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Everything posted by pBills

  1. You mean mister I can't accept that pBills answered your questions.
  2. And here is KD mister personality. Don't need a union to know that you are an a-hole. Said with respect of course. Oh and congrats on the salary. Just to bad not every one is as lucky as you. Can you tell me about the extortion again? Those union dues are SOOO pricey. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  3. I don't care. Next job be a little bit more proud of.
  4. And what I bolded is changed via concessions. And I do agree with you. Workers can pay more. However you have to get to a point where it's bottom and you are just beating down the workers.
  5. Why can't you just say? Are you that shy, scared?
  6. So let the companies go under and have possibly millions more out of work? Question... did the bank execs show up in DC via private jets? Weren't they bailed out as well? I do not agree with them doing that. But it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme.
  7. So what do you do Ramius? Shy about that? And don't worry about only union members receiving union benefits.. my brother in law who dislikes unions receives all of the benefits awarded via contract from the police union.
  8. I have worked within the union for two years, Raised by parents who worked for GM. Always believed in and still believe in Labor. You paying $65/per month for heath insurance. You should be thankful for that. My last company wanted the employees to pay anywhere from $750 per month to $1,000 per month for insurance. Your benefits are about the same as many union people I know.
  9. Maybe then you ought to be a bit more sympathetic to unions since your parents work paid for you.
  10. upwards of 8,000k Detroit Free Press: In that instance, Toyota Motor Corp. gave workers at its largest U.S. plant bonuses of $6,000 to $8,000, boosting the average pay at the Georgetown, KY, plant to the equivalent of $30 an hour. That compares with a $27 hourly average for UAW workers, most of whom did not receive profit-sharing checks last year. Toyota would not provide a U.S. average, but said its 7,000-worker Georgetown plant is representative of its U.S. operations.
  11. You obviously aren't worried about losing your job or those around you.
  12. Dude you know absolute crap about working for a union. So top with the nonsense. It's because I realized I don't have the time to dig through this site to see what an over paid waste of space you are.
  13. How are they crappy concessions? Because they are effective in 2010? Would you give up a portion of your retirement and pay more for health care to help your company out? Doubt it. Would you be pissed if someone told you that's a crappy concession? Yes.
  14. I have answered that before. I have stated that with the massive cuts they are taking in regards to health care and pension plans and plus not having the bonuses that are received by those other companies. Yes, they do deserve it.
  15. Are you to dumb to read that I have stated time and time again about the cost of benefits added on to hourly wage. Damn. How about my posts regarding concessions that bring the benefits back to being comparable to the other automakers.
  16. Seriously keep spouting off the same nonsense to raise your posting number. I have answered you questions, get over it. BTW: Midway through the month, December's job cut total stands at 115,416. Keep it going right?
  17. I don't have time for that. side note: Midway through the month, December's job cut total stands at 115,416. Let's not help out the big 3 and autoworkers. Maybe we can reach 1.2 million more by the end of next quarter. In terms of job losses, 2008 is on pace to be the worst since 1982, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. But if Baumohl's 600,000+ prediction is accurate, 2008 could show the greatest number of layoffs since 1945, when the economy shed 2.75 million jobs. http://money.cnn.com/news/specials/storysu...ateautoworkers/
  18. Wrong. When I go home. I have a set lunch hour every day. Thanks for playing. Source Detroit Free Press: January 31, 2007 Auto-Worker Pay Per Hour UAW Average - $27 Toyota, KY - $30 Nissan, TN - $26+ Interesting how a few of the Republicans that killed this deal have large if not the largest foreign auto plants in the US in their state. They also receive backing from these companies. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/#28184396
  19. It's called a lunch hour that's almost over. You have one those right? Oh that's right thanks to the work of unions in the past.
  20. With some of the anti-union comments... I guess ignorance is bliss.
  21. First off your numbers are incorrect. Secondly the UAW has altered their contracts to being them down to be very comparable. Some republicans in none US automaker states and right to work states want more. Really they want to crush/remove the union. How do you know their education levels. Just assuming? Most teachers do every well with their salary and benefits, their union has set them up well.
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