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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I'll be there, with 10 out 14 being Bills fans. We're all over the place - 8 upstairs, the rest in 102 and 229.
  2. You're right that 1% difference will change things a ton.
  3. Drill Here Drill There Drill Now And then see that hit the market in 10 years for a whopping 1% difference.
  4. I like the news that came out the other day... We are spending over there like crazy still and Iraq is pulling in the cash. Nice.
  5. Guess what you are wrong. I have explained it many freakin's times. Employers DO have a great idea of who is going to vote pro-union. Employers do use strong-arm tactics against the employees PRIOR to the election day. Scare tactics, threats of the company closing, threats of losing premium shifts, threats of cuts in hours/pay, the threats can go on and on. It does not happen AFTER the election but before to attempt to skew the vote. If you haven't been part of an organizing campaign like I have, then don't try to act as though you know more. Especially if you are pulling statements from wikipedia.
  6. I thought I heard that too. He is out to get all of the major companies. It's just a matter of time. jk
  7. Not I... only political avatar I have ever had is the one I currently have.
  8. Show a lot about your character. Yes, SOME companies do treat their employees fine. On the other hand some don't, I guess you believe that's just fine. Do I believe that EVERY company is abusive, no. Way to try though. Some companies are nasty. I have said it before, and I'll say it again... Wal-mart is one of them. I have NEVER said that it's bad for the Wal-mart management/ownership to express their political beliefs. Never. They have every right. Just as unions have the right to endorse. I know for a fact that many unions this year based their endorsements on membership polling results. Yes, there were even some republicans in the mix. So keep trying to place words in my mouth. Not working.
  9. And then that employer can face heavy fines from the DOL. What excuses, not making any excuses for working with/for unions. As much as some people like to live in lala land and blame everything bad that can happen on the union or think that all employers are great and fair - I have seen differently. I fully support the union.
  10. And with that being said, I am going to back to attempt to do some companies harm. Peace out.
  11. Such a gem. You believe that every company treats their employees with respect and dignity. Fact is that's not true in many cases. I guess that Freedom you talk about is the freedom of some employers to treat their workers unfairly or threaten them. Nice.
  12. Tell them to vote that way... sure and there is usually paperwork backing the reasons. Do the members have to vote that way, no. Are people upset if they vote republican, no.
  13. Are you freakin' kidding me. Their salaries will go down because of union dues? Union dues can range anywhere from $100 - $300 per year. Work rules will become more rigid, that comes from management. Work sites will become safer. Workers will have job security. Workers will have contract that when agreed upon through arbitration will have s et pay scale for the life of that contract (most are 4% raises - whoohooo). Better/Fair health benefits. Damn those unions for asking for SOOOO much.
  14. I guess you had a hard time reading that... so I will SPIN that for you again in bold: Which in some cases eliminates extra time for the employer to scare the crap out of the employee into not signing or voting yes to a union. I have seen these scare tactics over and over again. You haven't, but go on you know more, you have seen more... unions = bad
  15. I'm sure it would happen if the MAJORITY wanted the union - hence no need for the secret ballot election. Which in some cases eliminates extra time for the employer to scare the crap out of the employee into not signing or voting yes to a union.
  16. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/lyndsi-thomas...on-plan-no-joke
  17. Wasn't a major percentage of the last years worth of big oil profits going towards technology for such instances?
  18. I said John W McBush? And if I did you remember that? Wow.
  19. Beat me to it. McCain's 1% plan as I call it.
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