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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Very intelligent. What I expect from you. Keep up the good work. :lol: Oh and it's "MAY not know you..."
  2. "Acting his age" and using the term "troll" in the same sentence. Classic.
  3. You know your post bothers the crap out of me... it's the typical message board BS. I read what someone posts every now and then and think that I know what they are about. Fact is you know crap about me, what I believe in or who I respect, etc. So for you or other people to come on here and try to scold people as if you are better is complete and utter nonsense. Words matter on the POLITICS board of an NFL TEAM fan website. That in itself is foolish.
  4. Did I ever "sully" his military service? Ummmm, no. And really "have you no shame sir?" Give me a break. Why don't you go back and read what I posted. I have said that I respect his military service, I do not respect his politics. So please stop telling me to mind my manners or anything else. You have no right.
  5. It's called free speech. Get used to it. And I find it funny how when people mention Hillary or Obama.... everyone chimes in and says all sorts of negative things (expected, it's the political season)... bot oh no, how dare we not bow our heads to the almighty McCain. Then it's GTFO of my country. As someone else said - what are you 12?
  6. Socialist and extremely far left.... anything else?
  7. Oh my lord. So McCain should have a thread dedicated to his life and service... and no one is allowed to poke fun or state anything negative?
  8. No, I am not surprised at all. She has a ton of baggage which why the GOP would love to face her instead of Barack. What's the worst part of Barack? Experience and his former minister. Women are also voting for her because she is a woman. And do you believe that the black vote is mainly because he's black? What about universal healthcare, the economy, education, and a strong and sound foreign policy? Maybe people, not just blacks can relate to him better. He has much more of an attractive, interesting history than Hillary. Single mother, at one point on Welfare, etc., etc. People, especially in this economy can relate. His former minister is not going to hurt him in the general election. Hell even Huckabee WITH McCain at his side stated that people sitting and listening to his sermons don't always believe everything he says. That ship has sailed. There are bigger issues at hand than someone's foolish comments from the past.
  9. I could probably come up with something.
  10. Photoshop... I use it everyday.
  11. Oh come on... now she has baggage. The strongest Democratic candidate has baggage. Back to her advantages with women. You do realize that women were voting for her simply because she was a woman right? In many states she would carry the female vote... bad thing for her was that number wasn't as high as the black vote. How can a race voting for a candidate be a bad thing in the general election. That vote is primarily democratic but does not always show up at the polls. This year they will unless Hillary steals the nomination. His attitudes and associations... should we go back to Hillary's?
  12. What if Thurman was pointing towards McCain as if to say... you da man!!!
  13. Let's face it the man went through hell when he was in the service, he did a lot and gave up a lot for his country. EVERYONE should respect him for his service to this country. I would imagine like many Americans, I just don't agree with his some of his political beliefs.
  14. I respect his military service. I don't respect his political beliefs.
  15. Not buying the Hillary Dems voting for McCain. Won't happen. No Dem wants McCain aka Bush Light.
  16. Just like Hillary is gaining the female democrats... well at least the old ones. Big deal. Bottom line is that she is done. She should find a way to back out gracefully.
  17. Obama has played a smart, great game thus far. And really there has been many attacks against him. It's one thing to draw comparisons between candidates, it's another to attack or use scare tactics. I can't wait for McCain to start that - he's such an easy target for political pieces. I think he is going to abandon his strategy of promoting change if it gets him elected? No. National Polls, I too have stated earlier they mean jack sh1t. McCain could be up 20 points right now and it wouldn't mean anything. McCain could be up 20 points in certain states and it wouldn't matter. Messaging will be fine tuned and strategies will come about once he gets the nod. I do not see Obama losing the Independent vote. No way. If anything he has proved that he can gain new voters and independents through this part of the cycle.
  18. Even hear of the term "Obamican"?? Obama is also drawing in more independents, more newly registered voters. I believe that once he receives the nod (if she would finally step out gracefully) the party will follow in behind him. Depending on who the VP candidate would be those areas you are worried about reaching could be pulled in via that spot. She has no viable way to take the nod unless the super delegates give it to her. If even she won with 60% of the vote the rest of the way and received 60% of the remaining super delegates she would still trail him by 57 delegates and Obama would be over the top.
  19. You believe it will have an effect. May be true. May not. Most people will/should think that they have heard it all before - enough, get on to some real issues. Obama's message of hope, change in DC is silly? A lot of people would love change in DC, change in politics. However, one must be smart enough to know that unfortunately games will be played during the course of an election. Energy - fine we'll agree to disagree on that one. Polls... wasn't both Obama and Hillary above McCain at one point, maybe about a month ago? Of course the important states for the general election do not change. However, just like everything else in politics that is debatable. Hillary has made many statements about Obama not being able to win the big states... however if Gore could have pulled the smaller states he may have been President. There is no doubt that McCain will do well in Florida. Ohio, I believe when the economy is the biggest issue - he will not fair so well. After all isn't he the one that said... In fact, on numerous occasions over the course of the campaign, McCain has volunteered that he is unsatisfied with his lack of knowledge about aspects of economics. "I'm going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues. I still need to be educated," McCain told the Wall Street Journal in late November. In December he said, "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should,"... On at least one occasion, McCain has raised the matter himself. On Nov. 10, while traveling through New Hampshire on his Straight Talk Express bus, McCain was asked what he would seek in a vice presidential candidate if nominated. After mentioning the ability of a potential running mate to replace the president, McCain said, "You also look for people who maybe have talents you don't, or experience or knowledge you don't, as well." "What are those qualities that you don't - that you wouldn't mind complementing?" asked David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times. McCain paused. "Uh, maybe I shouldn't say this, but, somebody who's really well grounded in economics," he said. "I think I understand the fundamentals, I talk to people all the time on economics - it's obviously a vital part of America's future," McCain continued. "But I know there are some people who have literally immersed themselves on issues of economics, how Congress works on it, the tax code, that sort of thing. I would look for that kind of talent not in a vice president but in close advisers." "They are complicated," McCain said of economic issues, "and I freely admit I am not an economist."
  20. How can one say she is the stronger candidate when she isn't even the leader in her own party.
  21. It's quickly becoming a non-story... once Obama distances himself from this it's done. I say that McCain will bring it up because he has to. Just another issue to attack on or to divert attention from something else. Of course it's hypocritical... that unfortunately is politics. Plus, I would imagine that since both candidates have stated they do not intend to go extremely negative neither will attack as harsh as Hillary has. You mentioned that the Clinton campaign seems fine and is not tired. I simply threw out one of her supposed to funny excuses. What would you like for me to say about her campaign stops... that she has a ton of energy? Or that all of them are full energy whether it be Hillary, Bill or that dud Chelsea? Fact is that they are not full of energy. I have been to four on the West Coast for work - not very exciting. The crowd excited, full of energy - yes. The person on the stage. Not so much.
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