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Everything posted by pBills

  1. I certainly do not agree with what Pelosi did. However, I also disagree with people who voted nay because they were offended.
  2. Another reason why VA is turning blue this year.
  3. Republicans voted it down more than 2-1? I guess McCain controlled the Republicans huh?
  4. That McCain wants to limit the exec pay? I thought all of the problems came from Obama?
  5. I guess the biggest question is then... is why is McCain capable of being of President himself? And by the way, your points are skewed. But that's ok. I expect that from an avid McCain supporter.
  6. Us Libs are dingy. Ok? Tell me this... why are they Obama's Wall Street Fat Cats?
  7. How do you know that? What Board in their right mind would replace a new CEO that saved their company and brought it back to profitable? Actually I am asking those CEO's who are outstanding that make a lot less than your 5-50 million. ... Oh yeah and from Politico "McCain wants to limit execs to $400,000"
  8. I love the part Obama's Wall Street fat cats" HAHAHAHA Yes, McCain mentioned the middle-class once during the first debate. NOT!!!
  9. How about if that company is that bad of shape and you are brought it in to fix it... they should be appeasing you. For me, I have taken a pay cut in the past knowing that within a year. I would be better off. By in the large, the dems keep up their end of the deal. Just admit it, those republicans that voted against were trying to save their political careers.
  10. So let me ask you this... the goverment bails out a company. Should that CEO earn one million, two million per year before the company is good under the bail out guidelines... whatever they may be changed to at this point? Taxpayers are paying for that salary in a sense aren't they? I do agree, that whatever the Bill turns out to be if should give companies the opportunity to clean their act up and get out on their own as fast as possible. If you were a smart CEO, you WOULD take on a position like that, knowing that if you are as good as you think you are the company will be turned around and you will eventually get what you are worth. Plus company hero status. And I am sure that the "poison pill" was heavily scrutinized by McCain? Nope.
  11. Preventing CEO's from earning money on FAILURE. Hello Golden Parachute? I guess some people have no problem with people walking away from failure with $79 million or more. Obama has said countless times that BOTH sides have to stay calm and get some sort of resolution worked out. McCain swooped in like Superman failed to gain his own parties vote.... oh wait they got their feelings hurt. And then he flew out. I do wonder if he got out DC faster than he arrived?
  12. I love how McCain is blaming Obama because Obama used a cell phone and most likely the internet before returning to DC. Since it took McCain 22 hours to get to DC from NYC... how much earlier did he get there before Obama?
  13. Another good question would be why give subsidies to companies who ship jobs overseas?
  14. Obama has a close relationship with every radical in the country? Rush say that?
  15. There's your problem. You listen to Rush. :-) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  16. Was that copy and pasted? If so, very good job... nice clean formatting.
  17. Yup. Obama is the one that just added a media whirlwind to the financial crisis. Great Presidential move by McCain.
  18. Yes, he has contributed so much to this bail out. Can you say political stunt?
  19. Fair enough. I do know what you are talking about in regards to the ads.. I know that because I design many ads of that nature. I would say if someone has clearly voted against issues that are important to many people many times. Not only the voting records, but the statements he makes set a clear path to understanding his stance on the issues.
  20. So bottom line is that you actually believe McCain is really involved in this. You want to buy a bridge in Alaska? Oooops, that one has been done before.
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