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Everything posted by pBills

  1. And if that's happens the world will truly know how moronic this country can be. I hope the mayor of Gasport, NY will be on their cabinet.
  2. Praise wasted. And I believe they have their first debate this Thursday.
  3. So I guess you have moved on the the rights? That's all that you are posting. You do not have to explain the philosophy behind running ads... I know it. Funny how someone from the right speaks about truth. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" HAHAHAHA!!!
  4. make it as they go along.... well there the republican playbook at it's best. Run negative ads that do not tell the facts of the matter. And avoid by making non-stories large ones. Buy into my friend, buy into it.
  5. So true. Great spin by the McCain camp to deflect and move away from real issues.
  6. What spin? It's true. Negative ads unfortunately work. I know this for a fact. You telling people that they can not think for themselves... let me guess Palin has a ton of experience right?
  7. Let's face it the Republicans are doing a great job at running negative campaign ads, one after another. Sad thing is that people buy into them. They are also doing a great job sheltering McCain. God knows he's not a great speaker, and god knows that many of his beliefs and hers for that matter are sheltered behind BS. And yet, the composer of this thread attempts to say people are doing what they are told. Funny.
  8. Said thing is that no one will bring out the fact that McCain used it.
  9. "McCain repeatedly refused to define "honor": "Read it in my books. ... I'm not going to define it. ... I defined" My not answer? My pimp the book? It seems as though the McCain camp doesn't like to answer question or do interviews. HAHAHA!!! And I guess that since he has years and years experience at speaking without... it must be his age getting to him. Can't remember the speeches anymore. How sad.
  10. Don't mean McCain not reading from the teleprompter? Look at how many LARGE events Obama has held where it's just him and a microphone on stage. McCain, always the lovely backdrop and teleprompters - my friends.....
  11. Love the quote. Also liked the other quote " You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years." It's funny how it how dare he say such a thing... OH MY!! Like the McCain camp is all of a sudden full of angels. HAHAHAHA!!! Yes, waiting on McCain camp to respond about there ad in which Obama worked on a law to further protect children. Bill Burton, Obama's press secretary, responded in a statement: “It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls – a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why." "Honor" is a touchy issue to invoke with the former prisoner of war, but Democrats have expressed increasing exasperation — and worry — about what they see as constant distortions in McCain ads. In an interview the magazine described as "prickly," McCain repeatedly refused to define "honor": "Read it in my books. ... I'm not going to define it. ... I defined Way to try to sell your books McCain.
  12. He also said that some of that money would benefit development of green energy and also help offset the cost in health care.
  13. Some locations don't sell Loganberry anymore. Very sad.
  14. You mean hate & fearmongering over style & substance.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. Last year, everyone thought JP's hit was no big deal.
  16. Come on she's a great candidate and an attack dog (pitt bull hockey mom), let her meet the press.
  17. Don't forget the bridge to no where that she wanted, received the money, notice the fall out - and cancelled the project, and then kept the money. Nice.
  18. I guess the GOP will do anything now to steal thunder. Where was McCain's flag pin?
  19. Right to Choose. Government should not be telling what women can do with their bodies. Death Penalty - I am for as well. Oh and McCain very much against Abortion and the Right to Choose.
  20. You are right democrats don't have jobs. DER.
  21. Yes, my liberal buddies. Because I believe in everything they believe in and I am such a extremist. :w00t: And the right wouldn't do that to the Dems? Fooling yourself?
  22. If that's the case then they poke at McCain's experience as well.
  23. Your statements of people wishing for something bad to happen... well, they are still dumb to say.
  24. Ok. She was mocking his experience as a community organizer.
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