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Everything posted by pBills

  1. And of course Hillary not being able to win the smaller states - minus of course WV.
  2. http://www.cinefile.biz/impact1.jpg
  3. That if what she hopes for (Florida and Michigan) instantly comes into play and in her corner. Not going to happen. She can't be for the rules at one point and then wanting the rules changes at another when it benefits her. So minus Florida and Michigan the magic number is 2,026 - Obama being only 142 delegates away. Let's just put it this way, people that I know have had meetings with her. After those meetings, they all believe this is basically working for two items. 1) to leave on a high note 2) to hopefully raise money to pay down debt. Fat Lady has sung - time to end it.
  4. Hate to say it Clinton is done. She will be gracefully exit after next Tuesday. Especially with Obama's huge lead right now in Oregon.
  5. I am kind of shocked I never saw it... the firm I work with normally receives everything related to a campaign when we're involved. Scary. Although, at least he won.
  6. They are partly right about blacks not voting for her if she somehow gained the nomination. After all if you look at the numbers she should have no way of catching him. With that being said it's worse with Clinton supporters the majority states that they will not vote for Obama.
  7. And where did you see that he did that?
  8. You should have seen some of the ads I designed for Childers. However they were fact checked many times.
  9. Whooohoooo!!! I worked on part of that campaign - good to see hard work pan out.
  10. Are you insinuating that all republicans vote the same way?
  11. Override if you have the right amount of votes. Also, Bush threatens to veto all of the time.
  12. Kind of hard to do when Bush puts the boom down on everything. Especially when it relates to pulling the troops out.
  13. Could be the pollen. Not sure.
  14. Message Board Tar and Feather me for my ignorance. I deserve that.
  15. You are completely right. What was I thinking? Must be the pollen.
  16. I agree completely with you.
  17. Sorry, I want to attack McCain's mother, wife and girlfriends. Ooops, I forgot... is that bad?
  18. Hussein Obama, I do love that supposed poke. Always great. Actually should we start a thread about Michelle and McCain's wife being lesbians? That would be sweet.
  19. Things to think about are: A) McCain will probably never read nor hear about anything posted here. and B) McCain is attempting to be President. He is going to poked at, made fun of, etc., etc. I am sure he realizes that, so should his supporters here.
  20. When isn't he complaining or trying to straighten someone out?
  21. Oh please do. I love the way you act as though you are an expert in ohhhhh everything. So as always I look forward to you enlightening me. Thanks in advance oh brilliant one.
  22. Or how about McCain with a walker? Funny as well.
  23. I have to admit... pretty good.
  24. Ahhh, I was waiting for this to happen. Typical.
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