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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Won't happen. What would McCain do with those "celebrity" ads then.
  2. I personally do not buy the whole philosophy of voting solely for the person on the top of the ticket. I vote for the ticket as a whole. Hillary Dems should come around with the Biden pick... he has been a very good friend to labor. Most women who feel jaded by Hillary not getting the nomination, I feel, would most likely be insulted if this pick was intended to gain their vote. I also believe that the VP candidate should have experience to be President just in case something happens. She clearly does not have that experience. People are learning that. Just a matter of time before Obama starts to pull ahead again.
  3. Bottom line is that she only helps him with the evangelical base by being Anti-Abortion.
  4. Well, I guess City Council and Mayor of a 8,000 person town counts as a ton of experience. Whooohoooooooo!!
  5. Agree that media should stay away from teen pregnant daughter. However, I love the pick. There goes the experience charge by the McCain campaign.
  6. Oh my lord. You are so out of tune it's ridiculous. Hillary is anti-labor because her Wal-Mart board position a while ago? Did you not know that Hillary was endorsed by the majority of the major international unions during the primary? Do you really believe the unions would endorse someone anti-labor? No way would this EVER happen.
  7. Ahhh, if anything it should be same for both wives. Michelle Obama's were released.
  8. Wow, I have no idea how many more times I have to write about this... ahh hell with it. McCain screwed up, had no idea how many houses, campaigns paint each as elitists based on wealth attempting to create disconnect with the voters.
  9. Newsflash: It's not a debate that you are an a-hole. Marketing meeting? Such a tool. WORD OF THE DAY 'Elitist': The Rarefied Term That's a Low Blow Washington Post Other than being called a criminal, a philanderer or a terrorist sympathizer, is there an accusation in American politics worse than being branded an "elitist"? The word supposes something fundamentally effete and out of touch, a whiff of brie and latte....
  10. Expect me to admit I am full of sh--. Again, nice. As stated earlier, the campaigns are attempting to paint each other candidate as an elitist by using wealth to create a disconnect with the voter. Now again with the use of the word "most", fine for you.... some people in my neighborhood. How about you acting as though there aren't people struggling to save their home. Hey, they just used the word elitist on the radio. I'd better call them up now!!! Nope, no one is struggling.
  11. Play fast and loose with the truth. Really I could give two craps if it's many, most, some, whatever... people are losing their homes and struggling to keep them. To debate the use of the word "most" is a waste of time. I say that people are losing their homes because it's true, not because of where my vote may lie.
  12. As usual the typical a-hole response because someone disagrees with you. It's a matter of painting him as an elitist (same as he WAS trying to do to Obama) because they lots of zeros in their bank account or because of their 8 homes. Most people can not relate to that kind of wealth... can make the voter think that McCain is better than them or not on the same level. How can he understand their problems. Since when are most people struggling to save their home? Damn, I guess there isn't a foreclosure problem in the country right now? Damn, I guess those people in my neighborhood that lost their homes weren't struggling to keep them.
  13. Plus, it's not like he has a house and condo or timeshare someplace. Reportedly his family owns eight.
  14. Well when most people these days are struggling to save their one home. One might think that don't cha think?
  15. I wouldn't say irrelevant when the McCain campaign was attempting to play Hillary campaign strategy (again) by calling Obama an elitist.
  16. Aren't they legit since every nation is on the look out for bombers and talking about them? I would rather see someone actually reach out to see if formal talks can exist with those groups.
  17. I agree. It never hurts to have open discussions. If at best, and as you said you will be gaining some basic knowledge.
  18. According to what I heard on the radio this morning, some sources out there are leaking Romney as the veep for McCain. Thoughts?
  19. My bad, I interpreted as "Ehhh" like dumb-ass. Seriously though thanks for the link. Always up for a good read.
  20. Eh, sorry I don't know all of the pundits. And no, did not read the AC360 page this morning. I will now though.
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