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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Here we go. People still upset about Obama winning. hehehehe
  2. As people continue to blame the union. They must dig a big deeper. It's more than simple wages. The costs that are driving up contract costs are related to health care and pensions. Control the ridiculous rising in health care costs, to save companies like these billions of dollars. Although, the UAW has already cut a deal that alters coverage on retirees that goes into affect in 2010. This deal saves billions of dollars per year. They have also made deals that alter pension plans. In some cases eliminating them. One other thing that I have heard lately that cracks me up is that the product is crap. I find this laughable because if you look at their ratings lately. Many of their vehicles are receiving high ratings. Higher ratings than toyota, honda, etc. Problem was, I believe, bad design for many years and believing in vehicles that weren't selling. Management should have trimmed the lines down and brought in new designers/engineers.
  3. I can't imagine that Evans was wide open all night. Especially with the amount of short passes. Seemed like they planned the passes.
  4. Yes, Trent played horribly in first half. However, the horrible play calling... man it's ridiculous. Can we have a passing play called that is over 20 yards? Maybe, just once, JUST ONCE take a shot down the field. It's no wonder that defenses are playing well against us. We have no deep threat.
  5. Piss poor management and design is a huge problem. Although, I must say I do find it funny that people just want to or are satisfied to let GM, Ford or Chrysler just go bankrupt. Yet, AIG keeps getting more money even after they pissed through a ton on a retreat. To hell with those million workers.
  6. In response to the last part... not true. Maybe the teamsters work that way. However once and if contract negotiations stall they go to arbitration. No side is forced for crap. And really, the unions and their members are wanting and working on change in order to not only save the business but their jobs. One other big problem is that the workers themselves didn't have enough pride in their own work to buy their own product. That in itself can hurt a company. Granted only the smallest of dents, but a dent none the less.
  7. And I wonder how you instantly believe that all the unions fault. Although, knowing you it's not that hard to understand... you are VERY pro-CEO and management. It's easy to just jump on the bandwagon without digging a bit deeper. Take a look at what union contracts cover. Which BOTH sides agree upon and sign.
  8. What's killing the contracts and the cost of them right off the bat is the ridiculous increase in Health Care. What has that gone up in the 12 years, let alone in the past year. Salary is just one part. Most contracts go with three years deals... 3% increase, 3% increase, 3% increase. Where as the cost of Health Care per year may be going up as much 50% or way higher. Control Health Care, and that will HELP... not completely save. But HELP these companies out. That and slim down the product lines. get rid of the cars/trucks that are not selling.
  9. Trent has had some off games, no doubt. Although the playcalling has been horrible. No changes since week one. Plus, the o-line WITH Peters sucks right now.
  10. WHOOOOHOOOOOOOO. Go North Carolina!!
  11. Thank you Ohio. Very nice to me while I was working with the Obama/Labor Campaigns in Ohio. Ohio is blue!!!
  12. The most complete list yet – you should forward this to your aunt and anyone you know who is undecided. She’s not fit to take over the highest position in the land. Sarah Palin's Business Management and Fiscal Skills are Poor When Palin took over as mayor, Wasilla had zero debt; when she left office 6 years later it had $20 million in debt ($3000 per resident). [8] She put higher priority on a $15 million sports complex rather than a sewage treatment plant. The sports complex is now viewed as a budget-busting white elephant by local officials. [1] [74] She proceeded with construction on the sports complex without closing on the land, ultimately costing the city $1.5 million. [24] She was forced to hire a fulltime administrator as she faced a recall vote for precipitous firings. [1] As Governor, she provided little guidance and direction to the Legislature on budgets. [2] The Alaska budget is growing at a rate of 10% per year and the $1,200 payouts due to Alaskans in September are not consistent with restraining government growth. [4] She allocated $500 million subsidy for a gas pipeline project awarded to a Canadian company, TransCanada, rather than negotiate with an existing private venture to save money. [23] Palin was the first mayor of Wasilla with a full-time city administrator who did most of the actual, real work. [59] Palin ignored Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich's attempts to have the state deliver promised money needed to operate city traffic lights until he threatened to go public out of anger. [57] "Executive abilities? She doesn't have any," according to Nick Carney. Carney groomed Palin for her first political race in 1992 and served with her on the City Council. [74] A long time borough official said, "The borough takes care of most of the planning, the fire, the ambulance, collecting the property taxes. And on top of that she brought in a city manager to actually run the city day to day." [74] Palin refused to share an emergency dispatch operation with Palmer, Wasilla's town rival, so she got earmark money for her own system. "Now we have 2 expensive emergency systems and both are losing money", according to a borough official. [74] Carly Fiorina, one of McCain's key economic surrogates, said that Sarah Pailn does not have the experience necessay to run a major company. [90] Sarah Palin Controversial Viewpoints and Associations Referring to the planned gas pipeline project from the North Slope,"I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get the gas line built, so pray for that." [9] Palin describes the war in Iraq as “a task that is from God…a plan that is God’s plan.” [9] She opposes abortion for instances of rape or incest, and supported a Constitutional Amendment saying the Constitution does not give right to an abortion. [15] [44] Her husband Todd was a member of the controversial Alaskan Independence Party [17] Sarah inquired about banning books at the city's library at a city council meeting. [5] Palin is for teaching creationism in public schools. [19] Palin supports a ban on gay marriage and denying benefits to gay couples, stating that she "doesn’t know if people choose to be gay.” [44] Palin opposes Stem Cell Research [81] Palin's Wasilla Bible Church promotes "the power of God's love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality." [47] Pat Buchanan stated that Sarah was one of his "brigaders" in 1996 and was at a fundraiser for him. [20] Wasilla was only town in Alaska that charged victims for their own rape kits ($500 - $1200) after Palin fired the police chief and approved a new budget without the line item for it. [61] Palin told a Wasilla resident that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," and that "she had seen pictures of human footprints inside the [dinosauer] tracks." [98] Sarah Palin is a Political Opportunist who is in it for Herself She used the line item veto to kill several “pork projects” to gain publicity for political reasons, but after public outcry she restored the projects stating that she was not aware of their importance. [1] [2] Appointed to chair of oil and gas reserve by Governor despite being highly unqualified. [1] Was for the "bridge to nowhere" before it became politically favorable to be against it. [1] One resident says she is savvy. She doesn't take positions; she just "puts things out there" and if they prove to be popular, then she takes credit. [2] "She announced her decision to scuttle the bridge project in a pre-dawn press statement released to meet East Coast media deadlines", according to Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein. [14] Palin has repeated her "thanks but no thanks" regarding the bridge to nowhere. However, a NYT article shows that Congressional Republicans had already "put the wrecking ball to it" in 2005, a year before she was elected governor. [70] Frontiersman editorial stated "at every turn we find hints of cronyism and political maneuvering. We see a woman who has long-since surrendered her ideals to a political machine.” [44] Palin conducted a very political and negative campaign for mayor focusing on issues like religion and abortion instead of local issues. [1] Palin's selling of Governor's jet was used to distinguish her as a reformer despite the fact it was already very unpopular among Alaskans and logically any new Governor would have sold it. [62] A conservative columnist, Paul Jenkins, confronted Palin about evidence she conducted campaign business from her mayor's office. She admitted to it and got a Fairbanks reporter to call him asking why he was trying to smear her. [57] Sarah Palin is about to spring another surprise: the wedding of her 17 year old pregnant teenage daughter to her 18 year old fiancé before the November 4 election. The wedding would divert attention from the campaign at a critical time. [100] Sarah Palin's Leadership and People Skills are Poor She hired another top cop, but he had to resign after 2 weeks for a prior sexual harassment charge. The state gave him a $10,000 severance package for just 2 weeks on the job. [51] She was criticized for publically asserting that the US would go to war with Russia if Georgia was a part of NATO rather than giving a more diplomatic response appropriate for world leaders. [73] Sarah Palin Lies, Deceives, Exaggerates and Acts Hypocritically Both Palin and McCain have distorted her record on budget cuts and spending, and how she stood up to Senator Ted Stevens on the “Bridge to Nowhere”. [4] A Frontiersman editorial wrote, “Mayor Palin fails to have a firm grasp of something very simple: the truth.” [44] Newshounds reports that "Palin told a passel of lies during her convention speech last night (9/3/08). But you’d never know it from watching FOX News’ analysis”. [33] She hypocritically preaches abstinence despite evidence that she eloped because she was pregnant (having baby within 8 months of marriage) and married in a civil ceremony. Frontiersmen in 1997 accused Palin of making "patently untrue statements, unrepentant backpedaling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press..." [44] Palin deceived Americans by saying she put a state jet on Ebay when in fact it failed to sell three times and was eventually sold through a Broker, also a Palin supporter, at a $600,000 loss. [55] Palin lied about firing her personal chef as Governor in an attempt to make her look more fiscally responsible. The chef was actually reassigned because Palin spent so little time at the governor's mansion. [83] She claimed that Alaska "produces nearly 20 percent of the U.S. domestic supply of energy" when facts show it is actually 3.5 percent (and 4.8% if strictly talking US Oil Consumption and 14% if talking US oil production). [63] Palin told Gibson: "Yes. I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate". However she later told Hannity that "she asked her girls to vote on it, and they're like absolutely, let's do this mom." So which version is it? Email records from scientists on polar bears obtained by a University of Alaska professor shows they agreed polar bears were in danger -- Palin had said the scientists had found them not to be in danger. [57] Palin outed Republican leader Ruedrich for conducting party business on state time; then later hypocritically "did the same thing that Randy Ruedrich did” according to conservative columnist Paul Jenkins who confronted Palin with evidence. [57] During her speech to the RNC, Palin claims that "the teleprompter got messed up, I couldn’t follow it, and I just decided I’d just talk to the people in front of me". That false story has largely been debunked by reporters who were there. [68] Sarah Palin's Bio & Credentials Show She is Unprepared to be VP "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?" said Alaskan Republican Senator Lyda Green. [10] Palin has only visited four countries in her life: Germany & Kuwait (briefly), Mexico and Canada. [31] An official spokesperson for Palin attempted to bolster her "resume" listing Ireland as one of three countries she visited in July 2007 trip even though it was only a fueling stop. [18] Sarah and Todd were part owners of a failed car wash company in Anchorage. [32] She attended five different colleges over six years receiving a single degree (journalism). [49] Palin was mayor of a very small town (5500 approx) where she received only 616 votes in her first election and 909 in her second for 1525 votes total. [85] "It's not rocket science," Palin said in describing her mayorial job to the Frontiersman. "It's $6 million and 53 employees." [59] "Sarah was unprepared to be mayor -- it was John Cramer who actually ran the city," said a member of the Mat-Su Borough Assembly, who knows Palin socially. [74] Until her recent photo ops at the UN, Palin had never met a foreign head of state. [69] [105] Watch Palin's rambling, clumsy, convoluted response to a question about energy, her supposed area of expertise. Palin's version of "Bush Speak"? [93] Responding to a question on Russia by Katie Couric, Palin embarked on another cringe inducing answer that can only be appreciated by watching it. [96] Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria says: "Sarah Palin is utterly unqualified to be vice president. She has never spent a day thinking about any important national or international issue, and this is a hell of a time to start." [97] Leading into the VP debate, Palin has only conducted 3 interviews since being nominated, while Biden has done nearly 100 interviews. [101] Matthew Dowd, Chief Strategist for G.W. Bush's reelection, said that McCain "put somebody unqualified on that ballot and he put the country at risk, he knows that." [121] Colin Powell, in endorsing Obama, said of Palin, "Now that we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don't believe she's ready to be president of the United States, which is the job of the vice president." [127] Sarah Palin Displays Ignorance on Issues and Current Events She asked when interviewed, "What exactly does the VP do every day?" [13] Palin had to use detailed notecards to directly read answers to questions in debates when she ran for Governor. [14] Palin incorrectly thought the Pledge of Allegiance was written by our founding fathers (it was written in 1892). [86] She incorrectly believed privately owned Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were run by the government and said they "Got too big and too expensive to the taxpayers." [56] When interviewed, she was unable to explain Bush's foreign policy principles commonly called the "Bush Doctrine." [64] Speaking to troops deploying to Iraq, who even Bush eventually admitted had nothing to do with 9/11, she said, "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans." [60] When Gibson asked "what insight into Russian actions does the proximity of the state give you?" Palin replied, "they’re our next door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska." [69] Palin was a journalism major in college, but in her Katie Couric interview, she could not name one specific news source that she reads. "Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years." [110] On Oct 20th, when asked by a student what the Vice President does, Palin erroneously replied: "They’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes." [128] Sarah Palin's Environmental and Alternative Energy Record is Poor Palin favors drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: "I beg to disagree with any candidate who would say we can't drill our way out of our problem." [1] [72] She sued the Department of Interior on its decision to list polar bears as threatened species because “it would hamper drilling for oil and gas”. [1] [28] She has questioned if the loss of sea ice is really linked to global warming. [11] As governor, Palin vetoed a 50-megawatt wind farm and a clean coal facility. [8] Palin opposed efforts to protect beluga whales (only 375 estimated) located in a specific Alaskan inlet deeming it a threat to the oil and gas industry. [22] She opposed a "clean water" proposition to help prevent open pit mines from contaminating local drinking water and threatening salmon. [29] Palin said that “alternative-energy solutions are far from imminent and would require more than 10 years to develop.” [89] Palin approved an initiative allowing hunters to shoot wolves from airplanes -- also attempting to add a $150 per wolf incentive that was rejected as illegal by a state judge. [76] Palin vetoed a $1.5 million state and matching federal appropriation for a new energy reseach center at the University of Alaska that would have focused on developing new renewable energy technologies. [77] Sarah Palin Uses Taxpayers Money for Political and Personal Gain Her publicity seeking actions on earmarks earned her a popular reputation as “anti-pork” that influenced, in part, McCain’s decision to select her as his VP running mate. [1] [25] In 2008 Alaska leads the nation in earmark requests with $556 per capita ($380 million) compared to an average of $34 per capita for other states. [3] [26] In 2006, Palin campaigned on a “build-the-bridge platform”, but reversed herself once elected. She said “thanks but no thanks,” but she kept the money for other pet projects. [3] As Mayor of Wasilla from 1996-2002, Palin hired a lobbying firm with close ties to Ted Stevens to garner nearly $27 million in earmarked federal funding for her city ($1000 per person). [46] [52] "They've definitely become addicted to earmarks," said Ellis, of Taxpayers for Common Sense. "And Gov. Palin has continued in at least some form that addiction." [3] Spent $50,000 of taxpayers money to remodel her office without City Council approval. When confronted she replied, "I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't." [74] As Governor, the state furnished her the Governor's mansion in Juneau, but she billed state per diem expenses for 312 nights living at her home in Wasilla. [54] As mayor in 2002, Palin used city employees, telephones, computers, fax machines and literature for her campaign fundraising for lieutenant governor. [44] According to NYT, "she used city money to buy a white Suburban for the mayor’s use" and "employees sarcastically called it the mayor-mobile" [57] While Palin exhorts the benefits to Alaskans of her gas pipeline from the North Slope, hidden in the details is the fact that her pipeline will not be built without massive Federal aid and loan guarantees. [58] As Governor, Sarah Palin accepted gifts valued at $25,367 from industry executives, municipalities and a cultural center. [95] As Mayor Palin sought and received a special zoning exception that was needed before she could sell her house and then reneged on a promise to remove a potential fire hazard. [99] The Chief investigator in Palin's firing of the Safety Commissioner found that Palin was "in violation of a state ethics law that prohibits public officials from using their office for personal gain." [118] Palin spent $13,000 of taxpayer funds to attend 10 religious events and meetings. [119] Palin charged the state over $21,000 for her kids' travel expenses that hardly qualify as "official business" and include such trips as "watching their father in a snowmobile race." [131] Sarah Palin's Cronyism, Value of Loyalty Over Competence and Intolerance of Others' Ideas As Governor she has shown poor judgment by hiring inexperienced people and valuing loyalty to her ahead of competence for the job. [1] [2] [44] She has reputation for bullying, being intolerant of others opinions and not listening to ideas of others. [1] [44] As Mayor, demonstrating her value for loyalty, she often dismissed ideas that didn’t originate with her staff without considering the merit of the ideas. [1] [44] She is defensive when challenged with opposing views, and has been known to fire people that disagree with her. [44] For a $95,000-a-year directorship over the State Division of Agriculture, Palin appointed a high school classmate and former real estate agent who cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the $2 million dollar agency. [57] Palin hired Talis Colberg, a borough assemblyman who had never supervised anyone before, as attorney general to supervise 500 people. When asked if he has supervised anyone before Colberg responded, "‘No, but I think I’ll get some help.’" [57] According to the NYT, "Ms. Palin appointed Mr. Bitney, her former junior high school band-mate, as her legislative director and chose another classmate, Joe Austerman, to manage the economic development office for $82,908 a year." [57] Sarah Palin is Divisive and Vindictive She tried to fire highly respected city librarian who refused to remove books that Palin found to be "morally or socially objectionable to her". [5] She fired members of the Alaska Agriculture Board in order to replace Creamery Board members who she could not fire. [6] As Mayor, she fired Wasilla’s Police Chief because she claimed that he “intimidated” her, but the Police Chief says it was because he was not loyal to her. [1] [27] The Police Chief cites retaliation by Palin's campaign contributors, including bar owners and the NRA, as one reason for his dismissal. [7] As Governor, she fired Alaska's top cop because he wouldn't fire her sister's ex-husband, a State Trooper, and now is "stonewalling the Legislative investigation". [1] [45] As Mayor, in an act of ruthlessness that stunned those in the community, she fired her loyal City Administrator. [1] "Once you cross her, you're off the list forever, and that's not the way you get by in politics," said state Sen. Hollis French, a Democrat. [14] Fear of retribution has kept many in Wasilla from speaking out about her in public. [1] Frontiersman editorial wrote, “Palin continues to lose public faith sticking by her philosophy that either we are with her or against her.” [44] The Frontiersman stated, “Wasilla is led by a woman who will tolerate no one who questions her actions or her authority.” [44] Sarah was so divisive and hated as mayor that residents attempted a recall vote to remove her from office. [50] She fired two of six department heads for no real reason causing the other two to quit along with three others at the city's museum. [50] Republican speaker of the House, John Harris, said that Todd Palin called him to complain about selecting John Bitney as his chief of staff who Sarah had fired when she learned he had fallen in love with a longtime friend of hers. [57] Republican speaker of the house John Harris said, “The Palin family gets upset at personal issues. And at our level, they want to strike back.” [57] According to the NYT, "The administration’s e-mail correspondence reveals a siege-like atmosphere. Top aides keep score, demean enemies and gloat over successes." [57] Conservative Alaskan radio host Dan Fagan said Palin characterizes critics as “bad people who are anti-Alaska.” [57] Sarah Palin is Secretive and Evasive She skipped four major debates during the 2006 general-election campaign for Governor of Alaska [14] In 1997 Palin refused to appear before a citizen's group stating, “she doesn’t intend to face the hostile group to answer their questions,” asking them to fax their questions. [44] McCain camp hasn't allowed Palin to do TV interviews. McCain aide Davis said they "will do so only if he and other strategists determine it serves the ticket's purposes." [53] Palin called a special session in 2007 but attended so infrequently many legislators started wearing "Where's Sarah?" buttons. [57] When Palin vetoed millions of dollars in state legislative projects, she did not consult anyone except her husband and budget director. [57] Palin and her top officials used personal e-mail accounts for state business on occasions in an attempt to circumvent subpoenas. [57] As mayor of Wasilla, she issues a "gag order" to her employees instructing them to never talk to the media. [57] The New York Times stated, "Interviews show that Ms. Palin runs an administration that puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy." [57] “Their secrecy is off the charts,” Rick Steiner, a University of Alaska professor, was quoted as saying when he attempted to get information on scientific studies Palin had used to discredit the threat to polar bears. [57] Many city mayors complained that Palin was inaccessible. The NYT reports that "mayors across the political spectrum swapped stories of the governor’s remoteness." [57] Dan Fagan a conservative radio talk show host said that "with Palin's refusal to cooperate with the independent investigator and her transparent delay tactics, Americans deserve to know what Palin is trying to hide." [75] The McCain camp has fought for tighter rules during the vice presidential debates to limit Palin's exposure [94] Sarah Palin waited until after the debate to release her tax returns to the public, and now according to tax experts she did not pay taxes on more than $60,000 of family travel reimbursements received. [115] Palin maintained a private discreet e-mail account outside the state government's secure official e-mail system that she used to communicate with a small circle of her most loyal staff members (also known as Palinistas). [113] Sarah Palin is Negative and Disparaging Towards Others Palin laughed when a controversial Alaskan DJ insulted a political rival and made a joke about her cancer and weight. [71] Palin demeaned community organizers in her RNC speech to which CivilRights.org replied, "We're a nonpartisan coalition but we do take exception when anyone disparages the vast contributions of community organizers to American society." [78] What People are Saying about Sarah Palin as VP A respected feminist blogger said, "the decision to select Palin as the candidate for [VP] is the most insulting, anti-feminist choice John McCain and the Republican Party could have made." [12] Karl Rove criticized Tim Kaine's 3 yrs experience as Governor and his mayorship of the 105th largest city before McCain chose Palin (who has less experience). [16] [21] AP reported that Palin issued “dismissive attacks on Barack Obama and flattering praise on her credentials to be vice president - the reproach and the praise stretched the truth.” [34] Frank Rich of the NYT states that "The McCain campaign’s claims of a “full vetting process” for Palin were as much a lie as the biographical details they’ve invented for her." [48] "Mayor Sarah Palin behaves like a petulant, spoiled teenager," according to a Wasilla flower shop owner. [50] Republican Commentators Overheard Discussing Palin pick as "cynical" and "gimmicky" and saying that "It's Over." Also stating, "The most qualified? No!" [79] Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch, who endorsed George Bush in 2004, said that Sarah Palin "scares the hell out of me" and is backing Obama. [65] Alaskan Republican Senator Lyda Green said, "It's been very difficult to work with her. I wish there had been more vetting." [67] John McCain said during the Republican primaries of Romney and Giuliani, "I am prepared. I need no on-the-job training. I wasn't a mayor for a short period of time. I wasn't a governor for a short period of time." [80] “Her governing style raises a lot of hard questions,” said University of Alaska history professor Steve Haycox. [57] Wasilla colleague Ms. Chase said that Sarah "scares the bejeebers out of me.” [57] Over 140,000 women of all ages and backgrounds have posted comments on why they are against Sarah Palin as a VP nomineee. [66] Dan Fagan, conservative talk show host: "No politician is so popular and charismatic that they should be above accountability and telling the truth. Not even Sarah Palin." [75] “My cringe reflex is exhausted,” said conservative columnist Kathleen Parker after watching her interview with Katie Couric. [102] Palin's expectations for the debate are so low that a McCain aide said, “Joe Biden is going to have to destroy her for it to be perceived as a victory for him.” [102] Howard Kurtz writes that leading up to the vice-presidential debate, "some journalists say privately they are censoring their comments about Palin to avoid looking like they're piling on" [103] [103] Joe Scarborough of MSNBC television and a former Republican Congressman, said Palin "just seems to be out of her league" on national issues. [104] Rich Lowry, editor of the conservative National Review magazine, called her interview with Couric "dreadful" and warned that "she risks damaging her political brand forevermore." [104] Bob Herbert, NY Times columnist writes that "the idea that the voters might install someone in the VP’s office who is too unprepared or too intellectually insecure to appear on, say, “Meet the Press” or “Face the Nation” is mind-boggling." [106] Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone writes that "the scariest thing about John McCain's running mate isn't how unqualified she is -- it's what her candidacy says about America." [107] David Frum, former speech writer for President Bush, says, “I think she has pretty thoroughly — and probably irretrievably — proven that she is not up to the job of being president of the United States.” [108] Rebecca Traister of Salon writes that "sympathy with Palin is a disservice to every woman who has ever been unfairly dismissed based on her gender, because this is an utterly fair dismissal, based on an utter lack of ability and readiness." [109] CNN's Cafferty, on viewing Palin's analysis of the bail-out, called it "one of the most pathetic pieces of tape I have ever seen from someone aspiring to one of the highest offices in this country." [111] Conservative columist Kathleen Parker wrote that “Palin’s recent interviews all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out of Her League.” [102] Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker says that "only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn." [102] Michelle Goldberg of the Nation writes that "the religious right can be confident that they'd have a fundamentalist in the White House with Sarah Palin. " [112] Robin Morgan, author and co-founder of the Women's Media Center: "McCain’s pick of Palin demonstrates contempt for American women and insults the intelligence of anyone who supported Hillary, since Palin is her (melting) polar opposite." [114] Patricia Williams, Columbia professor and columnist for the Nation wrote "Palin is a never-ending train wreck of ignorance, inconsistency, outright contradiction and sneering." [116] Conservative columnist David Brooks calls Sarah Palin "a fatal cancer to the Republican Party." [117] The Anchorage Daily News states that "Sarah Palin's reaction to the Legislature's Troopergate report is an embarrassment to Alaskans and the nation." [120] Time Columnist, Joe Klein, said of McCain picking Palin, "It was a gimmick. It was one of the most disastrous decisions I have seen in a presidential campaign since I've begun covering them." [121] A Salon columnist writes on Troopergate report: "Sarah and Todd Palin's behavior throughout is so egregious that it is more worthy of a banana republic colonel and his consort than the governor of an American state and her spouse." [122] CNN's Roland Martin writes: "[Palin] repeated over and over and over an absolute lie, and we are supposed to say, "Hey, it's all fine. She winks at us. We love her hockey mom schtick. Don't worry about that abuse of power thing."" [123] [124] CNN's Roland Martin writes: "My goodness, Tina Fey has actually done more interviews about playing Sarah Palin than Sarah Palin has done about being Sarah Palin!" [124] Senator Biden lashed out at Sarah Palin's remark that "We believe that the best of America is in the small towns that we get to visit, and in the wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, the pro-America areas of the USA." [125] The Salt Lake Tribune writes: "She quickly proved grievously under-equipped to step into the presidency should McCain, at 72 and with a history of health problems, die in office." [126] The Salt Lake Tribune writes: "More than any single factor, McCain's bad judgment in choosing the inarticulate, insular and ethically challenged Palin disqualifies him for the presidency." [126] Brookings Senior Fellow Thomas Mann: "Within weeks, she became a liability, primarily as a highly visible indicator of McCain's impulsiveness and recklessness in picking someone who is patently unqualified to serve as President." [126] Norman Ornstein, of the American Enterprise Institute: "Palin's clear lack of capability to serve as VP, much less as president, her lack of knowledge of even basics about most areas of policy" reflects on McCain's decision making style. [126] Ken Wald, Univ of Florida political scientist, says "among middle-class Jewish career women, there's a resentment bordering on rage that somebody so obviously unqualified was appointed on the assumption that she would appeal to women." [126] Peggy Noonan in the WSJ: "In the end the Palin candidacy is a symptom and expression of a new vulgarization in American politics. It's no good, not for conservatism and not for the country." [126] Alaskan Palin supporters and critics alike have said "the woman they see stumping in swing states and being interviewed on national TV is not the hockey mom-turned politician they once knew." [132] Former McCain advisor, Charels Fried, voted for Obama because of McCain's "choice of Sarah Palin at a time of deep national crisis." [133] Senator Joseph Liebermann, a close advisor of McCain said: "Thank God, she's not gonna have to be president from day one." [134] "She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone," said this McCain advisor, "she does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else." [135] The Anchorage Daily News in endorsing Obama, said of Palin, "putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time." [136] [137] [138] [138] Miscellaneous & Minor Negatives on Sarah Palin As mayor, Palin raised locals taxes while giving breaks to large companies [1] [44] Sarah's husband, Todd, got a DUI in 1986. [30] Palin cut funding for a transitional home for teen moms in Alaska with a line item veto. [87] Sarah's RNC Speech specifically cited a quote from a very controversial and hateful conservative, Westbrook Pegler. [88] A Director for African American Juneteenth Events in Alaska said that Palin was the first governor not to attend or send a congratulatory letter. She never even responded. [82] Juneteenth Director wrote, "While meeting with Black leaders concerning the absence of any African Americans on her staff, Gov. Palin responded that she doesn't have to hire any Blacks and was not intending to hire any." [82] Palin went beyond standard practice and embellished an annual proclamation for a Christian Heritage Week in Alaska calling on "all citizens to celebrate this week" and distorting quotes of historical figures in America's history. [84] According to the NYT, "Lawmakers in April [of 2008] accused her of improperly culling thousands of e-mail addresses from a state database for a mass mailing to rally support for a policy initiative." [57] "The governor did have a tanning bed put in the Governor's Mansion. It was done shortly after she took office [in early 2007] and moved into the mansion," said Roger Wetherell from Alaska's Department of Transportation and Public Facilities While Palin tries to portray the image of "ordinary folk" she spent $150,000 (compliments of the RNC) for wardrobe and make-up at Niemen Marcus and Saks Fifth Ave for her campaign appearances. [130]
  13. I love this too... New McCain ad: "Listen to Joe Biden," the ad's narrator states, before playing a recording of the Democratic VP candidate saying: "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama…we're going to have an international crisis, to test the mettle of this guy." "It doesn't have to happen, vote McCain," the narrator said. Yes, because McCain is in office all parties intending to cause harm on the US will stop.
  14. Can one question one's integrity and honor when they say one thing and do another? ie: run a clean campaign
  15. I also heard Obama say that he liked to lick kitten and then kill them. All while wearing balloon pants and a poison t-shirt.
  16. And they wonder why they are behind in the polls. Or in Rudy G's case - why he lost the primary.
  17. Of course they do. Many people that work with, that have been working with certain senators on getting bills introduced and then hopefully passed. They are all happy to wait just a bit longer for that to happen knowing that their chances of getting it passed in 09. Not having to deal with the republican BS.
  18. Got to love the fearmongering from the McShame | Palin campaign... The McCain-Palin Campaign recently sent a mailer to voters in Virginia, Missouri and other states politicizing the 9/11 attacks. The mailer, which features a large aircraft at an airport terminal, says, "Barack Obama thinks terrorists just need a good talking to."
  19. That's easy many times threatened to be filibustered or vetoed keeps knocking ideas and bills back. And frankly they might as well wait on those ideas and bills to be passed until they take (fingers crossed) total control.
  20. McCain is a fraud as well.... hello straight talk express, mister maverick, run a clean campaign. HAHAHAHAHA. His drive for office dictates his integrity or whatever he has left.
  21. Couldn't be any worse than 6 of the last 8 years huh?
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