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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Most the experts that I have seen when asked about offshore drilling say yes, it could lower costs at the pump in about 10 years. The other option at least does something now.
  2. Really so even when experts come out say that the idea would work. Granted not an energy policy - but it would work. He's still wrong.
  3. Really, you dislike them both? That's actually shocking to me, since 99% of your political posts are about bashing Obama. And I associated you with McCain because you repeat their nonsense. And "Kool-Aid" drinker, what are you four? Yes, I do despise McCain and many of his politic beliefs.
  4. Your post (in true McCain campaign fashion) mocked Obama mentioning the inflation of tires. I guess you still mock the idea that works. I have the same issues you have my friend. You dislike Obama, I dislike McCain. Pretty simple.
  5. Yes, I worship them so much. You seem to like nothing.
  6. I hope he checked with one of those McCain sponsored tire gauges. What an ass McCain is.
  7. I feel bad for them. It's so bad, they should just go out of business they are paying out more than they bring in.
  8. From people blowing this out of proportion... trying to stir up more nonsense. I sure did defend him for that.
  9. I guess it goes to show that McCain's camp is better at running negative ads and funny ads than anyone else. Great strategy. Not surprising some people like it.
  10. Now you're digging. Give me a break because he boycotts the event and decides not to attend. That means he can not spend money on advertising, on promoting his campaign?
  11. So once a person has had a great speech there it's off limits. Kind of like retiring a jersey. I disagree. However since we see differently, I am dense to you. Nice. You must get along well with others.
  12. Would it be good if it was a third term senator?
  13. Or great exposure. Depends how you look at it.
  14. You realize that he's right don't you? Or do you like to bash anything Obama because it's second nature now? Edwards and other candidates pulled their names from that ballot as well, following party rules. Granted not everyone did it - Hillary, Kucinich and I believe Dodd stayed on.
  15. Yes, I would like to see a link, maybe some stats, how about a count of hands?
  16. No spin. To be completely serious. I know campaign people that would be fired if they did not know that information prior to mocking the other candidate, spending tons of money on tire gauges, etc. Let alone mock a popular republican President. I'll be the first to admit, not all of the republican ideas have been bad. We all know that for anything to get done - someone has to be able to be respected by and work with both sides of the aisle. I do like how many republicans are now stating any moment where they have worked with Obama. Saying just what I said above - how they can work with both sides of the aisle, etc., etc.
  17. Or that he doesn't pay attention? Maybe to old to remember? Campaign staff doesn't do their homework before they mock the other candidate? Great candidate!!
  18. You would think McCain would have known about it then huh? Great campaign staff. Let's hear it for nothing from McCain.
  19. Actually never said it was a substitute - just something that could instantly help. Funny how the idea was mocked, then ooops Obama's right.
  20. Just asking, it's only liberal people doing that?
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