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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Palin gave a decent speech. However, it reminded me of a bad commencement speech. Shrill barely describes it. She described her experience (glad she got to sell a jet on eBay - what a smart move that is. Also, glad she got rid of her personal chef ), she bashed community organizers (nice), and the only substance that she handed out is the fact that she intends to be a attack dog (with lipstick). Nothing about the economy, nothing about health care. She, like the scumbag Lieberman lied about Obama's record in Congress stating that he has done nothing, has had no part in legislation being passed. Goes to show that the republican base believes the only way to win election is by being overly negative and providing no light in what they will actually do.
  2. Dude, I am done with you. I am sick of you and your abrasive posts it's quite pathetic. Enjoy CT if you are really from there or some ivory tower. Peace out... hello Mr. Ignore Button.
  3. It would be great if you didn't believe that everything written was about you. Read more - as posted earlier "If Palin had more than a little over a year as governor under her belt I would feel better about her experience. But let's face it, that year plus a mayoral position of a SMALL town do not add up to me."
  4. Completely agree with you on the economy. It's not that great right now, however for anyone (I did not say KD in CT, I said "anyone") to say that it's doing well they would be fooling themselves. Granted one can take history into account when talking about the VP position. However as we know, times have changed. But you are right, you never know one could turn out to be pretty good. I am not willing to take a chance on that though. If Palin had more than a little over a year as governor under her belt I would feel better about her experience. But let's face it, that year plus a mayoral position of a SMALL town do not add up to me.
  5. You seriously have ego issues. From now, grasshopper when I say "KD in CT YOU said... " will that help? Just making sure. I am sure she will have good speech tonight. I do like her other speeches as well. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/02/p...h_n_123205.html Going from Mayor to not even full-term (a little over one year does not give someone the experience necessary to possibly run the country). That's like saying well, I played Pop Warner for two years, then varsity football for one - now I am heading to the Pros to be a starter. Regarding McCain - YES, he has experience. However, just because has been there for so long does not ultimately make him the right choice to run the country. One would also have to look at his judgment. The original maverick has sided with, then against, then back with Bush how many times in the past four years? And you are right, the economy is GREAT!! Your are right it is a big IF. However, the VP candidate should be able to lead this country in case that IF comes true. I'm sorry if you feel as though experience in both the state senate and in congress does not count for experience. McCain must be pissed about that.
  6. I love her church videos. God please deliver us a pipeline.... our leaders are sending soldiers out on a task from God.
  7. Well, let's get to it... First off, thank you Mr. Grammar Teacher for letting me know that I have a problem with using appropriate language during a discussion. You are truly wise. I have never stated that you DIRECTLY said she was great candidate. Although, you do seem to want to defend the choice a lot. Interesting. I believe that one should look at both names on the ticket, to simply look at one and pay attention only to one, I believe is foolish. Likelihood of Roe v. Wade being overturned may be remote... however most people should not want to take the chance with a possible president and vice-president who are so against it and would love for it to be overturned. I would never classify it as a silly issue. Yes, McCain has been in office forever. However, I believe that just because one has been there for a long time doesn't mean that they are the right choice to run the whole country. After all he has voted along the Bush line for what 95% of the time over the course of the past few years? Also believed the economy is strong right now? Seems to be that original maverick has changed his tune. The VP choice should make up for whatever Presidential nominee is missing. ie: McCain Economy Obama: Foreign Affairs The discussion on health is there because even though McCain may have received a clean bill of health now, if something happens to him then we have Palin running the country. That is frightening to me. Same for Obama, at least if something happens to him we have someone who (I believe) can lead the country.
  8. Didn't she also support the what $200 million dollar "bridge to no where"?
  9. When did Wikipedia become a reliable source? I'm not worked up, I find the choice to be funny and bad at the same time.
  10. Relevant experience. Glad to know that you believe someone that has very little executive office experience, virtually no foreign affairs experience, etc., etc., etc. is a great candidate. Abortion who gives a rats ass? Really ask a woman if they have stance on Abortion? Huge issue especially since McCain has come out several times stating that he was elected president he would roll back roe v. wade. Scary thought to many women. Foreign Affairs. You give her a 1. I give her -1. Biden makes up from what Obama lacks in that department. Biden receives about a 99. Nostradamus seeing into the future health of a 73 year old man who has had health issues in the past. Ok.
  11. Funny response to a simple question. I guess a little over a year's worth of time in the governor's office gives her the experience needed. Damn, I forgot those two terms as a mayor of a town of 8,000 people. Might as well choose the mayor of Niagara Falls to be Vice President. May I answer about Biden, the man from Delaware? I like that choice for VP because he has been the chairman of some powerful committees in Congress and he is a huge friend of Labor/Unions. Thanks!!
  12. True. Has not worked in Washington. However very limited experience. Yes, conservative - however that can pull some of those middle of the road republicans on the fence to the left. Not wanting to follow the evangelical base. I do agree with you about McCain underestimating her negative side.
  13. Simply stated, the letter came to me. I am not an Alaskan and did not name the author of the letter. Gives me some comfort that woman has no experience that would make her a viable candidate for the VP position and god forbid if McCain wins and something happens to his health, President. Her stance on Anti-Abortion, no foreign-affairs experience, very limited economic experience. Yup, she's great. I just love how the media is STILL trying to figure her out. Laughable.
  14. As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that he picked her. Her husband works in the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska , particularly wolves and bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska 's failing school system. We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad, but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are many, could think this use of funds is appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to informative web sites. She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home town of Wasilla ), strip mining, and almost anything else that will unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy its environment. Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska , she was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade. Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about. These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the serious issues facing the US . Furthermore, they don't care. So long as they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating. Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal. She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there may be more issues that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care. When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics (admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs, knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment, health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me. In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in the US , Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton. To those of you who, like me, supported Hillary and were upset that she did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you think the media and the Democratic party may have done to undermine her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment. While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally, a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president. I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high. I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.
  15. Should he admit that now? Especially since it's widely known? What purpose does that serve?
  16. She is the worst candidate I have ever seen chosen.
  17. Great pick McCain... http://s425.photobucket.com/albums/pp333/p..._sarahpalin.jpg
  18. http://s425.photobucket.com/albums/pp333/p..._sarahpalin.jpg Good pick McCain!!!
  19. True. She has worked her way up. But a little over a year in the governor's office. Two term mayor of a 8,000/9,000 person town? Before that City Council. Not a lot of experience there. Frankly that scares me. After all McCain has had health issues and she would be in charge if he went down. Lip service? How so?
  20. http://www.baltimoresun.com/features/bal-t...,3951691.column
  21. Very good news. I always thought that it was a matter of time for most of them. Eventually realizing that their core beliefs, what they liked in Hillary, is much more along the lines of Obama than McCain.
  22. In regards to the women vote, you are right he needs to pull some of that vote. I'm not convinced that two anti-abortion candidates will be able to do that. The one thing that does hurt McCain is those middle of the road republicans may not vote his way because he bent over backwards for the evangelical vote. Win some, lose some. Plus, one wonders where all of these McCain supporters really are? Granted they are just events, but pulling in 80,000+ at the DNC, other events since being 25,000+.... and McCain is struggling to pull in 10,000.
  23. I must admit, I must have missed the Obama campaign has said anything other than family and especially children should be left alone.
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