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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Scary, McCain could be running this country. Stunt Man John McCain's latest crazy, brilliant, desperate campaign tactic. By John Dickerson Posted Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008, at 9:23 PM ET John McCain. Click image to expand.John McCain John McCain has launched his second Hail Mary pass in a month. On Wednesday he called for a suspension of the presidential campaign—no events, no ads, and no debate Friday—so that he and Barack Obama can head to Washington to forge a bipartisan solution. Even more than his selection of Sarah Palin as running mate, this gambit feels like a wild improvisation someone in the McCain team mapped out on his chest: OK, you run to the fire hydrant, cut left, and then when he gets to the Buick, John, you heave it. It's not clear what, exactly, McCain is going to do in Washington. He doesn't sit on any of the relevant committees, and everyone is already deep in negotiations. Still, he's coming anyway. It doesn't make much logical sense. The only way to understand it is politically: In a presidential campaign, the surest sign that a candidate is playing politics on an issue is when he claims not to be playing politics on an issue. The only way for McCain to convince everyone that his intentions are 100 percent pure is for him to drop out of the race completely. A campaign doesn't end—and its distracting affects don't disappear—just because one candidate says so. It's hard to believe that McCain's actions would pass his own laugh test. In fact, he's often snickered at his fellow senators who come in at the eleventh hour to lend a hand after McCain has done the hard work. But the McCain campaign is past caring about how journalists (or colleagues) view his moves. He hopes the rest of the country will see this as a leadership moment.
  2. He does have that fancy McCain | Palin Country First jet.
  3. Yes, may be considered a interview. However, in 40 days one of those two candidates will be the next President. I personally am disgusted that McCain would step away from the debate. Why? When the financial bail out is already on the fast track and being worked on, there is no reason for him to be there. I hope Letterman is pissed too, being flat out lied to by McCain.
  4. If I was McCain... this woman would be fired. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/26884609#26884609
  5. Thank you for enlightening me on everything Congress. Appreciate it. Nice dig at Obama by the way - awesome. So in a sense you feel as though it's great for McCain to be there and to suspend his campaign. That this deal could never be done without him there? If he was simply just going back to do his job... why Katie Couric? Why call Obama and discuss the debate, and then pull the trigger and come out with this news as soon as he got off the phone. It's just another stunt and you bought into it. Oh and I love the Palin is not an expert on energy thing. Awesome, such great humor this early in the morning.
  6. And how about this bit of news: http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na...0,1801675.story
  7. McCain is clearly using this crisis as a photo-op. It's sad that people can not see that. I also love the fact that his campaign rescheduled the presidential debate for October 2nd. The same day that the VP's were supposed to go at it. Interesting. So the guy who does not know the economy, now is our/it's savior? What a douche.
  8. Wow, yes this thing is completely blamed on the dems? OK? Have you seen the news about McCain's aide receiving $15,000 per month since the later part of 2005 till now? What's that $400,00+??
  9. I hope she is there. Maybe, just maybe her small town will be out of the 20-million dollar red.
  10. If she was a true supporter of Hillary she would be backing Obama. Obama and Hillary's plans were very much alike except when it came to health care. Smart person, my person didn't get the nod, so I'll vote for someone who is almost an exact opposite of Hillary.
  11. Oh come on the Straight Talk Express led the way on this. No one should fault Obama for finally going negative. A) it works. B) McCain was left out there alone to bash away, he needed to attack.
  12. I don't get the part where you say "until he [obama] started with his dirty politicing..." I thought it was the other way around? As a supporter of Obama, I was getting annoyed that the campaign wasn't punching back at McCain's constant string of negative ads. And hell, if Rove can say that McCain has gone to far... that's saying something.
  13. Or that the dems didn't inherit a ton of the problems that 6-year republican congress prior to this one created.
  14. Ok serious question who do we need to win this game... I am (and I can not believe I am saying this) hoping that the Pats win this game. As much as I would love to them lose... to see the Jets be 2-0 in the division this early. Not sure I like that.
  15. Let's just say it... she is GRRRRRREAT at memorizing the talking points and what McCain/Lieberman feed her.
  16. I do to... I call the people that believe that BS you are spewing moronic. And you should realize the republicans controlled them both for the 6 years before.
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