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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Nothing terribly exciting planned. Just going to have a lot of people heading to the game. Wondering if Jimmy's or Grevey's are doing something for it.
  2. My sister-in-law is due this November. Malarkey. Of course, we are ALL telling them if it's a boy not to name it Mike. Even with all of the MM stories and how he sucked as a coach - they still may name the poor child that. I say it's borderline child abuse.
  3. We're doomed either way. McCain will just drive us through the floor.
  4. It's a matter of their GM being horrible. No stand out players either.... they flat out suck. With that being said, I'm going to the game tonight. Should be fun, if anything I can check out the stadium.
  5. Getting one either today or tomorrow. Can't wait.
  6. No I did not notice your smiley face. My bad. Good thing is that not all Unions or Local Unions are the same. Design porn sites, Nope. Flash is more of a design program than anything else. Yes, Action Script has to be written for animation to happen. If websites are being created using Cold Fusion then yeah, that definitely leans more towards the IT side. Every IT person I know basically handles the creation, management of the network. Not a lot of them know the design programs... the few that do are way ahead of the game.
  7. Do IT people use Flash? Some yes. Most do not know the program if you do, then you are ahead of the game. Flash however is just part of what I do.
  8. No not a programmer. Difference. For scumbags and the mob? WOW you know absolutely crap and proved it. Great job!!!
  9. Wow, name calling. Just brilliant. Really, all of those people making that much money spend countless hours in the office. Maybe where you work, not where I worked when I worked with a corporation. Hell, I only knew a few that would actually do that.
  10. I'm not shy. I am a Designer/Flash developer. I work with unions, labor councils, publishing houses, many associations, print shops, campaign strategy and fundraising companies. How about you Wacka?
  11. Did I say that? No. I would be considered a white-collar worker by many.
  12. Newsflash: Not everyone receives overtime. White-collar workers for the most part do not. If people are busting their asses for more money, good for them that is outstanding. More and more people are losing the opportunity that is overtime.
  13. Apparently being condescending and attempting to talk down to people is nothing new to you. To answer your question... Working family yes, blue-collar most likely no. Most blue-collar workers are paid by hourly rates. I personally do not know any that as a family make say $200K a year or even $150K a year unless they bust their butts and work a ton of overtime (which is dwindling away) at most companies. never be in a position to run a business... ok. Keep thinking that.
  14. Since you are going to be a pest. I believe Obama's classification of "rich" is households that make $250K+ If you make over that, congrats. The manufacturing environment like others obviously have both white collar and blue collar workers.
  15. Very good. I have gone through most of that as well. Obviously Democrat side.
  16. I support all blue-collar workers. They do not have to be unionized. These people can also be skilled or non-skilled workers. Can cover a range of jobs from manufacturing, mechanical work and repair to law enforcement.
  17. I am VERY impressed. Do you develop the strategies or just make them work using the IT skills? Hope that did come across as nasty - just curious what your position was? Writer, Account Executive, Director, online strategies, etc., etc.?? Let me guess republican side?
  18. Pretty easy to understand you do not have a political background. Plus 99% of the IT people I know have some sort of mental issue. Whoops, I must be stooping down to the level of this board by judging you.
  19. Are you officially "rich"? If so good for you. If you want clarification on his policies you may want to write his campaign. I look for candidates that represent the middle-class or the blue-collar working family. In general, Labor.
  20. Avoiding the question.. it's ok. No one here is going to judge you for your career.
  21. Obviously, you have to work on understanding sarcasm. We all have our issues I guess. Nice spin job by the way.
  22. Ahhh Bluefire you are quite the witty one. Yes, you caught me. I can be a bit nasty at times... with comment such as "What a douche". Obviously, something I have to work on. In my defense though I was also responding to nasty posts. By the way, what do you do for a living by the way? I am curious to know.
  23. I vote for the Candidate who I like, who I think is best. Of course they may win, they may lose.
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