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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Just what we need the republicans to take over Congress again.
  2. Keep grasping at straws. One can tell that McCain is losing, the excuse machine comes out.
  3. Oh and does she support gay rights now? The evangelicals must love her today!!!
  4. If it's Palin in 2012, then that means I have four years to get my crap together and move to Canada.
  5. I fail to see how he got his ass kicked, unless of course they were running to be governor of Alaska. Which of course, I think was intending to do. Palin did well. She avoided giving an answer with really any direct substance. Everything was canned from the campaign talking points. It's sad that people are so excited that she exceeded really low expectations. Oh, and I do love how she keeps blasting Joe for being in office for so long. Does she forget who she's running with? And enough with the freakin' winking. God damn it's annoying and condescending and that's coming from a "Joe Six Pack" type of person. Something she is not.
  6. So that too!! Now if he can just suspend his campaign one more time. Maybe in Ohio or Florida?
  7. Let her keep making dumb statements.... McCain's campaign is now pulling out of Michigan. :lol:
  8. If that happens.... biden is screwed. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1832219
  9. A free pass? How so? It wasn't talked about enough during the primaries? And really with palin's church, why would he want to go there? Almost like Palin making her little joke about Biden being old. Dumbass. Her partner is older.
  10. I thought our military was used for God?
  11. He is such a horrible person. Damn him to straight to HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  12. grasping at straws. Unfortunately it's just the beginning. It's going to get nasty.
  13. Or some people here that are using his dead family members as well. And I would like to know exactly how many times he has said that. And really for him to talk about his first wife, no problem with that what-so-ever. Mothers who have children killed in DUI accidents do it, it goes on and on.
  14. Oh my the travesty!!! Damn his for being mistaken about how members of his family died. Give me a break.
  15. Keeping my fingers crossed that he will just attack McCain and promote Obama. Draw her out a bit, she'll kill her own debate.
  16. The more detailed the question, the worse she will do. If she can keep it generic using "such as", "like" or "in Alaska". She'll be fine. Just kidding. Seriously though generic is the way for her. Biden, just attack McCain, promote Obama and hope that draws her out a bit and off topic.
  17. Of course they are out of touch with the rich people... they are not rich and most likely living paycheck to paycheck.
  18. And at least we know that you like spread non-sense. I heard Biden also likes to kill kittens and beat old people with hockey sticks.
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