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Everything posted by pBills

  1. They NEED to go QB with the #3 pick and Defense with the #34. This draft is so heavy on the defensive side of the ball and let's face it we can actually sign and potentially franchise QB and let them be groomed for one year under Fitzpatrick. Unless of course they are expecting to be so bad where they can have a legit shot at getting Luck next year.
  2. Oh my lord. So now the Government is strong arming, unions are strong arming... yet companies when they say give us every subsidy or tax break available or we'll go some where else... that's not strong arming. Ok. So obviously with the Boeing story there are two sides... one Boeing was simply moving there plant to South Carolina for business reasons... the other Boeing was doing it so that they didn't have to deal with Collective Bargaining Rights. Who knows. Obviously statements like this "The N.L.R.B. asserted that on numerous occasions Boeing officials had communicated an unlawful motive for transferring the production line, including an interview with The Seattle Times in which a Boeing executive said, “The overriding factor was not the business climate. And it was not the wages we’re paying today. It was that we cannot afford to have a work stoppage, you know, every three years.” Don't help anyone, Union or Boeing.
  3. What's your degree in Thom? You act as though you are the expert on everything.
  4. You are right. So one a-hole condones violence means all union members are promoting and teaching activists to be violent? No. This guy is wrong on so many levels. Every educational/training event I have been a part of promoted activism through use of the media, contacting the elected officials, staging rally's, etc. Not one talks about violence. Now on to 3rd... I never said that it was an isolated incident. Most organizations, not just unions will promote company's that are pro their organization/union. ie: Union Plus. Just because they promote it does not mean that they HAVE to use the service. Just like the person does NOT have use the service either. That has been my stance from the very beginning.. no badgering was ever needed by you. I do love how I am being "called out" on this though. Should I now find a tea party angry mob video or a video of some other moron and say that represents everything you believe in?
  5. Not to sure about him being a joke. Much more upside than Newton. And lets face it the Bills need to draft a QB for the future.
  6. The Bills need to grab Gabbert. Go Defense with the rest of the other picks.
  7. Since it is such a defense heavy draft they NEED to grab Gabbert with the third overall pick.
  8. So I can be questioned an mocked for giving my opinion that gas prices are way to high and shouldn't be above $3.00. You can just avoid giving your opinion. You do realize you don't have to be an expert to give an opinion right?
  9. What should gas prices be in your mind? Just curious.
  10. Briebart sued to be a researcher for Arianna Huffington, and helped launch her website. Obviously, left leaning. Of course, he also worked on the Drudge Report and other Right leaning sites.
  11. No tool. I said I would be content with $2.50. Especially after paying $3.89. Such a moron.
  12. Don't blame me for that... those are the people considered to be running.
  13. I understand his point. To me he was never really in line with the Left, therefore no one should be pissed that he broke away from the pack.
  14. Personally, I don't believe it should be up over $3.00 a gallon. I'd be happy/content if was around $2.50 or so. Looking back we went from right around a $1.00 around 9/11... spike was claimed to be because of the War, etc. and would eventually go down. Since then we've had Iraq War, Afghanistan, Katrina, Gulf Spill and now Libya. Are those events truly the cause or is it something else?
  15. I went with what's to be considered the potential list from a few news sources. Is he going to run? Obviously if he runs that changes the field big time. Very true regarding Hillary. A lot of people are equating this group of candidates to what Republicans called the "Seven Dwarfs" and then Clinton came out of no where. Maybe that will happen here.
  16. HAHAHAHA!!! So stupid. Oh no the evil liberal media monopoly. AHHHHH, cover your ears and watch Faux News. AHHHHH!!!
  17. I could give two craps if you take me seriously. Hell I don't take you seriously. So what. The majority of PPP is Republican, where do they stand as of right now with the current list of potential candidates? Not a hard question.
  18. More like? I know that in Maryland I am paying $3.89 per gallon... knocking off the State and Federal combined is 41.9¢ according to API (as of January 2011). Knocking it down to $3.48 per gallon. Again, not good enough. So if we're being fair Tom who is gauging the consumer the most? I'm not assuming, I know that prices need to be lower. Anyone with a half a brain knows that the rising cost of gas and diesel is affecting many industries. I am also NOT talking about Energy alternatives, drill baby drill or anything else... none of those options will do anything for the here and now. How does the government get the prices lower now?
  19. yeah, I'm an idiot for asking a simple question. You're such a tool.
  20. That's it? So then what do you say to States who say they need that revenue? That would still only bring it down to what $3.30 - $3.50. Not good enough.
  21. I guess people are to shy to show who they support as of right now. Again, pretty funny.
  22. As of right now or was that to hard to understand. I do love that there has been 30 views and not one person will answer who they like as of right now. Pretty funny.
  23. So what should be done to lower gas prices? Is it drill baby drill, because that will have no effect for a long time.
  24. Funny how you couldn't vote, yet posted something stupid like that. And believe me, Democrat or not there is no way I would vote for any of those candidates.
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