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Everything posted by pBills

  1. How about this.. EVERY TEACHER I KNOW DOES NOT MAKE THAT MUCH MONEY. Is that better for you. And by the way, I don't lie.
  2. Has the Right ever pushed for deregulation of Wall Street? No one is denying that things need to be changed. It's how they are changed. How it seems like it better to vilify an entire group than to dig deeper in State and Federal spending.
  3. Believe me, you're not that witty my friend. So what you are saying is the Right has never pushed for deregulation of Wall Street?
  4. Took care of themselves? Jesus Christ... so teachers make to little, they aren't taking care of themselves because they live pay check to pay check and may need help at times OR it's teachers make to much they should pay more for their benefits and pensions because they have SOO much in life. Which is it? Fact of the matter is that SOME professions do not make a lot of money (ie: teachers) and if they do over years and years of service you and others will scold them for it.
  5. Do you also remember when people on the right wanted to deregulate as much as possible on Wall Street because who needs Big Government watching over these "honest" businessmen.
  6. You are a moron. You were clearly going to go after the unions by saying stupid crap like "See the unions are against reform and concessions" I love people like you, acting as though you are brilliant... when in reality (you know, away from this message board and Faux News) you are sitting in your parents basement playing video games.
  7. Exactly. It's easy to simply vilify a group of people than dig deeper or understand what truly caused the economic disaster we're in. See Ms. Suzy over there, the 4th grade teacher... it's all her fault!!! Here's a few more.... Here's some of the people on this board A couple more I like.... Merit Pay and CEO Pay
  8. Really what a dumb question. What person in their right mind would want to just give up something they worked hard for unless it will be better for the future of their profession.
  9. I do love how people are in this it's all about me attitude. It's ok for a fireman to put his life on the line for 25 years, but to have a decent retirement... then it's F you. Real nice people, real nice. Your retirement is solely funded by you?
  10. So what you are saying is that these workers don't pay taxes too?
  11. yeah, I guess a good pension is a bit much after 25 years of public service. Wrong many teachers ARE excepting concessions and offering to pay more towards benefits and pensions. If you are truly worried about funding children's programs, I am sure you can do some digging on what can be changed in policy that can bring spending down. Which of course, could save some of the programs. Easy solution.. just blame someone.
  12. “I didn’t go into this to become rich,” Jim Embree said, flipping grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner as he stood in the cluttered kitchen of the family’s split-level home in Galloway, a western suburb of Columbus. “I am not rich. It’s just that the benefits reward longevity.” “No matter how it turns out, my profession is going to have a black eye for a long time, and that hurts,” Jim Embree said. “So many people believe that I earn a six-figure income and can retire at 40. It seems like they’re calling into question why we’re doing the job. We’re not going to sound like we’re poor. But we’ve been doing this for 25 years. We’re 50 years old. I think I make enough to live on. And I think that’s the way it should be.” Read more
  13. Great. Thanks for response, I truly appreciate it.
  14. Oh dear lord. And I am sure you would respond with Obama is a Socialist born in Kenya. Moron.
  15. Video clip of Biden falling asleep / not paying attention Boehner playing golf / not doing his job or paying attention Everyone shows pictures of Boehner crying... hence to easy to show that. Got it?
  16. So answering a question is having a discussion with a three- year-old to you? So more less, everyone should just listen to you and take what you say as fact. Ok. Talk about a childish mentality. And taking a hit means = these people are now expected to pay more for benefits, pay more towards their pensions. I believe the average is taking 12% out of their paychecks. Could handle losing another 12% out of your pocket right now? Yes, I know according to you these people are just taking and stealing from other people. Yeah, those evil workers. I have given a definition of fairness. So just because the superwealthy has the means to get around paying their actual share of taxes it's ok to you? Did you know that the average person making $500k or more only pays 18% instead of the 35%? If they actually paid 25% we would be doing much better right now.
  17. Yes, the Board usually sets the bonuses / compensation for their CEO's. Do you think it's right for some bailed out corporations to be sending out bonuses like that? Upon receiving bail out money, all corporations should have been told to freeze pay and bonuses to their execs and management. Did you also know that the average person making over $500,000 per year pays in taxes? 18%. So if they want to lower taxes for the superwealthy, they HAVE to close loopholes that get them around paying what they truly owe. Then and only then would I be happy with lowering their tax rate. Instead of people saying we're spreading the wealth, how about we spread the burden? Did you know that Exxon paid ZERO in taxes in the U.S. but $15 billion in taxes to other countries? So we are serious about fixing our economy shouldn't they have to pay something? Corporation loop holes need to be closed, especially when I pay more in taxes than they do. I also have NEVER said increase or leave the entitlement structure in place. Sorry I have said many times that is does need to be reformed. Cutting defense... do you know that we spend six times more than any other nation in the world on Defense? I believe we cut a 1/3 of that, which would do wonders for our economy. Hell, could you imagine what it would be like if we invested the money we're spending in the Middle East into our infrastructure? All in all, I find it interesting how Republicans say don't tax the rich because they will defer to the amount owed, therefore we shouldn't take that on or don't tax Corporations because they will open up shop in another country, so don't take that on. And still they say unions are holding States hostage... sounds like Corporations are doing that big time. And definitely don't take on Defense spending. Yet, it's fine to play all of the other cards on the table. If they want people to take them and their ideas seriously ALL cards MUST be on the table.
  18. I love how I'm called the Parrot yet you guys spout off more from the Republican taking points than anyone I know. Hypocrites.
  19. How about it's just bad parenting. Simple enough.
  20. The picture I posted, as stated before (guess you have trouble reading) is from the Iraq War. If we are comparing VP to VP... yeah Biden says some dumb things here and there Cheneyis MUCH worse. I didn't skirt around any issue. How about you... I'll ask again: So you believe that in no way, the superwealthy should get taxed at a higher rate? They and Corporations should actually have their taxes LOWERED? By the way... I love how you continue to call me partisan hack when you are completely the same. Just funny!!
  21. Really you guys follow EVERY speaking point from the right, yet claiming to have original thoughts... OK. That picture I believe was taken during a budget crisis. He found time to get some golf in... great leadership. Medicare - Ryan's plan would eliminate it as we know it today... yes, reform needs to be made. But drastically changing it? No. The voucher system will do nothing but harm, not help seniors. Environment So you believe that in no way, the superwealthy should get taxed at a higher rate? I say with the average worker gaining, if they are lucky, a 2% raise... which of course means they are losing money with the cost of living going up dramatically across the country. Yet, the average CEO is gaining upwards of 30%. A bit lopsided no? Then you get to States... public service employees are expected to pay more for benefits, for pensions, etc. Yet, most of them get furloughed or have their pay frozen. Meanwhile subsidies are given away, corporations are given tax breaks. Seem fair? I like many other democrats want spending curbed. Spending on Defense NEEDS to be curbed big time. Especially with the U.S. spending 6-times more than any other Nation in the world.
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