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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Oh come on now... aren't you having fun? It's funny how you call me a partisan hack when you yourself is one. Sorry, I guess I should related the Iraq War to Bush right? I love having fun with you rightie people. The pathway to a better U.S. is through your ideas alone. Eliminate Medicare, Screw the Environment, Screw the middle-class, Protect the Superwealthy and keep giving into Corporations - hoping they will keep their jobs here. Guess what... they don't.
  2. I hate the word "socialists". It is so over played it's ridiculous. It's just funny how the middle-class and lower are scrapping to get by, yet the wealthiest are racking in huge profits and gains. Something is seriously wrong. I'm sure it will be blamed on Obama though.
  3. WOW... did I say I want to keep spending where it is? Ummmmm,no. Hence saying "Spending is just PART of the deal". Do I want to raise taxes on the super wealthy and close loop holes for corporations... yes. When they have been enjoying the lowest rates since what 1955, they can be raised. Or are we afraid to deal with them in this case?
  4. So you feel as though they should have their taxes lowered right now? Are you still believing that if we keep lowering tax rates for them and for their corporations that will eventually trickle down the middle-class, etc.?? You feel comfortable with everyone else taking a hit one way or another, except them.
  5. Spending is just PART of the deal. Look at the big picture. Balancing are wreck of an economy means that everything should be dealt with... Reforming Medicare Reforming Social Security CUTTING Defense Spending Making some cuts in social programs Raising Taxes on the wealthiest few percent Closing corporate tax loop holes as well as raising their rates EVERYTHING must be on table. Not just portions like the Republicans want or creating some crappy voucher system that won't work and kills Medicare.
  6. Sorry it was much more than a simple video. The video does nothing but show what his true intentions were... something he did not say to the general public. Hate to tell you Corporations are already taking their jobs overseas... giving them even more will not change that.
  7. Tom don't bring yourself down to that dumb level. So you buying in his BS reason. Ok. Another BS thing... unions force cities to sign agreements. My ass. I wish people would stop spouting that BS. Unions across American and in Canada are offering concessions, yet States are still knee deep in trouble? How about stop giving corporations tax breaks and tons of subsidies, etc., etc
  8. Fair is having the wealthy pay more as well. If the average worker is now paying more for healthcare coverage, pensions (Republicans plan for concessions throughout the states), Senior Citizens will be losing their medicare (Paul Ryan's plan)... when will republicans ask the wealthiest Americans / Corporations to pay more through raising rates? When? Why are they excluded in the budget plans? I have no problem paying for my stuff. None what's so ever. This union guy works his ass off. This whole deal, like I said before is about Republicans NOT asking for cuts in Defense and LOWERING the tax rates even more. Even though they are currently as low as there in what... 1955. Come on.
  9. I think to now blame this on Obamais freakin' stupid.
  10. So it this move against state employees doesn't directly help the state budget. State employees.... State budget. He attempted to tell the Kucinich that this move would help those state employees pay for their higher rates for healthcare and pensions. Something that was gained via concessions. In other words, he thinks he was doing them a favor. Laughable.
  11. Asking is simply doing the right thing, the fair thing.
  12. If everything is on the up and up with the balloting.. good. Best thing to do is verify everything. Why am I confident because the Governor and Republicans lied saying that were going after Collective Bargaining Rights because of the budget. The Governor has let the cat out of the bag saying that what he has done does not affect the budget. Plus, countless polls have shown that the public believes they went to far by doing this.
  13. Ummmm, votes were cast there. Interesting how they were not added properly. Who cares if the win is decisive or not. What matters is who won and if the votes were properly counted. Actually, I do believe the recall elections will be different.
  14. Sorry I was wrong... it was 14,000 votes that the County Clerk "forgot" to add. How does someone forget to add 14,000 votes? Not even taking into account that she has had issues in the past with voting irregularities.
  15. HAHAHA... did you ever see his wife? Pretty good looking yeah, very interesting how Prosser won huh? Miraculously finding 7,000 votes. Nothing shady about that AT ALL.
  16. Not sure about less Democratic supporters... especially with the Republican candidate pool and their plan for the reducing the deficit. Yes, it could potentially mean less money for unions. I just wish a Republican could just state their true feelings / intentions instead of lying about them to the public. Best thing is that the recall is going wonderfully well.
  17. Me and the comrades. HAHAHA!!! So because they MAY defer more of their income we shouldn't do anything. Now where is that hit the head of the wall smiley. History has proven that no matter what the tax rate is the superwealthy will always find a way to get around paying it. That being said, aim high. Makes sense to me. Love the rat... but sorry I don't work for the Teamsters. Nice try.
  18. I agree, BOTH sides need to cut back on the spending. Especially on defense. Dear lord we spend upwards of six times any other nation in the world. Something is wrong there.
  19. I am not worried especially what who the possible Republican candidates are. Pretty laughable.
  20. Of course they do. I know that they can also pay more... why is everyone so scared to take them on and raise the rates. Hell the beloved Reagan had the rates around 70%.
  21. Funny because you keep spouting the same nonsense that MANY people have said countless times over that's it not true. What the Governor did was nothing than attack the Democrats biggest supporter. That's it. Get it into that dog**** loving head of yours.
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