forcing families to eat dog food, etc. But they are expecting the middle-class and lower to take on the bills. Now I would like to hear someone explain why these items can't be done. None of this lowering tax rates will spur on job growth nonsense or anything like that. Even with the rates as low as they are now, job growth is still slow at best. Any slower we would be going in reverse.
  9. A lot of unions endorse certain pro-union companies for life insurance, health insurance, etc. Just because they recommend it doesn't mean that they have to use it does it? No. Not sure why you put the oops in there, not like you had a gotcha moment or anything.
  10. I think that the tax rate for those mentioned SHOULD be raised by 10% or 12%. When we are seeing that the average CEO earnings are going up in "downtimes" and the middle-class is losing out based on the COL going up and having to pay more in benefits, etc. There is something fundamentally wrong there. I also believe that most democrats want regulations for Wall Street to upheld or expanded back to where they were prior to GWB. Personally, being a parent of three children. I am not worried about the government coming into their schools and controlling their minds. I am more worried about minds being controlled by the media pundits, which as we know skew the truth. This does happen for both sides of the aisle. Which is why I can not take the teachers union website completely at face value. It sounds more like an attack on the union than anything else, someone who got their panties in a bind over something that they didn't believe in and didn't work out.
  11. I bolded that because it was made into a typical "it's all obama's fault" thing.
  12. On the redistribution of wealth... most democrats want corporations and the top few percent to pay more in taxes. Which is fair if Republicans are making cuts for the middle-class or having them pay more towards benefits. I believe it equates to a 12% hit. How are all democrats for nationalizing industry?
  13. Just the constant crap coming from "conservatives" which basically is if you don't agree with them or if you are a democrat you are a socialist/marxist.
  14. So individuals and corporate donors don't have direct talks or extra perks when it comes to dealing with the politicians they endorse? Your belief is that people like Koch Brothers just donate and then say I hope they win and if they do win. Yay and nothing more? BS, they have politicians in their pockets BIG TIME!! Sounds like the Tea Party huh? Seriously what is so wrong with saying we had your back with getting the vote out, now why aren't you helping us out with policy? "Using our publicly owned classrooms as captive pens in which to indoctrinate our own children according to their Socialist-Marxist ideology, is criminal." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  15. Sure the Republicans want to cut and save the taxpayers money as long as it doesn't affect programs they like and it includes their social agenda. Plain and simple.
  16. Yes, there are some moronic democrats out there blaming Bush for 9/11 or Katrina. Let's face it Katrina could have had a better/faster response. Is that all Bush's fault? No. Is it all Obama's fault for the deficit? No. Yes, he also joined in with the bailouts that Bush started. Bailing out Wall Street as much as they did? Probably not a great idea. Bailing out GM I am sure people will say was a bad idea. From what I understand GM is well on it's way to have it all paid back 2015. Ahead of the timetable created. So yeah, saving GM and jobs for their employees and the suppliers employees a good thing. Plus it made GM wake up and finally do what was right and create better designs and trim down the line. Something that has been needed to be done for a long time. In regards to the cuts, I don't know anyone who says things don't need to be changed and that major cuts need to happen. Yet, there is something said to being responsible about it. Simply cutting programs ie: jobs is not a great thing. Things need to be planned a bit better than just saying EPA... don't like it, cut it. Planned Parenthood... don't like abortion so cut all of their funding even if they do other services. I think our elected officials need to think a bit more about it and truly throw EVERYTHING on the table. Defense spending, rewriting tax laws, raising taxes on corporations and the wealthiest few percent. Let's face it, being responsible also means being fair. If one group or class is expected to have a reduction in benefits/pensions and even their jobs if the area in which they works gets cut. Corporations and the wealthiest need to pay their fair share as well. Enough of this, give me every break or I'll take my company somewhere else nonsense. Fact of the matter is that most of them already are taking their companies or a good portion of them overseas. Be responsible. Be fair across all classes of people.
  17. I always thought that politicians SHOULD not let their faith get involved with policy? And this day and age it's not simply work hard, it's work hard for less money and benefits or lose your job and starve.
  18. And wow, you own a business therefore you know everything right? You can speak on behalf of CEO's and major corporations. WOW, a Board told the CEO he needs to be paid more. I am SHOCKED. How about they ask the employees if he should be paid more?
  19. Who are they front moron? Oh, I don't know. Maybe... just maybe they donate thousands and thousands of dollars to Republican candidates. dumb ass!!! And to say money laundering... even dumber. Funny thing is that unions have to report everything and I mean EVERYTHING they contribute to, salaries of all of their employees, all gifts no matter how small, etc., etc., etc. Yeah, they are the ones hiding ****. So stupid. These people are protecting what THEY worked hard for before some a-hole takes it away from them. How about Republicans stop giving huge tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy.. maybe then they can honestly say that are attempting to balance a budget.
  20. Sorry (*^*&%^$^#before I started working with unions, I worked with a few corporations. You don't know **** about my background, so don't act like it.
  21. GOOD!!! Insane union negotiations as a front for the democrats. HAHAHA!! I'm sure you have no problem with people like the Koch Brothers right?
  22. Oh please. The first bailout started under the Bush administration. Many of the problems we face with the current economy started A LONG time ago. And thanks for playing? Just stupid to say that.
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