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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?
  2. Interesting article.
  3. I HATE open letters. Such a waste of time.
  4. Everything is a reach unless Kiper predicts it.
  5. I believe Obama will and should get the Democratic nod. He should be able to beat McCain - tough election though. He is already proving that can get the independent vote as well as some of the republican swing voters. I also believe that blue-collar workers will rally behind him as the Democratic choice for President.
  6. And your point? Things aren't going well. Not blaming Bush entirely, also blame his staff as well as some dems.
  7. Where did I state that? I said that his advisers are not doing so well right now.
  8. Well understood, thanks for telling me that though. One would like their President to know at least to know/understand the bare minimum on his own. Advisers are doing wonders right now for Bush right? Doesn't always work out well.
  9. I don't believe Obama will blame race if he loses now or in the general. Doesn't seem to be his style. If anything he would blame is inability to connect with some blue collar workers and the elderly who love Hillary. I do wonder about Hillary's supporters though. Will they actually vote for McCain over Obama? One poll that I have seen stated something like 52% said that they would not vote for Obama. That is just sad, and compares to the 20% of Obama supporters who would not vote for her. McCain = lower taxes, avoid balancing the budget. Remember economy not his strong suit.
  10. Missing out on Pacman. Darn, I am terribly upset.
  11. I hope they don't lose. McCain scares me. :-)
  12. No time to revote. They missed that opportunity. And with that being said they can't simply give Hillary the delegates - in no way would that be fair to Obama. So one would think to somewhat please the masses that screwed up their own fate - split the delegates.
  13. Thank god I never said it was all Bush's fault. Wheew.
  14. Oh god we're now ranking presidents.
  15. Did you ever take into account the veto power Bush has? Kind of hard to get things done with a President that will threaten to veto pretty much anything thrown at him. Recession I believe started before 2006. Gas Prices are EVERYONE'S fault - not just the dems. Gas prices - nothing was done when the problem started. Just think, last year (July 2006) — Prices at the gas pump jumped 104 percent from $1.47 per gallon in January 2001 to $3.00. The average household with children will spend about $3,815 on transportation fuel costs this year, an increase of 100 percent or $1,912 over 2001 costs. Again, that all happened between 2001 and July 2006. Granted we're worse off now. Dems and Republicans are at fault at least from 2006 to now. From 2001 to 2006 I would have to put the majority of the blame on the republicans. Now it would be easy to blame the oil companies (in 2005 the five largest oil companies reported a record $110 billion in profits - could they have put some of that money towards refining? Exploration?). Somehow, someway we have to get to OPEC and knock them back a bit since something like 70% of what we pay at the pump goes in that direction. Bottom line is that something has to be done.
  16. Did McCain say the other day that he would rather lower taxes than balance the budget?
  17. Trading our 1st round pick for Pacman.
  18. Oh dear god. I hope that this is a joke. JP has had his chance(s).
  19. Hillary will gain back those votes. After all she listened to Bruce while Hunting after church in Pennsylvania.
  20. The fish in Toronto instead of at the Ralph. THAT SUCKS!!!
  21. 14 Dec. 7 Miami Dolphins (at Toronto) That freakin' blows!!! There goes the home field advantage!!!
  22. Thank god my candidate isn't failing. Wheeew!!
  23. I love Hillary... How dare you Obama. Ooops, my senior Adviser was just making deals with Columbia. I hate guns, I love guns. I love Walmart, I hate Walmart I love Blue Collar people and Labor, I Love NAFTA, I have NAFTA. I wish she would just make up her mind so I would know which Hillary to dislike more.
  24. Obama hates Pennsylvanians.... :lol:
  25. Walmart = one of America's worst companies. Yes, they make money but they are horrible on all other accounts.
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