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Everything posted by pBills

  1. If you are looking for pixel clarity, it's not a bad job. Granted I do not have the original really dive into that - web view looks clear. You are right though about the creator not thinking about the redundancy.
  2. Hopefully one day, ONE DAY I will be as wise as you. I do strive for that. What do you do for living by the way? I may attempt a change in my career as well.
  3. Thank you for the lovely quote. I will print that out right now and place it on my office door and underneath the signature line in my email.
  4. No arguing... You know... thank you for enlightening me. I truly appreciate your opinion. I hope that a third party candidate or candidate of your choice (I will follow your lead) will some day get elected because they will not be involved with "excessive" spending. I will use my vote wisely and vote for the one that has no chance of winning and that will fade into nothing (until the next election) instead of the candidate that may deal with the issues that I care about during their term as President. Again, thank you for your time and effort. I look forward to more posts of wisdom.
  5. Yeah, you're right. Just go vote for a person that will do nothing for the American people.
  6. Wow did I say that? Yes, third party - just flip the switch.
  7. Third party can be noticed in so many ways... can become viable in so many ways.
  8. So you listed another way for the third party to be noticed... by the campaigns. Yes, it will mess with the way they run their campaigns, where they spend their money etc.., etc. However, the third party still needs to be more than a pest to the major parties. A viable candidate will do this, large amounts of donations, federal funding so that they can compete with the big boys for air time, etc. As much fun as this is - I have to get back to work.
  9. Of course it would. However nothing is going to happen until they actually have a candidate that can inspire, can stand out in a crowd.
  10. Actually, no I didn't that Federal funding can "hopefully" help bring a third party into play at some point, as well as get noticed a bit more by the general public. I just don't agree with that philosophy.
  11. And your opinion always means so much? In regards to arrangements being made...
  12. Another genius post. Come to expect things like that from you.
  13. If it gets tiring don't read. Easy enough huh? When do I judge unless I am getting hounded? I find it funny that people love to throw stones at another persons beliefs because they differ yet they talk all of the time about the Constitution, freedoms, etc., etc. and at the same time have a hard time sharing there own beliefs. Another gem is that people can say that the candidate I like sucks but at the same time vote for someone else in the hopes that that candidate can receive 5% for federal funding. That's lame.
  14. I know all about where GM gets their parts from. I would say that I would like to see a more level playing field. The U.S. is much more accommodating to other countries than they are to us. So what you are telling me in a nutshell is that you are pro-outsourcing? Correct? I believe that ALL trade agreements have to looked at again. Again, making sure the U.S. better represented in the countries we are working with.
  15. You know me from my posts. Again, you know nothing about me. And No, I have stated that I am for Obama because I believe he cares more about the issues I care about.
  16. Of course it matters if they can control the security. However the government that we basically set up, we also have to respect their decisions.
  17. Seriously quit acting like you know me or anything about me. You know nothing.
  18. So your comfortable with his negative sides and you'll vote for him knowing he won't get elected. Ok.
  19. And what about you? If I was to vote your way... who and why?
  20. So we (if I was voting your way) would vote for him because: His policy is the closest to what we are looking for And so the third party can receive federal funds No worries about lack of foresight and dishonesty. Ok.
  21. Just for schits and giggles... lets say I vote the same way as you. Who should I vote for?
  22. Good for them. I just find it funny when people make judgments about me, yet for some reason get to shy about their beliefs. Kind of sad.
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