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Everything posted by pBills

  1. What does it say about a candidates stance on many issues when all they do is attack.... never being positive even with their own opinions. Obviously he didn't learn anything from Hillary's campaign. Negative works, to a point. To much of it pushes people away. Whatever happened to that guy who stated he wouldn't run a campaign like that?
  2. After all those huge profits all go towards exploration and investments in technology. $1,287 for every second of 2007. I hope numbers like that cover their expenses.
  3. Here we go, the daily dose of bashing Obama. McCain's strategy to a "T".
  4. This is true. However, violence within the Canadian transit systems is on the rise. That is why there is such a push for stiffer penalties, etc. Basically an overall safer environment for the drivers as well as the passengers.
  5. Reports that I have heard is that the Bus Driver, a truck driver and another person were going to attempt to go at the guy with wrenches. As soon as they stepped back on the bus the guy started coming at them. Smart move, they quickly retreated. The poor people and bus driver are going to need some serious help after this. That's just another reason why the federal government in Canada and the U.S. need to enact stiffer penalties, etc.
  6. It's always the liberals fault... didn't you know that?
  7. They sign soon enough. I am interested in when the Bills will get their heads out of their butts and give Peters and Evans new deals.
  8. I'm in. My wife's family is giving me some tickets from their stash.
  9. Bottom line is that we disagree. You find it to be ok. I don't. Over and done with.
  10. I have seen these people in Focus Groups relating to political pieces. Many of them at that believed everything I listed. Of course they wouldn't vote for Obama because again they don't know any better and believe garbage like that. Again, I understand the satire. Again, I still believe it to be over the top.
  11. Face it there is a lot of people out there who do not know any better. They still believe Obama is muslim, Obama doesn't have respect for the flag, Michelle Obama isn't proud of this country, etc., etc. Those feelings/ beliefs will just be reinforced when they see this cover. Not understanding that to some it's satire. Yes, the New Yorker cover did what it was supposed to do - gain interest. I still believe that it was in poor taste aside from what the uninformed believe or see in it. I do not like the representation of the American Flag in the fireplace or the making of a Presidential candidate as a terrorist - satire or not. Would people here be happy if they had a cover making fun of McCain constant showcase of his imprisonment?
  12. Yes, I have watched South Park before. Granted they do at times bring news events or popular people into the mix however to say that it has to be taken seriously in anyway... sad.
  13. Ok, so now it's ok to accuse Obama as being a terrorist as long as it's considered by the few as satire? And really the point of not wearing the flag pin could have been easily illustrated as Obama looking for the pin in a frantic pace before going in stage. It's sad that you can defend that. I had more respect for you.
  14. Don't be outraged at the magazine/newspaper that published it, gave it the means to be out there. Just be mad at those who created it instead. HAHAHA!!
  15. Wait a minute, did a democrat and according to some Liberal say that the flag is important?
  16. And again..... sad. Almost negates any argument anyone here has ever had.
  17. First off it's sad that people believe so heartedly in South Park. Damn, I killed Kenny. Why do you feel that burning the flag is acceptable? Would you want to see that next to McCain? What about a cross burning next to the Pope? It symbolizes America, and that to me has no business in satire. Not funny what-o-ever. Did I say that terrorists don't burn the flag? No. But to portray that a candidate for the position would burn the flag because he didn't wear a pin is absolutely disgusting. I like any of you should hold the flag dear to my heart. Sorry, but you don't f' around with it.
  18. How many freakin' times do I have to spell it out for you?
  19. Again, in bad taste. Although, I do laugh at the "What the hell do you think a terrorist would do?" That's funny.
  20. Did I say that they should apologize? Jesus worked up a bit? Simply said it's in bad taste.
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