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Everything posted by pBills

  1. And you can also add ridiculous. Why should a failed leader gain so much. I also know that it's not a check. I also agree about the complaining over the private jets into DC. Not a big deal to me. I just laugh that there is no question, no thought process, no request for a business plan from companies like AIG. They just hand over money left and right. Yet, there is a huge debate over helping out/loaning the big 3 money.
  2. Why won't you admit that GM and the Big 3 have come along way? Everyone knows that they were behind in creating hybrids.
  3. It's not jealously. People are complaining about fiscal responsibility and then you see some CEO get canned for a failing company and receive a severance package worth $70 million +. Compensation is part of the problem... just one of the many levels.
  4. Of course it's front and center, they are always striving to protect the right to choose. Their belief is doing what they can to promote women's health care
  5. So $4.00 more is bad for you? It's also about bringing labor cost down to relate to the foreign made vehicles. Not a bad idea. If with the companies in bad shape, I think it would be bad if they undercut the employees that much. Let's face it the employees are losing a ton. Granted in order to keep their jobs but it's got to be a huge lifestyle change. I agree management should have their salaries cut down as well. The $1 for the year is a nice symbolic move, but that has to be changed permanently. I would be happy if they made 2-5 million per year instead of what $14 million.
  6. BS!!! I guess you haven't read much about the UAW adding in even more concessions (on top of the earlier ones)? By the time this contract is up the average union salary will be $4.00 above the foreign made auto workers. The UAW is also taking over retiree health care benefits in 2010. Workers will also be starting at a whopping $9 per hour. The union is doing all it can to help out the Big 3. And the Job Bank only has 1,200 employees within it. Not even enough to cry over.
  7. My belief is that it should be said in schools. It is part of our countries history, it instills a sense of patriotism and can/should make kids think about being part of this great country. Especially when they are being taught the history of it. No valid reason not to say it.
  8. I think the team has talent. Just no one knows how to use it properly. Come on a new WR that is 6'5" or whatever and the ball is never thrown his way except in these dumb ass short passing routes. Obvious that the browns and 49ers losses hurt us badly and now the team is really relying on running the table. Plain and simple, they have to run the table to have even the slightest chance. One loss = looking for draft picks
  9. From that bad video looked as though the Ball was some what close to Welker. BS penalty.
  10. Seriously? Mac programs are so easy. Pretty much click and publish. If you wanted to get more involved and use better programs, there's Dreamweaver, etc.
  11. Easiest ways are: As mentioned... blogspot.com (Create a Free Blog) https://www.blogger.com/start Or if you have a Mac - you can use iLife. You can create a website through that program. Very easy.
  12. Man you are the best. Anytime anyone has something to say that differs from your opinion. They are making up stupid things and they are wrong. Always right huh?
  13. Multi-million dollar salaries fraction or not should be reduced dramatically. I have said from day one that contracts are high. I do believe it's not due to wages. As stated before it's health care on many levels as well as pension plans... both of which are and continue to be worked on. Double time is for Holidays, Weekend is time and a half. And yes, every worker when they come in for overtime sits on their ass. That is the thing I get tired of hearing. People hear a bad story here or there about someone a-hold who abused the system and their job and every union worker is like that. It's BS. And in regards the health insurance for life, the UAW has already planned on taking that over starting 2010. Strike is ALWAYS THE LAST RESORT. No one wants to strike. Even if management won't even listen, come to the arbitration table or flat out tell the workers to go f themselves. A very small percentage of contract negotiations lead to strike.
  14. Do you think this crisis started within the last two years? Unfortunately the better lines are coming out now. And it may be to late. That's Southern Cal.. here on the east coast any luxury SUV is mainly a Tahoe or a suburban. I have a new Suburban. It is by far the best SUV I have driven.
  15. GM has been putting out some quality products lately. Catching up fast.
  16. So let's have the companies go through all of that, killing their name even more with potential buys instead of giving them a loan as long as they have an approved business plan. A business plan that would encompass pretty much everything you said above. The loan would help them move in the right direction for retooling plants. Oh and you forgot.. they should also cut down management and CEO compensation (CEO's down to $1 (maybe $2) million per year). And please let's stop with the extortion or union strong arming crap. It's BS. Oh and in regards to salary... answering a question with a question. What's wrong with workers making $14 - $25 per hour? Is that to much?
  17. First off - I have NEVER acted as though a job is a right. A job is just that... a job. If hired, one must work hard and earn their money and hopefully benefits. Whether or not they have family members who decided to not work in the auto industry is irrelevant. Those people are simply proud of being auto workers, being part of the UAW. I give them credit for that, they take pride in their job. I agree with you on the CEO's part, they should ALL take large cuts in salary. If the wages are drawn back for the workers on the line so should theirs.
  18. Ok genius since you have a crystal ball. What will happen EXACTLY if they let the Big 3 go bankrupt?
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