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Everything posted by pBills

  1. thnks for the news flash... I knew that thanks for helping though.
  2. So one seems to be more detailed than the other, however both are about change.
  3. How is McCain campaigning?
  4. One is designed better than the other? :-)
  5. Different policies and a different approach to politics... EVERYTHING should be looked over. NEVER SAID a thread needed to be started!!! I SAID I FOUND IT BE FUNNY. How was that?
  6. Mistake of confusing me with someone else.... No, I can't agree with how that mistake could have been made.
  7. McCain is planning change as well, not going to be the same politics as GW. Seems like he's getting the free pass at least around here.
  8. I think both candidates could have been pushed harder. Fair enough on letting it go.
  9. People asked the questions... how many debated did they have? He simply had a better campaign strategy than Hillary.
  10. Of course he is or was bitter. Most people who back someone to only have their candidate lose feel that way. No big deal.
  11. I see it as most people love to attack Obama and Democrats in general. And love everything but. Hardly a negative posts on McCain. Just funny to me.
  12. Most likely is... I would like for it to happen here as well. If we're going to talk politics, why question only one candidate?
  13. either way it's a presidential election we should be questioning both candidates.
  14. I understand that der. I would just like to see people question McCain a bit more
  15. Wow, did I say that? Um, no. I said that it's not the first time that a politician has changed their position. But since it's Obama let's get him!!! I wonder why there isn't as many negative posts on this site for McCain? HMMMMM? He must be such an angel.
  16. I was actually going after the statement "Democratic House members of the most ethical Congress..." I absolutely can not stand it when people say that. Especially with anything worth passing Bush threatens a veto and when Congress was pretty much run by the republicans they ran it into the ground. Easy for people to forget that I guess. Agree or not, my opinion.
  17. The power of Constitution should be protected. However, with that being said there still should be limits and regulations in place to protect the children, hot dogs and apple pie. It should never be black and white situation.
  18. Oh those pesky and ethical republicans NEVER change their opinions. ESPECIALLY Mr. Straight Talk Express.
  19. Whoops each sides point. My bad.
  20. Wait McCain Pro Guns... SHOCKER!!! Seriously I love how this is a black and white for many people. No one can see and understand the sides point.
  21. Why not... some those postings were absolutely ridiculous. I do agree with on this though.. Who said I was scared?
  22. Thanks for movie tip. I'll show it in my next UL (ultra-lib) meeting followed by coffee and a history book. :thumbsup: I also do not know how slam dunk it is... certain things should still have some sort of regulation no matter how minimal.
  23. you know, I was reading this chat about the ruling today and frankly some of the comments scare me...
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