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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I do look at records like: Long History of Opposition to Transit Investment. McCain is a vocal opponent of transit funding. He has voted repeatedly against bills to build, refurbish, and improve our crumbling transportation systems. McCain was one of only four senators to oppose the largest transit-funding bill in our history. (Vote 220, 7/29/05; Vote 184, 7/14/05; Vote 14, 2/12/04; Veto override to H.R. 2, 4/2/87; S.Amdt. 4458 to H.R. 1195, 4/17/08) Opposes Transit Labor Rights. McCain voted against Section 13© labor protections for transit workers. These laws, enacted 43 years ago, protect workers’ collective bargaining, pensions, safety and seniority, and ensure that laid-off workers are provided new, good jobs. These labor protections have broad bipartisan support, but McCain still voted against protecting them. (Gramm Amdt. To H.R. 2, 2/4/87) Pushes Privatization of Transit Systems. McCain supported a plan to push for privatizing transit systems, a move that would endanger thousands of transit workers’ jobs as private companies seek to squeeze wages and get rid of union contracts. (S. 667, 4/30/97) Supports Foreign Bus Service in America. McCain voted four times to allow unsafe foreign buses to travel on American roads. He supported President Bush, saying he “was disappointed the Senate seems determined to defy the president on the issue of Mexican trucks” and buses. (Vote 245, 7/27/01; Vote 253, 7/27/01; Vote 252, 7/26/01; Vote 250, 2/25/01; McCain press release, 11/16/01; Congressional Record, 8/1/01) Votes Against Improving Transit Security. McCain repeatedly voted against increasing transit security and anti-terror initiatives. He voted against bomb-detection technology and making key tunnel upgrades. (Vote 59, 3/16/06; Vote 194, 7/12/06; Vote 186, 7/14/05; Vote 185, 7/14/05)
  2. That's why I mainly check out their voting records.
  3. Doesn't G. Gordon Liddy still have a calendar for her?
  4. There is no denying McCain's voting records. He doesn't not like labor. Pretty simple, go that route and it becomes worse. And speaking of the selling off of America. Yeah, the dems had some part in that as well as the republican run congress. Although, I do have to ask... in your opinion who would be good for labor?
  5. yes, the dems love those semi-communist groups. We like to have them over for dinner.
  6. Based on McCain's voting records... he is noooooo good for labor.
  7. True. There is a definite problem with partisanship in congress. Personally, I am for Obama because I believe he will do more for labor.
  8. And from my viewpoint McCain doesn't really give a crap about labor.
  9. 22 hours for Super Economy Man to get there (from New York?).... and nothing.
  10. Jon Stewart is awesome... http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jh...s-to-Washington
  11. Both Candidates are affiliated one way or another.... matter of fact most congressman & women are affiliated one way or another.
  12. May not stand up for Cameras in DC, however his campaign made many statements about how he is putting Country First. Even over his campaign. Acting as though he was going to swoop in and help this thing along. When in fact he's not on any notable committee related to this... and he barely participated in the meeting. Oh and he had time to stop off at CBS and an event before he arrived to save the day.
  13. I don't believe anyone here is completely buying into the bailout. It's more along the lines of laughing at the Straight Talk Express, Mr. Super Economy... John McCain campaign. Just sad.
  14. Johnny... it's just sad that people believe in him as much as they do. Just goes to show that the war thing can go pretty far. I wondering how people will say that he will win in a landslide.
  15. Don't forget her bridge to nowhere deal.
  16. Let's just face it people. The republican darling has lost her mojo and is completely out of her league. I am hoping for more interviews with her so that more people can see how useless she is. And I like the "Oh and..." like the light bulb went off and she realized she missed a talking point. She made Katie Couric look like a tough interviewer.
  17. My father-in-law was on the Hill last night, every congressman he talked to said that the house republicans blew this one and that McCain was pretty much non-existent. He got what he was looking for originally, press converage. Great press coverage? Remains to be seen. I hope to god that no one will praise him for this.
  18. I love how the deal is almost done and he's not even there yet. What will they do??
  19. You know it's bad when the good people of Mississippi are saying.... John we have the internet down here? We have cell phones? Why stay away?
  20. Oh dear god. Have you not seen the news lately... what about McCain's aide taking in $15,000 per month since the end of 2005?
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