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Everything posted by pBills

  1. Oh and by the way... I was hiding or running from you. Someone who prides themselves being a great blogger. Dork. This union guy is getting back to work and doesn't have time for your crap.
  2. A hole I just replied to your typical one-sided post. Never see the other side right.
  3. Ok, I had to do one last one because KD is a dickweed. KD you talk about being blind to discussion yet all you have done is bash the union. You have not once that you even understand any part of their side. Talk about being blind. Example "Kill the unions" I have always said that things have to change with the health care plans. If they can't reduce the costs, people should put may into their coverage a bit. I do not believe that there is any problem with these men and women making on average $6 more than the non LOAN asking companies. They have already taken a huge hit in both health care, pensions and eventually in wages. Plus, the problem with these companies is not all the unions fault. In my desperate grasp? Such a tool. I threw out Walmart because as people should know or in your in case probably blind to it. They undercut their employees, kill small town stores and import more from China than some nations. Yet, people like you praise them. Have you realized that if the big 3 go under those other companies you love will be negatively affected as well? And you also keep ignoring that if they file for bankruptcy it will still kill the company. Who would buy from a bankrupt company? Especially when people still believe that their product is bad?
  4. Nope. I am done. Damn those a-hole unions. How dare they protect the workers. I can't believe in any of the good things that they have done for the American Worker. I hope every job gets outsourced and we as a country import more from foreign countries. And for those who don't like those ideas, we'll let a few set up shop here with huge subsidies. Viva la India!!
  5. Ok. I am done with this constant union bashing. I'll go with your master plan. Let the big 3 fail. Eventually have another million people out of work. Makes sense to me. But that's ok.... for you guys it's all the unions fault. :wallbash: Next, let's buy more and rely more on outsourcing and foreign products (Walmart). Great plan KD
  6. Again, blame the union. Just sad. BREAKING NEWS: Everyone it's ONLY the unions fault that this industry is going down. :lol:
  7. Oh here we go. Let me answer AGAIN. Yes. Once concessions come in to play their pay including benefits will place them roughly $5-$6 higher than the FOREIGN-owned automaker employees. Are they asking you for you to pay for their health care for life. Um no. I thought you were smarter than that.
  8. Yes and eventually having a million more people out of work is great too buddy. I wonder if they will give money to Bank of America next... they are cutting what 35,000 jobs soon? Playing politics? Who dumped the bridge loan?
  9. Please stop blaming the union. It's absolutely ridiculous. And I have no idea how many times I have to say this. Parity relating to benefits would come through the concessions the UAW has already taken on. Any other cut would be ridiculous. I find it sad that these people can't/won't see what will happen if these companies go under. The cities in which GM plants reside will eventually die... and more people will out of work. Just sad. And who are you to say what they are worth? The government really wants to help companies and people out fix the f'ing health care industry. Making $75/hr including benefit packages. Which read above the UAW has already billions of dollars worth of concessions. What else does the worker have to give up? How about working for $7 per hour... would that be good for some of you people?
  10. Health Care for retirees will be taken over completely by the union. Funding for the will come from their investments.
  11. And to that the union has taken on the benefits. Their concessions will greatly reduce the cost to the companies. Chapter 11 will kill these companies. Who in their right mind will buy from a bankrupt company?
  12. Can't agree with the greed part of that. Maybe when it comes to health care, but we know that is expensive for everyone. No wonder why contracts are so expensive. It's easy to blame everything on the union.
  13. So $3 to $4 per hour more than the non-union. That's a ton more huh?
  14. Wrong. Posted on CNN. Currently, analysts estimate the union workers at U.S. automakers make about $3 to $4 per hour more than the non-union U.S. employees of foreign automakers like Toyota and Honda, according to the Center for Automotive Research. The benefit costs are significantly greater for U.S. automakers, though, because they have to pay health care costs for hundreds of thousands of retirees. The union agreed to close much of that gap in the 2007 labor agreements by shifting responsibility for retiree health care to union-controlled trust funds. But those changes won't take effect until 2010.
  15. From CNN: Currently, analysts estimate the union workers at U.S. automakers make about $3 to $4 per hour more than the non-union U.S. employees of foreign automakers like Toyota and Honda, according to the Center for Automotive Research. The benefit costs are significantly greater for U.S. automakers, though, because they have to pay health care costs for hundreds of thousands of retirees. The union agreed to close much of that gap in the 2007 labor agreements by shifting responsibility for retiree health care to union-controlled trust funds. But those changes won't take effect until 2010. So republican leaders (Mitch McConnell = ahole) what's the real reason?
  16. The UAW has already offered and ratified changes in their contract that will reduce pension plans, health care (retiree health care taken on by the UAW) and hourly wages (effective 2010). So for people to say greedy is ridiculous. They have done a ton to help the companies out. Hell just restructuring retiree health care saves billions.
  17. Why is FU UAW? Because they did not want to lose or give up even more than they already have? Pensions have been cut, health care for retirees has been TAKEN ON BY THE UAW, a reduction in wages takes affect in 2010. Yes, F the UAW for screwing this up. My Butt. It's republicans in right to work states who lose nothing if it goes through or lose nothing if it fails. They are just protecting their collective butts. Hell most of these same people have approved or helped approved millions in subsidies for Toyota, etc. They are worried about it being a waste of taxpayer money... Yeah right. And to say make them squirm for every penny? Why? Oh that's because there is a different standard for wall street as compared to the big 3. Nothing more than a last attempt at class warfare.
  18. Yes, again. Blame the union. Fact again is that union already had wage reduction as a concession for 2010. And can we stop calling this a bail out. It's a loan. And I think it's sad that republicans are so willing to break the unions that they will let this fail. Just goes to show that their states aren't effected as much.
  19. Even though I live right outside of DC. Still would have a hard time becoming a Skins fan. Maybe become a Giants fan?
  20. I still believe in Trent. However, we need some more weapons. A good TE would be nice. An Offensive Coordinator that actually has a playbook to win. We also need to be able to get pressure on the QB and maybe, just maybe a Defense as a whole who gets pissed if the other team gains a yard. ie: Steelers and Ravens.
  21. Yes, SOME local union leaders have protected some lazy people here and there. However those instances should not mean that the unions as a whole are full of lazy people. I get awfully tired of hearing this complete nonsense about raping the employer, etc. It's complete BS. All unions have to follow rules set by the DOL. And let's face it the current administration in the DOL is no friend to unions. You say that the average union is a relic. I disagree with that. I have seen many instances where unions help people out. I have also seen companies like Walmart who have broken many labor laws in the past fight against union organization? I wonder why, so that the employer can abuse their workers.
  22. Great idea. Wondering how it will be paid for though. Granted putting people back to work will eventually spark the economy... still have to pay for it.
  23. I guess dumb posts can still places after 5:00 P.M.
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