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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Ok, so does anyone know how many tickets are remaining as of this morning?
  2. Straight into the playoffs from the get go or backing in... who cares. They have to be in it to have a chance to win it. Either way, the team gains so much from this run.
  3. Great point. Hopefully that loss to the lowly Bills will have a sour taste in their mouth and they will kick the crappola out of the Jets.
  4. Wish I could be there. However, I will be at the Ravens game cheering on the Bills. Here's to hoping that it means something after this weekend.
  5. GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! GO FISH!!! Ok, I have found out if you say it very fast and get through it quicker... you feel better about yourself afterwards. Wheew. That was tough. I need a
  6. No one ever said Ralph didn't fight for this team or care about Buffalo. At least I didn't. I have been simply saying, it's not working. The other owners from Ralph's words are clearly not listening. It might be time to sell the team to someone that may have more energy, moxy whatever to get what the team deserves. So for you to say get a clue, believe me I have clue. Again, what he is doing is not working.
  7. Why not just do what they do at USC with the retired jerseys. Rip out the seats and have sort of Bills art or stadium signage up there?
  8. I know the information, however after seeing so many of them... well, I have a headache.
  9. Ok. sorry, the people that matter are ignoring him. Better? Ramblings of an old man is how people are taking him. Ever listen to Colin Cowherd? Many times through his show and others any move the Bills made had something about age thrown in and then laughed at. Make sense?
  10. I like Peerless' scenarios.... win out and see what happens.
  11. From Fox Sports: No counterfeit Bills Bills coach Dick Jauron deserves some notice for coach of the year. I know Sean Payton appears to be a shoo-in for his amazing work with the New Orleans Saints. But Jauron, who whipped the Jets a week ago, has his Bills believing, and they totally embarrassed Miami on Sunday. They knocked Joey Harrington from the game while J.P. Losman passed for three more touchdowns, giving him 17 on the season, with only 10 interceptions. There were plenty of doubts about Losman and the Bills heading into this season, but they have a better record at 7-7 than the Dolphins, and they lost games at New England and Indianapolis by a grand total of three points. Just imagine that, the Bills with a 9-5 record? They were awfully close. Jauron is a very good coach who never has gotten enough credit. Yes, he won Coach of the Year honors in Chicago long ago, but that organization ran him out of town when he couldn't win with a horrible quarterback while playing every home game in Champaign, Illinois. Men like Jauron don't receive a lot of attention because he isn't a self-promoter. Nothing wrong with that, I say. But at least people in western New York should take notice that they have a very good man and solid coach leading their franchise.
  12. That would be best for right now. Solid players that can gel and become superstars, not superstars with ego and baggage.
  13. There is an old saying "Spend money to make money". The Bills win, get noticed brings in money. There are so many avenues in which the Bills can bring in money. Most of which are not available because they haven't done anything in years.
  14. Alright to respond. Yes, I know his complaining is getting noticed. The problem is that people are noticing and are ignoring it. Basically taking for the ramblings of an old man. Other teams, sports writers, etc. They will all continue to ignore him. About the naming rights... milk it. If the team is strapped for money, sell the naming rights the stadium, raise ticket prices, put a better product on the field, etc., etc. There are things that can be done. Revenue Sharing will happen... however, someone can buy the team and make it more marketable so that the revenue sharing helps but is not a do or die check from the league. Partly this is his fault... how many people here complained when he didn't go after some big name players in free agency? There are things that he can control that would help this team dramatically. If the team improves and forces itself to be noticed via great play. Money will come in. Money will come in via ticket sales, via apparel, advertising, etc., etc. Who wants to back a team that for years didn't know how to improve itself. Thank god, we're finally starting to see a chance in the right direction now.
  15. Alright Ralphie Boy — Frankly as one Bills fan, I am getting tired of always hearing the banter about the revenue, the team leaving, etc. Ralphie... your latest quote. "The high-revenue clubs are not going to give teams like Buffalo any revenue sharing. They haven't done it. They stalled it for years, and I'm sick and tired of hearing about it. I've run myself ragged trying to help Buffalo stay alive."' Do us favor then Ralph. Sell the team to someone who will keep the team in Buffalo, who will make themselves heard by the bigger market owners and who will market the team correctly to make it fiscally secure. Either that or sell the stadium naming rights, hell the stadium and land in general and build a smaller (50,000 - 60,000) seat stadium downtown with other teams money just as the Giants and Jets are doing. All in all stop freakin' complaining and do something. Have of these problems were created by you and your organization by not having a product worth marketing for 10 years.
  16. Always backed JP. Not so much with Clements. Jauron I have always liked, although, I also liked Sherman.
  17. Church Schmurch. Mass should be moved back. Flex Scheduling at it's best.
  18. Oh my... I think I am going to cry that was very touching.
  19. Pro Bowl... no. Comeback player of the year? Maybe.
  20. Indy. Love the guy, but Lindell missed FG. Then losing by one.
  21. Of course not, funny thing is that every other team received a TON of time... Bills pretty much none. Even now.
  22. Ahhh, early prediction time. Although, I am extending it out to the other games of interest. Starting with tonight. Cincy 17 (8-6) Indy 24 Indy plays well, comes out firing knowing where they stand in the playoff race. They still have a bitter taste in their mouths from the last loss. Love playing at home Tenn - 10 Bills - 21 (8-7) Jets - 10 (8-7) Miami - 24 (7-8) Cincy - 16 (8-7) Denver - 17 (9-6) NE - 31 (11-4) JAX - 13 (8-7)
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