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Everything posted by pBills

  1. May be true on some levels. However, letting the Big 3 fail, I believe is going to be very bad for the economy as well. Hell even their competitors have come out and said that.
  2. I think they are both sad. I think it's worse though that people are so against giving the Auto Industry a Loan.
  3. The CEO's should be dealt with. Any other person out there who f'd up within their career in a major way would be canned. Most of these people have a new golden parachute called job security. Why?
  4. http://www.emailthis.clickability.com/et/e...lToID=529159920
  5. How much do you think the average auto worker should make per hour? What kind of benefits if any? You keep saying fair not inflated whatever. How much do you make? Let me tell you if I think your base is fair or inflated. And the opposite can be said to your $30k/$100k model. And you are right, the economy can not survive without a banking system... however the banks out there now are just as broke as the big 3 when it comes to leadership. Reward for failure by bailing them out... big 3, let them go under. Both sides have major issues if they go down. If the big 3 go under you're looking at possibly a million more out of work. How strong will the economy be when no one has money to spend because they are out of a job? Also, banks in a sense are nothing more than businesses... why not let many of the lesser ones fail? If they can not stay viable on their own let them go under right? Talk about exemption.
  6. Give me a break on this caving in crap. Just to bad in many cases the upper level of management are the ones that being overpaid.
  7. So it's ok to constantly bail out financial institutions with their same failed leadership and no business plans offered? Shouldn't the CEO's of these bail out companies be made to take a large decrease in salary and NO bonuses?
  8. My father retired from GM when he was 60. Offered an early retirement. I believe retirement, unless offered early package is 62. May be wrong on that though. Who's to say they are overpaid? What do you think they should make per hour if you could set the rate?
  9. The luxury car point is simple... they are expensive. Most union people I know can't afford them. However, most people here believe that union workers make so much money, should be able to afford one of those vehicles huh? Looking to protect my own deal? I work within the union because I believe in the labor movement and because of the job description. I don't promote the union to save myself in any way. I promote the union because I have seen first hand how being unionized can help workers and their families. And I get it as well... you dislike unions, think they are a waste. You are only out for your bottom line, who cares about anyone else. Got it. I think it's unconscionable for the government to just toss money into every failing bank and then back off when it comes to the Big 3. How come these banks don't have to provide a business plan for the money they receive to make it's being used correctly? Let's face it, some banks took the money and sat on it instead of using for what it's for. Other financial institutions like AIG just wasting money. No one has issues with that either. The big 3 are being blasted for bad business plans, bad leadership, etc. Shouldn't the financial institutions be held to the same standards. A failing business is a failing business. Yet, people are backing off on the bail out money that could help save millions of jobs. Makes no sense to me.
  10. I just wish you would stop with this "greedy" union nonsense. Does not make sense in any way... yes you will respond that all union workers make so much money per hour. I don't see a lot of union guys/gals living in mansions or driving Cadillacs/BMWs or Mercedes.
  11. Just face it American cars have gotten much better. It's a fact.
  12. All I know is that I have owned nothing but GM. Never had a major issue.
  13. True. The benefit packages are outstanding. I also agree that a lot can be scaled back with the contracts. And a lot has been already. Unfortunately, the largest concession does not take place till 2010. All sides has to realize cuts have to happen for the good of their careers and company.
  14. Completely wrong on that. There is still a huge need for unions. I have been on organizing drives where new citizens were told that if they didn't work normally 65 hours a week sometimes more (at normal base pay which was horrible) they would be fired or the INS would deport them. If they mentioned union, they would be fired or deported. As new citizens they did not fully understand what was happening. There job was not one to be working those kind of hours with barely a break.. Very dangerous. So dangerous that one guy being sleep deprived accidently pulled out in front of a tractor trailer... killed him by decapitation. The lovely company gave his family a grand to be quiet about his hours.
  15. Sad thing is that pretty much EVERY american worker makes more than the foreign competitors. I may charge $500 for one quick project, which is on the cheap. Some dude from India is willing to do the same thing for $50. No one can compete with that. The U.S. Import/Export is f'd up. Not necessarily fair to U.S. Interesting thing I heard this morning. GM vehicles in sold in China are to be considered luxury, some.. the best. Selling more and more over there. Here... people think they are junk. Sad.
  16. Sorry with so many lame posts, got confused.
  17. Now that was the Best Post of the day.
  18. Wow now THAT was the best post of the day. Maybe week.
  19. How about a freakin question... ok with you? Talk about a tool. I work for a union, we do not have that deal. Wondering who does ok?
  20. What your monthly/yearly dues if you don't mind me asking?
  21. my bad. just used to everyone saying $70 per hour not including benefit packages.
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