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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Wow it didn't take long to become pessimistic.
  2. Just stay on property. everything else does not matter.
  3. Youth can have an impact to say that it doesn't is foolish. How's Hansbrough's nose?
  4. Very young team. Watch some basketball.
  5. Duke will be back next year. Not a bad season - for a very young team. VCU played a great game. MD loses next round vs. Butler Tarheels get bounced by G-town - maybe Michigan State. Player ejected - hansborough = Pansy. I thought he was going to cry. :-)
  6. Pushing the pile equals dance, dance, happy feet, loss in yardage.
  7. I would much rather take a player from NFL Europe than the Arena League. At least let him compete in camp.
  8. I'm going to miss London Fletcher... NC. Who cares, everyone knows that he's expected to get a huge pay day. Why bankrupt the team on one player. One player who can go to cold or burned real fast. Buh-bye Nate.
  9. Your are right he should state the fact that the Bills still have larger crowds than most NFL teams. However, having the Blackout range covering Rochester and most of the surrounding areas does not help the Bills either. That region is a large part of the Bills fan base, to have it blacked out does not make sense to me for many reasons, but the one that stands out the most is drive and accessibility to the stadium. It is dramatically different from the fall to the winter months. Driving can be very dangerous and seeing a game is not worth the risk to many. Where I live - if Baltimore didn't have a team and the Redskins didn't sell out, a black out would cover the Baltimore region. Huge area and does not make sense. Let the people outside of the greater metro areas receive the games, if anything that would help improve the size of the fan base and the almighty dollar.
  10. It's also the Pro Bowl. No one there wants to see anyone get hurt. He could have tackled him differently.
  11. Thanks for the pictures. Have never watched 24 before.
  12. I guess I am failing to see the point in this post. If the point is that American sports teams and individuals are competitive but do not always win, then name a country that does always have winners? English Soccer? Not always. Russian Gymnastics? Not always. Canadian Hockey? Not always. USA Basketball? Not always. So the point is that no country is always a dominate force. So why blast American sports?
  13. Barbaro actually did mate in the last 8 months. The line is continuing on. To answer the other persons question, most horse are normally put down the day they break a leg due to a horrible healing process. Most horses like Barbaro, will heal the broken leg however in the meantime gain many other issues/health problems. He was probably kept alive long enough to make sure he could mate as well as to become in a nutshell (no pun intended) a sperm donor.
  14. He was born 19 years ago. That is why he is only 19 and not 20.
  15. First off franchise Clements? Umm, no. For what reason? To have a player that will be utterly PO's in the lockerroom? "We cannot compete if we develop talent and let them walk away without compensation" Nate has been in the league for 6 years. It's not like he's been there for two, we trained him, etc. and let him walk. He's due a new contract and we have many other needs. Letting him go would not be a bad thing. I personally would like to see what Youboty can do. I also love the fact that the Bills are such a young team and they competed last year.
  16. God this is funny. Fact is that Bills fans have it made in regards to their ticket prices, even with the increase. I love comments like I am not happy about my $3 or $5 increase per game, etc., etc. Easiest way to offset the increase of $3 to what $7 dollars per game is drink one less beer in the stadium. That will take care of that. I look at stadiums and teams like the Skins and Ravens (since I live in that area)... season tickets club level at FedEx well, WELL over $1,500 per seat. What's the most expensive seat in the Ralph $350 or so?
  17. Same here. No Bills, makes it a lot easier to not pig out all of the time. Only one more important game to get through. Notre Dame on January 3rd. Go Irish!!!
  18. Brains and the fact that at a young age it could/should be easier to groom him into whatever style the team needs makes him a steal.
  19. Obiviously the kid has brains as well if he was out of high school at an early age.
  20. Isn't Peterson the one with a broken leg or something along those lines?
  21. Sign Fletcher. One of the most productive Bills defensive players (I believe) ever. Sign him.
  22. Loved it. Looking for to more of those for this week and next year. God I hope they sign Fletcher to long term deal. One that will have him a Bill for the rest of his career.
  23. Thanks I'll send that one off. The was pretty good. Love the Herman Edwards.
  24. Anyone have any funny video clips of Pennington or the Jets? Wife's cousin is non stop about the Jets going to the playoffs and the Bills not... need something to throw his way.
  25. Yes, the defense was worse than the Offense for most of the year. However, played very well against Miami and the Jets. Giving up only 13 points over those two games. Poor tackling, I think, is an NFL problem not just a Bills problem. Marv wasting picks on D? I don't get that. All of the rooks played very well for their FIRST year in the NFL. If anything, look at the playing time they received. This defense will be much, MUCH better next year with everyone having that one year under their belt.
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