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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Can you send a link explaining why "all of these bad asses" is endorsing Obama?
  2. Not perplexing at all... McCain would love to go after everyone. Plus, most world leaders can't stand Bush or his wanna-be's.
  3. I completely blame the attorney. If anyone should know, it should be him. Get the misdemeanor wrapped up and over with.
  4. :blink: How true!!! Got to love the fearmongering!!
  5. Damn, I have to move there. $200,000 wouldn't get you crap in the DC area.
  6. Maybe some moron in the campaign did that. Who knows. I would think that the more variety the better. Although with some of the fearmongering going on out there, if someone saw a burka in the audience they might start those lovely Obama is muslim and not patriotic rumors again. I have been to a ton of political rallies this year, not only for Obama but other candidates as well. Both sides of the aisle. ALL campaign stops shuffle people in and out of the area behind where the candidate will be talking. Really it's not a big deal.
  7. It just seems to me that people find it easy to say their wealthy, why help out one way or another? If those other people are low or middle-class they must not have worked hard enough. That is sad.
  8. Moron follow along... read a bit. The "why don't they just move" philosophy you have is a failed one. Ethiopia was just an example tool. Believe me, I am not a bitter person. I, unlike you look out for people that do not have the opportunities or need help. I do not hate Bill Gates in any way. I dislike his product - I am a mac person. He had a great idea, developed it and sold it to the world. God for him. His hard paid off. Hard work however does not pay off for everyone. What about those workers that bust their butt everyday and then lose their job to no fault of their own? Or get skipped over for a promotion because of the person above them wants to promote a buddy or some kid of college with no job experience. All of that hard work and dedication for nothing. I do not feel as though the rich have the responsibility - they should want to help out those less fortunate. They for whatever reason, luck, hard work, etc have what others are not able to get. Why not help them out? Not saying empty their pocket books and accounts out - just help a bit. Would not hurt one bit even if it was through a small tax increase. Thinking that does not make me bitter at all. Go be productive. Why you are doing that - learn how to multitask, then you would be able to be on the message board while conducting business. I am going to go hit the pub, smoke and be unemployed and bitter????
  9. Just like the Ethiopians... move to where there is food. Or people in other countries, move away from the violence. Just that simple. Just move to get a new job - leave the area in which you have lived, raised or are raising your children, where you have started to create a support circle. So easy, why didn't think of that? Yes our character defines who are. Especially when under the gun, however it does guarantee a turnaround. Bad things do happen and they are not always easy to turn around. Having a great work ethic or a great degree doesn't always mean you'll get back up on your feet quickly if at all. Your sisters story is captivating... she got a loan and borrowed money. She was lucky to have good credit. Another thing people do not always have for one reason or another. And since your father worked as an auto worker - I find it funny that you bashed auto workers earlier and that you have no sympathy for the middle-lower class.
  10. No Pasta, according to Jarhead they should never ask for help. They don't deserve it no matter what. We need to classify everyone as the same. Those people just didn't work hard enough for it.
  11. That is the most ridiculous post I have read in a long time. Your attitude is why I can't stand most republicans. Anyone who doesn't make a lot of money spends to much time in the pubs, smoking or just didn't like school. What an absolutely dumb thing to say. Way to classify all auto workers as meaning less to society. What do you do by the way? Anyone who can't necessarily afford to save tons of money or is living paycheck to paycheck is in the pubs, smoking, non-productive, etc. I guess those single mothers or single father working two jobs to put food on the table and to keep a roof over their heads must in the pubs in their spare time or just slacking off. :beer:
  12. Actually, I do have a 401k plan, a pension plan, a secondary retirement plan as well as other investments. Fact is that some people have to spend their money because they have to. They do not make enough to simply put some away.
  13. What do you think the middle-class does? They have CD's, 401k plans, some lucky ones still have pension plans. Which is clearly getting removed from many businesses/corporations. Giving the middle-class and break in taxes is such a bad thing now? And really their lives are going to be deeply compromised by paying a tad bit more in taxes? I love how people always look out for the wealthy (my definition is total household income of $250k and above) and basically say screw the middle-class.
  14. I know, the wealthy make so much and it instantly is spent. Just don't forget the little people who spend as well and could really need a tax break. If we were invested in the market with your Social Security, how much would we have lost by now?
  15. What is McCain's plan for saving Social Security? Just out of curiosity.
  16. Robin Hood from da Hood. Nice. Tax the F out of rich people making over $250k per year. What do you consider to be taxing the F out of them? The only people concerned about paying a bit more are the people making that much. If these stats are correct... not so bad:
  17. That is great news. I love the fact that Buffalo is moving forward. Hopefully these movements will bring in new jobs. I would like to move my family to Buffalo, however I just can't make the same amount of money there as I do here in DC.
  18. Wow, way to chime in after I posted that 3 days ago. Fine call it surrendering. I call it knowing when it's war that is going to continue on and continue on with no light at the end of the tunnel.. not even close to seeing the end of this. But, let's keep our soldiers in harms way and keep pumping tons of cash into this war. Makes sense to me.
  19. He should also continue on making sure that the American worker is not represented well.
  20. Actually, I do. I know - shocker. I believe that he will be a better president for the middle-class.
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