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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Which is why he left that church. I just love people say that Obama believes in that garbage just because someone else ranted and raved at his church when he wasn't there. Just foolish.
  2. Just another reason why I wish the Bills would dump JP.
  3. I think my favorite part of the day was the part stating that Hillary said on a radio show in Michigan that she was keeping her name on the ballot for the voters. However, right after that she stated that their votes wouldn't count because they broke the rules and that she understood that. Time to get this over with. I also absolutely hated those people booing, cheering, chanting "Denver, Denver..." and yelling at committee. Absolutely disgusting. How do they expect to be taken seriously when they act like that. Time to grow up people.
  4. Chick in picture 4... great rack.
  5. Ok, so then what... as Bills fans do we watch JP have a few games with one of two nice deep passes but make 20 bad decisions? Personally, I've seen enough of the JP game. I'm ready for TE.
  6. I work in Bethesda and drive buy those places every day. I just don't get it. Bethesda is nice but not that nice.
  7. I will have to see where my funds are, I do not believe they are with the oil companies. I can say that because like most people I am getting killed every quarter. If money was with the oil companies, it may not have been such a loss or a loss at all. Idiots with no jobs were protesting. I am sure that even if they had money to invest, they probably wouldn't want to invest with them anyway. Who knows though if they really have jobs or not.
  8. And that's if your lucky. Have you seen the new condo buildings on 270? I think that they are starting now around $750,000. They were up around $1 million - damn that economy.
  9. Finally realized that they were crippling the world's economy. Which of course would have a huge backlash on their pocket books. So, figuring it goes back down to maybe $85 per barrel. What does that equate to? $2 something a gallon.
  10. From Sky News: Meanwhile, the world's leading producers say oil is too expensive and they plan to increase supplies. A source at Opec said its 13 members were uncomfortable with the current price of crude, which last week hit a record $135 a barrel. Based on present supply and demand, he said it should be fetching $60-$70 a barrel. Saudi Arabia said it would increase production.
  11. Jesus $519,000 - THAT'S IT!!! Almost makes me want to move back.
  12. Why in God's name would I mention on a message board where I place my money? What business is it of yours? And really do you think that the average joe is getting huge returns on those profits?
  13. So you heard that commercial too huh?
  14. About time you realized that.
  15. Holy crap. We pretty much agreed.
  16. Well, since I do not read every single thing that you post (that would be a daunting task) I must have missed when you changed your views. From what I remember (and I am sure you will correct if I am wrong), for the longest time it was about blaming the democrats and environmentalists. You are correct about the three (really two) Presidential Candidates. None of them really have a great or solid energy policy. Personally, I believe we're going to see gas continue to go higher. No reason for OPEC to increase output, no politician is really doing anything of substance and every time there is a sniff of drama in the world the market gets scared. No matter what we're screwed.
  17. Yes SIR!! Ok. So research would be... yada, yada, yada - we should have drilled years ago. Yada, yada, yada - we didn't, so now we're screwed.... yada, yada, yada - screwed by the environmentalists and democrats. Talk about blaming someone. It's funny though - didn't John Kerry state and get ridiculed for saying that gas prices would be moving up if nothing was done. SAN DIEGO, California (CNN) / Thursday, May 6, 2004 -- Sen. John Kerry on Tuesday called for a "new direction" in the nation's energy policy as consumers face escalating gas prices, and the Bush campaign hammered the presumptive Democratic nominee as a tax-spending liberal.
  18. Even more of a reason to change things. I love the smirks when they responded to questions in Congress. Smug a-holes.
  19. In response to your post.
  20. People want the war to end. People want a stronger economy. Both Hillary and Obama have got to be better than the guy who stated he didn't know much. #3 - not buying it. People will see the alternative. McCain or vote for a democrat you may not like completely. #4 - same as #3. I am one of those people. I can not stand Hillary. But she would be better than McCain.
  21. Ok. Since research has paid off... they know where it is. What are the profits going for now?
  22. Personally, I wish the billions and billions of dollars the oil companies were putting towards "investment" would actually start to pay off sooner or later for the average Joe. Kind of makes me wonder whose future they are investing in.
  23. The UAW has hurt the industry. I find that to be very funny.
  24. No matter what something HAS to be done. It's beyond ridiculous. Basically $2.00 increase per gallon in one year.
  25. Same as it is today. The unions are bad, they are one of the main reasons for the failing economy and all of that garbage. Unions are in place to give the worker, the common man/woman a voice... and hopefully better security and a better life for their hard work. It's easier in this day in age to go after them and demand concession after concession until the workers have pretty much lost everything they have worked for. Yet, at the same time management is receiving huge buyouts for doing a bad job or to leave quietly. What should happen is what is done in the NFL to an extent. If a head coach does a poor job and his team is failing... that leader is dismissed. Same should be for the CEO's... if the company is failing they should go. They should go without their multi-million dollar buyouts. They should without blame being cast on the workers. Sorry, just got a little fired up there.
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