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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Go with wine. I prefer Cabernet. Great smooth buzz.
  2. Good deal that gas has been going down since I bought my Suburban. :-)
  3. Have a few tickets to Gala's on the Sunday before. Gaining more tickets to Inaugural Balls on Tuesday as well. Other than that, staying away from the crowds if I can.
  4. The move of bringing down salaries, etc. to be only $4.00 above toyota, etc. will make them more competitive.
  5. I firmly believe that we will beat the f'ing fish. However, can the 49ers and Seahawks pull upsets this week? I doubt it. That would be to nice if that could happen though.
  6. I am actually looking into this since it was refuted again yesterday during the bridge loan talks. Also, in 2010 the average worker will be making only $4.00 more than toyota,etc.
  7. so what do you think the average UAW worker makes per hour including benefits? Let me guess $73 per hr? If that's the case, please two steps back and come back later on. Already been listed as false. Even today in bail out talks. maybe you can pledge to come back after you learn something about unions.
  8. Even today in bailout proceedings. The panel had stated that some of the money that has been used for the large financial companies was used appropriately. And that they plan to have those companies back in to explain their actions. I am no expert. Neither are you. You have your opinions... I have mine. We disagree. Big deal.
  9. Fact is that many of the many publications have stated that American cars have caught up and some have passed.
  10. Ass hat I have never said it was the same thing. I have said time and time again... that I feel as though it's ridiculous that within the other bailout there was no scrutiny, nothing. Basically a blank check for a really large amount of money. Triple or even four times the amount of this loan/bailout.
  11. And I feel that way about Toyota's and Hondas. Again, difference of opinion.
  12. I have said plenty of times that there are many levels that HAVE to be altered. From CEO's pay to union wages, to dealer networks, etc., etc. Thanks for your opinion based on data and facts. I just don't value your opinion on everything like some people here do.
  13. Funny thing is that no one had any questions... just handed over much larger numbers earlier. No accountability. No scrutiny. Now for a much smaller number (granted a billion is a billion), there is nothing but scrutiny. And John - we get it. You don't like American made cars.
  14. I have said pay them a comparable rate. Many of these CEO's within the Big 3 are being paid much more than the executives from Toyota and Honda. And when large salaries start to hurt and companies shouldn't they ALL be cut back? Or is it just the blue collar sector to be cut back?
  15. Well Einstein, lets see how many agents are generating million dollar accounts in this market. Tool. And really, talk about headlines all of your talking are just that. Congrats, you are awesome at blogging. Your parents must be so proud.
  16. Give me a break. That is one weak argument. Yes, you are right. I guess my opinions on CEO's being paid to much or having ridiculous severance packages is completely flawed as compared to his opinions. Keep going, keep spouting nonsense as usual.
  17. You can give the money with terms. Just like the smaller banks they have bailed out in order to open up the loan process. Many of those banks were not giving out loans after they were bailed out. In AIG's case, looks as though the generating millions in future businesses is working out very well. ?? I have not heard their excuse for the retreats except someone telling me that they were funded by a subsidiary. To me that means nothing. I have worked for a large corporation that was in trouble. All of the subsidiaries had to curb their spending even if they were in good standing. And please do not talk down to me. You are not better than me in any way, shape or form.
  18. And yet, even though AIG has wasted money on retreats, they still give. They should have demanded a business plan and a change in leadership before handing anymore money over.
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