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Everything posted by pBills

  1. So KD can the companies do something to lower prices?
  2. But is it ALL based on supply-demand. Could there be price manipulation?
  3. Simply saying that MANY people have commutes like mine. To say, "don't buy as much gas" is not a valid idea
  4. I live 33 miles from where I work. Walking is not an option. I already carpool with my father-in-law. Mass Transit is not an option either. Sooo, I wish I could stop buying so much gas... but that's not an option. There is no doubt that fuel prices going up affects other industries. I don't drink coffee so no idea about that.
  5. My only problem with not drafting Gabbert this year is that we then have to wait to next to MAYBE have the opportunity to get Luck. Then wait a year or so for him to start. Drafting Gabbert gives us at least one year for him to get ready behind Fitz.
  6. Can we request the birth certificates for both the Chicken and Egg? I need to know which one came first.
  7. NOT typical liberal thinking. I think it's horrible that gas prices are going up the way they are and so far it seems like no one has an answer on how to get them under control and lowered.
  8. Just following your lead. Oh and by the way, since you're always busting my balls about about spelling.. it's "consistent"
  9. problem is that they will bicker about every little thing instead of compromising and getting things done.
  10. I would welcome you to try to punch me. I would love it. After all I'm a union thug. Personally I like to call all Far Right Republicans and Far Left Democrats dumbasses. If I am wrong on where the birther thing started, I am wrong. I always thought that it was started via the Tea Party / Faux News.
  11. I agree, I'm sure prices would come down some. I wonder how much though... under $3.00 per gallon, under $2.00?
  12. Oh come on... it was stated a LONG time ago that he was born in Hawaii. Blame the dumb ass Tea Party people who created this non-issue.
  13. No, I made it sound like it's not that easy of an idea to pack your family and move. It would be the end of the story if Boeing was not breaking any Labor Laws. If they weren't... it would be a crappy issue for the workers in one state and a good occasion for the workers in the other, nothing more.
  14. Mock all you want buddy. It's all in good fun.
  15. Funny thing is that I could care less. It's a message board, nothing more than a place to give your opinion. Nothing should be taken to seriously here.
  16. YES, take your kids out of their schools, leave your relatives, up and leave the area in which you live. Stop being a whiney ass bitches. erynthered, F you.
  17. Give me a guess on how that would help us now. What do you think gas prices would be like today IF drilling took place in ANWR 10 years ago?
  18. I am not misrepresenting what I have said in the past. Most of your posts start out by denigrating someone you know will disagree with you. ie: dipschit Which leads to..... No people do not take you seriously and yes you are funny.
  19. I would personally like to thank Donald Trump for bringing an end to this birther issue. One can only imagine what this kind of leadership will do in the Middle East.
  20. Not true. Actions of the few do not represent the whole. As I said earlier, it's a shame that both parties are being led by the far left or right of their party.
  21. Problem drilling the F out of everywhere for oil is that plan would still take years to actually come to life. Meanwhile prices are still way to high. Problem with the GOP is that just like the Democrats they are letting the far right lead their party.
  22. dipschit... nice. And you wonder why people don't listen to you or take you seriously. The funny thing here is that you and your little buddies believe that actions of the few represent a whole group. Such a horrible philosophy.
  23. Let's hope that the GOP wins... they'll keep companies in the U.S.!! They have the plan for job creation and the future of America!!
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