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Everything posted by pBills

  1. All depends on how long Hillary stays in this... and who is running mate is.
  2. Yes. McCain and Hillary both have a ton of experience. Yet with all of that experience they still make poor decisions. What do they blame those decisions on? Plus, Hillary states everything she has done since college as experience for the White House. Can that really be true? Of course the Pastor will be brought up at some point by McCain. Really is a non-story now. Regarding the debates - I believe Obama's campaign put themselves into a little bit of a pinch by not allowing themselves to go on the extreme attack like Hillary did. I do believe that once he has a partner in this the running mate will be able to take a bit of a harder stance all the while Obama will be leading/speaking of change in politics. I still wouldn't say ass kicked though. She did well, no doubt. But it was all negative and many people were getting annoyed because the negative hits were more predominate with her than the "real issues". Energy.... Hillary; Tired at 11pm, Ready at 3am? "Last week, however, Clinton seemed to suggest that older voters might be more absent-minded than wise. Defending Hillary Clinton’s faulty recollection of landing under sniper fire during a 1996 humanitarian visit to Bosnia, the former president said of her critics, “When they’re 60, they’ll forget something when they’re tired at 11 o’clock at night, too.” - Boston Globe Polls... they can and have changed daily.
  3. I do love the experience card. Always makes me laugh. In regards to the one link, the former pastor is quickly becoming a non-story. His poor debates... is debatable. I believe that he has really only had maybe 2 bad debates out of what 21? Lack of energy... what do they expect? These campaigns have been going on at a feverish pace for so long. McCain has had the luxury (until last night) of taking an easier, more relaxed schedule all the while having his campaign sharpen their tools. Definitely not good for the Dems. "The sense inside many GOP camps has long been that Obama, being somewhat inexperienced, would be easier to beat than Clinton and her campaign machine. But Obama's fumbling recently with the comments from his former pastor, his poor debate performances, and what one Republican pollster called his "lack of energy and appearances" on the campaign trail now make him an even more attractive foe for McCain."
  4. And that should happen now. Especially with the reports that she has loaned her campaign even more money. Plus, not a glorious speech in IN when you have to beg for money.
  5. I am sure that most of that is sour grapes. Most will fall in line with the party - never wanting to see McCain in office. Especially when the economy is the biggest issue. I also think a lot depends on who would be Barack's running mate. I personally don't see Hillary wanting a VP spot - but if she would take that position, no worries on Ohio and FLA anymore.
  6. You also forgot to mention that Barack is well liked among independents and even some Republicans. Also, if Barack has no chance then why is there such a push within the GOP to hope/support Hillary? They would love to face her instead of Barack.
  7. You have got to be kidding me. That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long time. Before I really get into this... may I ask what you do? I have seen people who were making $25.00 per hour after many years of service - lose their job, lose their pension, health benefits, etc. all because the company wanted cheaper labor. So now that person has to scramble and hope to make at least 3/4 of what they were making with at least some of the benefits. That person has to figure out how to keep the roof over their head and how to pay the difference (if one) in health coverage. Their job may have been crappy to some - however they were good at it. The skills that they acquired by being a good, loyal soldier for the company don't mean much in other markets or even in their own. They can get a new job doing pretty much the same thing, but they get hired for less. And really who is to say the job is better done overseas? Ever hear of the saying you get what you pay for? Let's see, something negative about our trade with China (as per USCC)... -- The rise in the United States' trade deficit with China from 1989 to 2003 caused displacement of production that supported 1.5 million U.S. jobs. The loss of jobs due to the growing trade deficit with China has more than doubled since it entered the WTO in 2001. -- Over 1.5 million job opportunities lost nationwide are distributed among all 50 states and the District of Columbia, with the biggest losers, in numeric terms: California (-211,045) Texas (-106,262) New York (-87,037) Illinois (-74,070) Pennsylvania (-73,612) Florida (-65,733) North Carolina (-65,279) Ohio (-61,914) Michigan (-54,313) and Georgia (-49,589) Missed opportunities must have come from all of those people with sh1tty jobs/skills. How about we support American workers a bit instead of the cheap labor in other countries.
  8. McCain: Maybe a hundred. Make it one hundred. We’ve been in South Korea, we’ve been in Japan for sixty years. We’ve been in South Korea for fifty years or so. That’d be fine with me as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. Then it’s fine with me. I would hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where Al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day. Wow, that makes me want to have our troops over there even more than before.
  9. Follow along... someone replacing their income/job once that job has left the country is NOT that easy. The work is work.
  10. Of course they can get new jobs... but again say that to someone who may have worked 20+ years in a position. Most likely they lost their pension and benefits... plus being in a certain position so long, they may not have the necessary skills to gain a worthy job. Point is that it's not that easy.
  11. Whoops mixed and matched on accident. I am a bit on the tired side.
  12. Wouldn't doubt it.... some would say 30,000 jobs right off the bat in the textile industry.
  13. Every agreement has stipulations. "The United States and China share the most imbalanced bilateral trade relationship in the world. The United States imports more goods from China than it exports to a tune of $202 billion dollars each year. All told, China alone accounts for nearly 26% of the United States' $725.8 billion trade deficit." Guess Ross Perot was correct, NAFTA did create that giant sucking sound - American jobs leaving the country
  14. I don't think that anyone wants to "kill" free trade. It's more about making it fair for all sides.
  15. I had it all man. Vinyl, 8-track, bootlegs from the shows... you name it man.
  16. I had vinyl. However they were just to much for the bus.
  17. What did I miss? Sorry, I had to organize my Grateful Dead CDs and hemp clothes.
  18. I especially liked the part in the interview where Bill was saying that her tax increase would affect rich people... and she said "God Bless Us". A little elitist? :-)
  19. It's funny... she states that one would have to be willing to adapt and change. But she has a hard time saying that NAFTA was a bad idea.
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