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Everything posted by pBills

  1. This absolutely crazy. Since you are going there, what about Palin and who she paled around with? What about who her husband paled around with? Socialist versus Cessationist who is protected from evil spirits by witchdoctors? She we call her and her husband Todd traitors? Remember the Alaskan Independence Party, seeking cessation from the USA? Todd was a member and she addressed their convention? What about their leader? Who has said wonderful things like: "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America and her damned institutions."
  2. That post was nothing more than fearmongering. John and Cindy McCain's new approach, because you know, they were running such a clean and nice campaign.... keep throwing fearmongering statements at the wall until one sticks.
  3. Damn. There goes the fence sitting republican pervert vote. Damn you Newsweek for crushing so many hearts.
  4. Very true. I think the count was 19 for "My Friends". I counted that he said it 4 times in one answer.
  5. I think McCain was just frustrated. Nothing more.
  6. Is that... takes my breath away in a sort of Top Gun way?
  7. Refuse to hear? No that is not true at all. I would love to hear other views. However to say that he is similar to one of the most hated leaders ever, a person that orchestrated the holocaust, believed in the perfect person (blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.) That is ridiculous. I do like this from your original post. "But he could inspire people to do whatever he wanted them to do. During his speeches, women would often be seen crying and feinting. Men would shout and cheer, and hang on Hitler’s every word." Sounds like Palin's speech the other day... people wildly cheering, some screaming Kill Him, others screaming that Obama is terrorist. All because she said so. Blind faith right? So he's a great speaker that can motivate/move people. Must be Hitler-like. Socialist views may be in the cards under some of Obama's beliefs... but that does not mean that all of his views will be instantly put in place if elected. Same goes for McCain.
  8. Nice strike-through and add of the word Berlin.
  9. Give me a break. Should I say McCain is compared to Attila the Hun?
  10. A post that compares the rise of Obama to Hitler is dumb.
  11. Yes Obama is the next Hitler. What a dumb thing to say. How about people are sick of the way things are and want someone younger and some fresh ideas in DC?
  12. I love how Cindy McCain says that Obama is running a dirty campaign. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  13. It must be one large bubble that you live in. Clearly Obama came out on top of this debate, McCain needed to have a GREAT night to make dent into Obama's momentum. He did not. So to say that your guy is doing great... well, not so much.
  14. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstor...eal_john_mccain
  15. Dear god talking to you is like talking to a wall.
  16. Fact is that he is behind with many battleground states. HE has do some magic to turn that around by November 4th. IS that better for you? God, you must have been slapped around a lot as a kid.
  17. McCain has to do some magic with the battleground states to win this.
  18. Typical spin. I said that was the biggest issue for me. Not the only one. Try again. And it's Labor, I'm not from Canada.
  19. Dude you are ridiculous.. Let me go create a Wikipedia site that says something different. You'll obviously buy that.
  20. Who gives a crap. News from 40 years ago means this much? Now Obama is a terrorist because someone else did this 40 years ago or so? It's just sad.
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