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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Couldn't you say that about McCain's extended family? And really the 911 call is funny. Anyone that lives in this area knows that traffic is ridiculous. Any reason to call 911, um no.
  2. When trying to add race into this. I'll take his endorsement as what I heard on CSPAN from a black woman. Do not believe that every back person is voting for Obama simply because he is black. There are issues involved. That woman was still listed as undecided.
  3. I believed his words because there is nothing out there to say that he has some sort of agenda. Until that happens, I will by his words.
  4. I believe that he endorsed Obama simply because he doesn't believe in McCain and especially Palin.
  5. I agree that some jobs should have caps. $40.00 for putting in a dashboard. I have no idea how to do that so I can not say anything about that. Pay is ONE area again, if you look a the typical union contract, no matter the union. The area that hurts the business the most is healthcare. And that is because it's gone up a ton. It's much more expensive now than it was years ago. And frankly that even covers people outside of unions. Every business that offers health care is getting hurt right now.
  6. One would think an adult would at least say, yeah that is pretty nasty or stupid on their part... but you know the other side.... You never did. Oh-well.
  7. That's your opinion. I happen to like them and feel as though Toyotas are crap. I also buy because of the fact that they are American made and because my parents worked there. Problem with that?
  8. I don't care if you hire a non-union guy. Your decision. I was just saying that the Joe the Plumber guy is not licensed.
  9. And I have friends and family members who work for GM. And have had that happen. Yes, buyouts were offered as well. But I forgot because it's in your little world, everywhere is the same.
  10. Yes, it's dumb to buy American? And for me, since both of my parents worked at a GM plant, it is completely dumb of me to support GM. Wow, what was I thinking. Actually going to pick up a new vehicle tonight.
  11. Never said they wouldn't. However it seems to me that one side in this election is a bit on the ridiculous side for not stopping their rallies when someone in the crowd yells out terrorist or kill him. And really instead of saying you are right, that is horrible. It's oh, well the other side does it too. Just sad. Almost condoning it.
  12. No one wants unemployment just as much as no one wants to lose their benefits. I guess people cutting their benefits in half, losing most of their pensions and already cutting the salaries for many isn't drastic enough. If that was you, would you want to give up more? How about looking to the management that gets paid the big bucks to run the company to fix the company. Labor has given up a lot. I know this for a fact. The one thing I will blame on these workers is that many of them do not buy their own product and have not for years. Just dumb. Personally I buy nothing but GM vehicles.
  13. Try non-licensed plumber. Not non-union, although that would be true if he didn't have a license.
  14. Fine example of ignorant America. People want to know what ruins America it's people that spout off that nonsense. "Commy faggot" one said. Nice.
  15. The Union has already given up so much in the form of concessions. How much more should they give up?
  16. I would agree with this.. also the fact that when they announce a new concept car it takes way to long for them to roll through production. Not a huge fan of the design process before. Glad to see that is changing up a bit.
  17. Dems have screwed it up before. There is no denying that. Making the point that we have to keep pushing until election day passes. Time to head back into VA for more canvassing I guess.
  18. Dude look at the contracts that BOTH sides signed. What do those contracts cover?? Pensions and Healthcare... wait a minute? hasn't the cost of healthcare gone up a ton in the past 10 years? Just one part that adds into the equation. Just pointing out the fact that it's not simply the unions fault as you say.
  19. http://gawker.com/5062388/mccainpalin-boos...astound-terrify
  20. And we can't wait till VA turns blue.
  21. who cares is it's classified as a greeting card, it's disgusting.
  22. And on top of the Obama is a terrorist statement from the GOP base... we now have: Obama cartoon sparks outrage A GOP newsletter depicts Barack Obama surrounded by watermelon, ribs and fried chicken. KCAL reports. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/...newsletter.kcal They should be so proud.
  23. Oh my god. Well then I guess since it's guilt by association. Didn't Ayers work for McCain's heroes foundation?
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