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Everything posted by pBills

  1. No, translation: Worry about NOW, not what wasn't done 15 years ago so you can complain a bit more about those you disagree with. Do something for the here and now instead of having an answer that won't help for years to come. 15 years ago... when I was 21. I was SOOOO worried about drilling for oil. Nice try.
  2. But there WILL be fighting whether you think there shouldn't be or not. And really while they are "looking" for longterm solutions, the majority should trying to fix what is going on NOW.
  3. He could do that, but many lawyers would advise their clients not to say anything at all.
  4. I wouldn't say that that ticket would fix the war.
  5. Bad logic to say instead of fighting about drilling now... to want someone to get off their ass in get something done.
  6. Everyone should know, unless there is formal charges placed on him... he should ONLY talk through his lawyer. Not one reason for him to say anything at all. We all know words can be taken out of context, if he's says the wrong thing, etc., etc. he can be in even more trouble.
  7. What do you expect being that close to DC? Makes sense for companies to set up shop here.
  8. Question is can McCain actually visit all 50 states? Osteoporosis can be a B word.
  9. I may be wrong but even if they started drilling now that most likely wouldn't give us any sort of relief for years and years and years to come. I think people need to start thinking and go after what is the reason for the rise. Hell when you have pretty much every player now (most likely deflecting) stating that the speculators are the main reason for this... one would think to go after that aspect one way or another.
  10. I was just in Oakland not to long ago... the police definitely have their work cut out for them.
  11. I find this to be funny. No one has any idea on how to take care of the current oil/gas crisis, yet everyone bashes everyone else's ideas. I may be right, I may be wrong - my opinion is that someone needs to start regulating the speculators. I found it to be ironic that when in congressional hearings the price of oil went down once the possibility of regulation came up. Then once things cooled down and Israel made their dumb statement they had a reason to being the prices right back up. Granted the oil companies and OPEC are trying to cover their own butts or divert attention... but they are both starting to blame the speculators. Again, may be right, may be wrong... I just know that I am getting sick and tired of the price of gas being so high. Doubling in one year for no real reason.
  12. I hope that McCain opens up the trade relations a bit more with Mexico... I love me some Corona.
  13. I love this McCain quote...
  14. Actually I have been supporting Obama since he first announced. No idea on when the next season of American Idol starts... don't watch it.
  15. However if you follow Hillary, you'll support Obama in the General.
  16. Just stay away from politics. According to some Obama's will lower your brain activity and McCain's, my friends, will put you to sleep.
  17. Was she wearing a Bills jersey?
  18. Who knows. To me, it's not that big of a deal.
  19. From past rally's no reason not to expect a very large crowd. I do agree with you, seems as though someone didn't do their homework on this area. If anything, I would think that you would want to underestimate the numbers, that way your fine if you're low and outstanding if you exceed.
  20. Focus groups, as much as I hate them... they do tend to play a part in the messaging and design of campaign materials.
  21. Ok, so we pretty much agree... these general election polls are pretty much worthless. 6 months is plenty of time, however sometimes polls come out right before a candidate arrives in a certain area. Those are the times when prepared messaging can't necessarily change - but it can be altered a bit via speeches, press releases, etc. Plus, a lot of the time campaigns will cover so many different alternatives to the main message just in case. In regards to static direct mailers... most pieces are created early with look and feel and some sort of basic message. The copy will be changed and altered right up until the time it goes on Press.
  22. Washington Post "Earlier yesterday, he campaigned with former Virginia governor Mark R. Warner (D), a candidate for U.S. Senate, at a town hall meeting in Bristol in southwest Virginia."
  23. Much of the campaign strategy revolves around demographics of a certain area... educational background, finances, race, etc., etc. Granted a poll can alter that a bit.. but most messaging is done ahead of time. Hard to change messaging on materials/handouts - so the main area to be altered would be speeches, press releases and other quick hits.
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