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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Fine, I'll play some kids games. KD in CT's mindset written down... link
  2. Let me ask you this. How does this country start pay off the deficit? Unfortunately due to ridiculous spending the tax payer will most likely have to pay off a large amount of this. Also, companies are laying off more and more with the Bush tax cuts. 62,000 lost their job last month? Companies are also heading out the U.S. at a ridiculous rate - that too has to stop or hopefully be slowed down.
  3. Would you rather I say Middle-class? How about someone who represents Labor?
  4. I do love how I have to justify my position, my beliefs all of the time. Yet, we have people here that just simply B word and moan about the system but have no ideas on how to change it. It's always, "I hate having a two party system" "Both candidates suck" etc., etc. Then they feel as though they have the right to bash someone because they differ from them. In my case, calling me a lemming because I do not follow their beliefs. They make those statements because they THINK they know based on a message board. Fact is they know nothing about me. That is complete and utter BS.
  5. I used to be an Independent. I am now a registered Democrat and have been for some time - I know, shocker. However, that does not mean that I will stray if there is a candidate that feel is better for the issues I care about. I do not believe that I have seen that in a third party candidate as of yet. If one comes along, I'll review the stance of the issues and make a decision. Just like anyone else.
  6. Well according to most people here... Iraq is well on the way to be stabilized. So why not let Iraq take control, give the time line they want. I also believe this has to do more with the Bush administration telling them flat out no. Actions like that will only make more people in Iraq resent the U.S. We would then be that one person who doesn't know when to leave/go home after a get together.
  7. Wow, is lemmings the word of the day today? Come on people use a thesaurus. I am part of the problem? Just me. Ok, and that's because I do not follow your beliefs? Is that because I chose a different candidate than you? If a third party EVER came up with a viable candidate, one worth while I would most certainly look and do some research. Until then I will base my decisions on who will best represent working-class americans.
  8. So the leaders in Iraq want to take over their own security, etc. And we should tell them no? I don't agree with that.
  9. What do they look like?
  10. Yes, because they are working out so well right now? Trade agreements work well when all sides on the same playing field. Which we are not with China.
  11. I believe that Obama is the best candidate for working-class Americans. That is why I am backing him.
  12. In regards to people moving to Canada... maybe you can understand sarcasm. Whether you believe it or not, I am actually voting for someone I believe in. So who are you most likely to vote for? Barr? A write-in candidate?
  13. People can vote however they like. I wonder how you are intending to vote since you like state that people like me are just lining up in the "lemming-lines". After all, it's easy to say anything on a message board.
  14. Both are going to be disasters for the average American. Damn, I guess middle-class americans should just give up and move to Canada. Or maybe they can vote for the one that will best suit their needs. Maybe not in every way, because that would be impossible.
  15. Wow, pot calling the kettle black. "idiometer" that's just dumb. Violence in Iraq us going down... great listen the leaders that want the US to set a timetable and bring our troops home.
  16. Linkedin.com Zoominfo.com
  17. Do you know for a fact her raise was due to the hospital receiving funding? Where is that stated?
  18. Blindly support? Not necessarily. I did like Hillary Clinton one bit... would have a hard time voting for her if she had won the nod. However, I would have voted for her because she would still be better for American families and the professions I work for than McCain. I understand spending will happen with both parties. I am hoping that it will at least be done on the right items... goes back to watching where the money is going. Both parties have to fiscally responsible.
  19. From what I read, the add-on or $1 million dollar federal funding request for the Hospital Michelle Obama worked at was not passed through.
  20. Yes, loath both parties. Let me know when that legit third party comes in.
  21. Did I say that? No. I said that republicans when they had the majority spent entirely way to much. You act as though democrats and Obama are the only ones that will spend.
  22. Spending is the problem... funny that's first time I have heard anyone say that towards the democrats in the last 7-1/2 years. Republicans have had some serious spending issues for a while now.
  23. If the kids are in pictures or in articles I have no problem with it. Not just because I support Obama, but because it shows family unity. What I find disgusting is when it becomes ugly and one campaign attacks another candidates family (wife, kids, whatever), not the candidate.
  24. I also said it depends on WHERE and WHAT they spend the money on. If he is going to spend some money on programs that will benefit the country, not just simply drain it. Then I can support that. Face it this country is broken right now, things need to be done. Can McCain fix them? I personally do not trust nor believe that he can. Next time if you want an answer don't be an a-hole.
  25. I'm sure some of them did run on that. Of course they approved funding. What, do you think that they would leave the troops high and dry? They to bring them home, not get them killed for not having adequate supplies. Try placing some blame on the other side of the aisle as well.
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